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House Furyborn

One of the original 13 great houses of Asrinheim, House Furyborn are rulers of Furunheim and famed warriors and adventurers going back thousands of years. Originally hailing from Old Vanaheim on the border of the Vale of the Elves and The Crag, the Furyborn sailed with Frigga and the 13 other great houses to settle the Aedrinaran archipleago.   The Furyborn are amongst the 5 remaining great houses that are no extinct, exiled, lost, or innactive. They continue ancient traditions from the Primal Elf homeland and honed in the thousands of years since the Ice Elf culture emerged as its own unique subset of elven heritage. Weathing every storm, invasion, and war, the house of the fury remain esteemed members of upper Asrini nobility.  


The furyborn take their symbol from the harpy - painting it gold to symbolise their wealth, nobility, and ferocity. Considered an agressive peiece of heraldry by Ice Elf standards, the symbol predates the family's arrival in Asrinheim and was claimed when they originally settled Old Vanaheim in the early mythic age. Legend holds it depicts the Fury of the Seas, a legendary harpy that the first Furyborn elders defeated and subdued, making her their oracle and standard.  



As a great house, the Furyborn use a hereditary position to determine eldership and leadership of the house and island. This archaic practice has long been phased out in most other areas of Asrinheim, but where a great house still rule it is continuously practiced as the eldest member of a family will succeed as elder when the previous elder dies.   This system ran relatively well for thousands of years until the current generation. Tiristar Furyborn was the youngest of his family, and all of his siblings and parents were killed when Olaf III and his armies invaded Furunheim,  incorporating it into the Seventh Kingdom of Aedrinar. Tiristar, nearing 750, is going to leave the position of elder to the relatively young elf at the age of 231, as the elder of one of the most powerful houses in Asrinheim.


By Vaniri standards the Furyborn are the most sociable and outward of the great houses. Forging strong relationships with their Aedrinarian neighbours in spite of their previous conflicts, the Furyborn can appear almost Aedrinaran in their practices of war and 'might is right' attitude to external conflict. The adventurous and outward looking spirit of Tiristar has been passed onto his children, who both desire to explore and experience the world for all it is worth.


Originally coming from the region of Old Vanaheim in the modern Vale and Crag, the Furyborn were a warrior family in service of Frigga Fennalir, the leader of the Vaniri. When Frigga recieved omens of the elven empire's doom and the death of her people if they stayed in their ancestral homeland, the Furyborn were amongst the Vaniri who exiled themselves and launched a fleet to a land where Frigga foretold great promise and assencion for her people.   Settling what is now Sudalfeland, the Furyborn supported early colonization by largely remained at the side of Frigga and her house in the growing colony of Exile's Rock. As the houses of Alise and Moonbow expanded throughout Sudalfenland, the Furyborn saught their own home and were granted permission by Frigga to launch an invasion of the nearby island of Furunheim.   At this time, Furunheim was home to a triumvirate temple of the Forgotten Gods who would retain raid and attack the elven colony. The Furyborn launched the fleet from what is now Mammothrun and landed near Krakenpost. Battling through the island they sullied the cult and pushed them out completely, allowing those not indoctrinated into the cult to escape to free tribes or to the derro lands to the east.   Building a home at Ferenvire, two further settlements would spring up on the island. To the south, a port town of Krakenpost, and to the north, a lumber town of Marthiel. The island thrived and would go onto be the staging ground for future strikes against the Forgotten Gods when Frigga married Odin and the Vaniri joined their human neighbours in revolotion against the dark and twisted dieties of the islands.   After Frigga's assencion and the loss of her house, the Furyborn remained one of the 12 remaining great houses and established themselves as strong overlords of their island with no competition throughout the ages. The house became the first line of defence against the frost giants in the Jotun-Vaniri war of the 3800s, me, with the Furyborn fleet sinking many attempted landing ships in the southern islands.   Furyborn Youth became avid practicers of the old form of coming of age, sailing from Krakenpost to Jotun to slay a frost giant and become a full adult. It would not be until the early third age this practice was last performed, with the modern Furyborn looking at more modern forms of rites of adulthood.   The house weathered the calamtious War of the Great Houses in the second age with ease - fending off attempted attacks by the war hungry House Waterglow and their allies House Springfast.   It would not be until the third age when disaster and near destruction would finally hit the proud, ancient family. The Eastern Islands of Aedrinar had been taken over by a power hungry and half-vaniri member of House Dragontooth named Olaf Kingmaker. Olaf would conquer much of Aedrinar and Asrinheim, launching an invasion of Furunheim in 519, 3e that saw Ferenvire sacked alongside Krakenpost and most of the ruling Furyborns killed in battle or hunted down.   The family's only survivor, Tiristar, was away as a mercenary and adventurer during the Marcian Wars. Although hearing of the loss of his home, the call to adventure and reclaiming his ancestral seat would not come until decades after the war's conclusion. Sailing back home, stronger than he was when he left, Tiristar became the focal point of rebellion and launched a full scale uprising in 582. Pushing the Aedrinarans back in furious battle, the humans were forced out of the island in what would come to be known as the Fury Rebellions.   The rebellions earned the Furyborns the deep respect of many of Aedrinar's houses, who value war and death in battle above all else. The house struggled along with limited members. Tiristar's two eldest children would die throughout the centuries on their own adventures, leaving only a young Arystyr and Aera Furyborn as heirs to the family name.   During the 40 Year War the Furyborn were amongst the first Ice Elves to enter the conflict when the Aedrinaran nations joined with The Commonwealth against Seldrinar and Eldrian invasions.   Fighting throughout Tumbria, Tiristar Furyborn would lead a valiant charge of Ice Elf warriors to rescue a trapped King Hardrada and Erik Valkinshor, and the three would bond for the rest of the war and continue to battle and celebrate victories together. In Duskfall, 1052, Tiristar will turn 750 and Ascend to his death. As a final farewell, he was invited by King Hardrada to a feast to honour him and adventurers Doomed 2 Die. Whilst at the feast, the Furyborn heir Arystyr narrowly survived an attempted assasination plot thanks to the intervention of the heroes.
Founding Date
Mythic Age
Geopolitical, Great house
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities


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