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Gorgon of Many Faces

Gorgon of Many Faces

A young green dragon hailing from the Commonwealth, Gorgon is a powerful, cunning, and mischevous dragon with a love for theatrics and disguise. A horder of secrets and minions, Gorgon had been posing as men of power within Buchstable, notably Bishop Goldstein, in order to gather secrets on the rich and wealthy and extort money from them. His secrets revealed by Doomed 2 Die, Gorgon has left the sleepy village and has threatened a war of retallion against the party after he discovered they had killed two dozen of his kobold minions.   Gorgon took the title of "Many Faces" given his tendancy to use shape-shifting to pose as people he had kidnapped and taken back to his lair, using these disguises to amass secrets, wealth, and most importantly to the dragon, minions. By dragon standards, the kobolds considered Gorgon a "decent boss" and Gorgon valued his servants more than his gold or stature.   The 7th Harvestyme would be a dark day for the dragon, as Doomed 2 Die found his lair and slaughtered nearly all of his kobold minions who had sworn their lives to protect it and their master. Not realising this massacre at first, Gorgon let the party go and promised to get out of town. When he went to fetch his minions, he realised what the party had done and was enraged. Gorgon began tracking the party, and found them at Azura's trial in The Miskatonic, where he posed as a bystander. As the group came in, Gorgon approached Einar and gave a cryptic threat about getting the group back for what they did.   Gorgon has agreed to stop his plans in accordance with the Code of Gagnulak, agreeing to an arbitation by a third party, supporting the party's nomination of the Aedrinarian goddess of death, Hel.

Mental characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

Gorgon seems to be remarkably intelligent and shrewd, always playing the chess game of his schemes at least five moves ahead. Rather than lash out in rage like other dragons, or destroy settlements on a whim, Gorgon seems to have mastered the ability to blend in and sow discord. Gorgon also plays by honour, taking a word made in good faith as a bond, when outed by Doomed 2 Die he agreed to leave, and sees general conflict as resolvable through words and diplomacy. This would potentially be why the dragon is biding their time to take revenge on Doomed 2 Die, potetially waiting for them to atone for what they did or playing the long game with a scheme of perfect revenge.
Status: Alive   First Appearance: Session 24, Buchstable Mysteries (In Disguise)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Green scales
Apperances: 3
  • Session 24, Buchstable Mysteries (In Disguise)
  • Session 25, His Unholiness
  • Session 32, Arbitration
  • Session 81: Into the Breach


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