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House Charhart

A young noble house dating back to the formation of the Eighth Kingdom of Aedrinar, House Charhart are a modern looking and progessive noble family that rose to prominence in Halgafjar for their support of Sigrun III. Becoming key players, sailors, and traders during the late 10th century. in 1028, Orvina Charhart became the Thane of Halgafjar and would go onto be suceeded by her second daughter, Gunthrid Charhart.   Considered remarkable warriors but minor players in the grand scheme of Aedrinaran politics, the Charharts are forging a strong connection within their home Halgafjar and look to bring the city back to its ancient glory days of the third kingdom and eclipse the other trade ports of Aedrinar within a century. Ambitious but small, the Charharts have been known as the "shrimp that bite" as a joking insult at their small but fiesty standing.  


The Charhart's claim a fish as their sigil, using royal purple as their field to show wealth, power, and good family structure. The fish itself has long been as symbol of Halgafjar and was incorpated to resemble it. The Chartharts have no official words or motto.  


  • Thane Gunthild Charhart
  • Arya Charhar
  • Arne Charhart
  • Asbyra Charhart
  • Karl Charhart
  • Vastrid Charhart
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Great house
Parent Organization


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