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House Just-Coin

Amongst the youngest of the Five Great Houses of Kriegerholm, House Just-Coin come from the merchant classes of their city and were appointed as Aldermen after the wiping out of House Goldenhorde during the Kriegerholm Revolt of 937. Keen merchants and administrators the Just-Coins are overseers of Krigerholm's most prosperous and trade-centric distric of the Goldlands.   Relatively minor, the Just-Coins are often the peacekeeprs of the fractured five houses, focusing on keeping trade and commerce stable in the face of potential blood feuds and infighting between the other great houses. Despite their young age and small stature, the house are not without enemies such as the Silver-Forks, who are constantly trying to wrestle influence away from the Just-Coins.  


  • Alderman Astrid Just-Coin: the current head of the family, Astrid is a fair and just ruler who duel wields longswords. She values honour and the law above all else. 
  • Kef Just-Coin A Cyrenian man and former resident of Little Cyrene who married Astrid when they fought together during the war. Kef is far less trusting of people and is deeply suspicious of the Silver-Forks and the Danes for the threat they pose to his wife’s house.
  • Leri Just-Coin: The only child of the Just Coins, Leri is a curious child who loves to play in the gardens.
  • Arthunda Just-Coin:The younger sister of Astrid, Arthunda acts as a steward and adminstraitor for the family, taking her job very seriously. She tends to be quiet and reserved
  • Hroar Just-Coin: The older brother of Astrid, Hroar is a care-free drunkard who likes to roam the hall in just his trousers. His ex-wife, Vesta, left him five years ago when she tired of his nonsense.
  • o Jon Just-Coin: A smart, talented, and cunning son of Hroar who is sick of his father’s antics. Jon is training hard with the local militia to hone his battle skills.


More metropolitan and modern than the other Aedrinaran houses - House Just-Coin are merchants and traders at their core. Prefering the stability of internal peace, the family would rather negotiate through feuds and strife than rely on battle like other families.


The Just-Coins once owned the famous Merchant's Rest Hall, a local landmark of the Goldlands, until they granted it to one of their warriors following the 40 Year War. The family still own much of the land in the district which the earned prior to their rise as a major house and use the rental fees to fund large projects for their district.   The family's current hold is in Goldkeeper Hall. A large, noble manorhouse with a simple wooden palisade for the defence the hall acts as a civic centre and adminsitration hub for various merchant organizations as well as the Just-Coin's own administrational needs and home.


Originating in the Third Interregnum as a powerful merchant family, the Just-Coins claimed plentiful land in the Goldlands during the city's initial strife following the Calamaity of the Terrasic. Leasing the territory and using the money to build a grand mead hall that would become the local landmark the Merhcant's Rest as well as rebuilding the Coingate markets, the Just-Coins became one of the wealthiest families in all of Aedrinar and had earnt their wealth through trade and patience instead of war and pillaging.   When Sigrun III attempted to reorganize the southern hold around a jarldom based in Odinsthrone, Kriegerholm errupted into revolt as their Jarl status would be taken away. Sigrun's attack on the rebellious city with the aid of her allies Estra Winter-Shield and Ivar the Older of House Thornstrom saw the wealthy Goldland's district pillaged for most of its wealth. Using hidden and foreign assets, the Just-Coins helped to rebuild damaged businsses and offer low-interst loans to merchants restoring the city's economy. As a reward, Orthidyja Just-Coin was offered the vacant position of Alderman.   During the 40 year, the Just-Coins did serve as warriors and raiders. One of their warriors, Arnja Wilvasdottir, would save the life of a young Astrid Just-Coin and would later be rewarded with ownership of the Just-Coin's original business, the Merchant's Rest Hall, as a reward for her service in battle and to the house. Astrid married a Cyreneian man and resident of the little cyrene district of Kriegerholm named Kef and the two fought together in the Northern Shore.   Astrid became the city's peacemaker and defneder of the middle classes as Thane Blann Saltsby's poor leadership led to internal tension between the other houses. Astrid was present when Blann's role in angering the wolf clan was revealaed, and she was amongst the first to turn her back on her former thane for his role in harming trade and prosperity.   Astrid Just-Coin is amongst the candidates for the next thane, but there are fears she is too trusting. Einar remarked how it took very little for her to tell him everything that was meant to be private simply because he was calm and nice to her.   During the moot of 1052 to elect Thane Blann Saltsby's replacement as  thane, the Just-Coins were split on their votes. Astrid backed Styrbjorn Saltsby, her husband Kef backed Arngier Warpelt, and her brother Hroar Just-Coin backed himself, although nobody else took this seriously. It would be Doomed 2 Die that convinced the house to back Thane Gier Warpelt.
Founding Date
937, 3e
Geopolitical, Great house
Leader Title
Parent Organization


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