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House Seaspite

One of the five great houses of Kriegerholm and the only Sea Elf noble family in all of Aedrinar, the Seaspites are an honourable, well liked, and just family who rank as Aldermen of the Saltmarsh district of Kriegerholm. Although never holding the title of Thane, the Seaspites are amongst the most popular and respected families withing Kriegerholm.   Tracing their origins to the Glistening Isles in Zhoson, The Seapsites were refugees from their homeland for thousands of years before arriving in Aedrinar. They were invited into take the position of fifth house of Kriegerholm by House Saltsby and House Tigerheart in 533, 3e following the destruction of house Crownforger and the damage to Kriegerholm's sea defences. The Seaspites have remained in the city city, with three generations having lived there by 1052 and the family becoming culturally Aedrinarian.  


  • Corlanis Seaspite: The Alderman of Saltmarsh and son of house founder, Politon Seaspite, Corlanis is an elderly elf who remains popular and well liked.
  • Tylina Moonbow: A member of the Vaniri Great House of Moonbow, Tylina and Corlanis met at a feast in Effelin centuries ago. Falling in love, Tylina gave up her home to be with the sea elf nobleman and has lived in Saltmarsh ever since.
  • Hjalti Seaspite: Eldest child and presumed heir of Corlanis, Hjalti is a sorcerer with water and ice abilities and hero of the 40 Year War. Fighting in The Commonwealth, Hjalti met his future wife in battle.
  • Lolthyria Summerborn: A southern elf and former Seldrinar captain, Lolthyria battled with Hjalti for 8 hours before they blew off their aggression in a more 'passionate' form. After the war, Lolythyria abandoned her people and sought out Hjalti in Kriegerholm.
  • Neptune: The daughter of Hjalti and Lolthyria.
  • Korra Seapsite: Corlanis and Tylina's child. Korra has a strong military mind and leads the Seaspite house guard.
  • Orannis Seapsite: The youngest child of Corlanis and Tylina, Orannis is a herboligist.
  • Alanis Seaspite: Sister of Corlanis and steward to the family.


The Seaspites are fully Aedrinaran having integrated well into their adopted culture. Elements of Ice Elf heritage remain in the family due to their regular marriages to vaniri.


Originating in the distant Glistening Isles near Zhoson. The then Dragon Emperor, the Diremancer Emperor, attacked their home and forced them into exile. The Seapsites travelled for 300 years, becoming underwater mercanaries. Their history in this time is unknown to the wider population, but storied legends of their adventures have spread around Kriegerholm in the half a millenium since their arrival in Aedrinar.   Appearing near Kriegerholm after is sacking by Olaf III the Kingmaker, the Seaspites found the city in severe disrepair. Initially employed as mercenary guards, it was the intervention of the Saltsbys that saw the ruling Thanes appoint the Seaspites as Aldermen of Saltmarsh in exchange for their help in repairing flood defences for the rest of the city. The family was led by the son of the original Seaspite who had fled their home in the glistening Isles, Politon, who was keen to impress Aedrinaran culture and integrate his people into the local populace.   The family managed to weather the crisis that was was the Calamity of the Terrasic with Politon and his heir survived the Calamity of the Terrasic thanks to their water breathing abilities and were able to return home. They and the Saltsbys were the only surviving houses of the city and helped to rebuild the leaderless mercantile hub. Coralanis would marry into Vaniri nobility and his children would show clear signs of Ice Elf heritage.   The Seaspites were also able to resist the attack by Sigrun III in 937, 3e, with their fortress of Saltstone Keep resisting being able to avoid being broken down by the forces of the High Queen and Odinsthrone. The attackers were forced to retreat and pillage elsewhere as Corlanis and his heir, Hjalti, summoned rising tides to push the invaders out of Saltmarsh.   Alderman Corlanis and his son Hjalti were guests of King Hardrada at his feast in Duskfall 1052. The pair were suspicious of Thane Blann's apprehension at travel but confessed to Doomed 2 Die they would likely support the Saltsbys regardless as it was their duty as aldermen. When Blann's role in angering the wolf clan was revealed and Arngier Warpelt challenged him to honourable combat they did not intervene. Corlanis's name has been floated as a potential replacement as Thane.   During the moot to replace Thane Blann after his death, the majority of the Seaspites backed Styrbjorn Saltsby. A minority would back Corlanis and Gier Warpelt. The latter contingent, led by Gier's lover Korra Seapsite, would become the majority after Doomed 2 Die spoke the family and rallied Corlanis' supporters to Korra's side, switching the house vote from Styrbjorn to Gier.
Founding Date
533, 3e
Geopolitical, Great house
Leader Title
Parent Organization


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