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House Dragontooth

Amongst the great and legendary houses of Aedrinar, the Dragontooths hail from the Eastern Isles island of Orrustejya, with in a lineage of proud warriors dating back to the first age. The Dragontooths have been scant involved in the grand schemes of Aedrinar, earning their own fierce reputation for wars and defences against their vaniri nieghbours, but did field amongst the most legendary of Aedrinaran kings, Olaf III the Kingmaker.   Originating on Aedrinar during the the Age of a Thousand Clans as a minor house, the Dragontooth's take their name from the defeat of a White Dragon in the eastern hold region and the distribution of the dragon's body, especuially it's teeth, to forge mighty weapons that are still passed on through the family today. Moving to Orrustrejya in the Age of Iron and Blood, the Dragontooths have held rulership of their island for thousands of years, putting them with a similar staying power as the Wintershields or House Horfhand.   House Dragontooth has fielded only one high king, Olaf III, who did not rule from Orrustrjya but instead claimed the city of Odinsthrone. Despite being a bastard son of a minor member of the family, Olaf the Kingmaker was proud of his family name and kept it for himself and his heirs, using a blue field instead of red to designate the difference between the eastern and southern branches of the house.   As of 1052, the Dragontooths may be risk of war with the Ice Elves again as sinking ships, summoned monsters, and tensions rise in the eastern islands between aedrinaran and vaniri settlers. Their ruler, Jarl Olaf Dragontooth, is angry with King Hardrada for failing to intervene but his fury has been calmed by the promise of Doomed 2 Die to help his people in the monarch's stead.  


The Dragontooth banner comes from merging the traditional shape of a dragon longship with the shape of a serpent, creating their unique sigil. Using a red banner to represent the blood of their enemies, the dragontooth flag and sails caused fear throughout the world during the height of Aedrinaran conquests.  


  • Jarl Olaf Dragontooth
  • Kilir Dragontooth


The Dragontooth armour houses legendary dragon based armours from their legendary defeat of an ancient white dragon in the first age including armour and weapons.  


Dragonbite is a batleaxe made out of the shoulder bones of the dragon and is traditionally wielded by the ruler of the Dragontooths in war.  

The Fangs

A set of tooth shortblades, only a few are left in existence and are given to Dragontooth youth, their family, or allies as a sign of honour and respect.  


The most famous reliic, made out of bone and scale, this the dragon scale armour is used only by the greatest of Dragontooth heroes and legends with the armour rejecting any Dragontooth not worthy. The armour was lost for hundreds of years when Olaf III's son, Karl III died in battle and his body looted. It was found in a dusty tomb in 991 by Harthan Dragontooth, but when his brother Kulvr tried to ware it their ship was sunk - stranding the armour somewhere at the bottom of the sea near Orrustrejya.


The Dragontooth's originated from a family of heroes and adventuers during the final centuries of the Age of a 1000 clans. Coming from the Eastern and Southern Hold border regions, the Dragontooths rode out to slay a powerful white dragon in their land and claimed its corpse and horde for their own, building Drakehall out of its remains and with their new wealth along the coastroad between Isbrygge and Halgafjar.   The house, although wealthy, were still small and had little economy to support them, pushing them into the sphere of the larger and more important Halgafjar and were part of the vanguard of High King Rangar I the Great as he united the 1000 clans into the third kingdom of Aedrinar. The Dragontooths rose in prominence due to their close realtionship with Halgafjar and theri family would become the most passionate defenders of the realm and held the line in the Battle of Adar against Soulthek during the fall of the Sun Elves.   When the kingdom fell apart after the weak rulership of Rollo I and Rollo II, the Dragontooths were on their own and often at the mercy of the nearby Stormbarers. In 345, 3e, when the Eastern Islands were invaded by Ice Elves the Dragontooths launched a passionate invasion of Orrustejya and retook the island, moving their court and capital to the town of Orsturkirk and abandoning their ancestral home of Drakehall, but took most of their loot and the dragon's remains with them.   As Jarls of Orrustrejya the Dragontooths and their island had a relatively peaceful existence during this time. Continued battling and trading of control of the island of Vanaheim would continue throughout the age of iron and blood - with one of their last wars in 810 seeing the house nearly wiped out by a combined Asrinheim force. It was only by calling on the aide of the powerful Ragnar Wintershield that the dragontooths were saved and peacefullly incoproated into the 4th Kingdom of Aedrinar.   The house would be firm Wintershield loyalists during the kingdom and caused consistent issues for the Coldstars, and would ally with their traditional rivals the Stormbarers against the house of Coldstar. Their peace would be forgotten in the age of long winter as both houses became isolationist, prefering to keep to themselves and raid when they pleased.   Considered by many to be the greatest period of the houses history, the fifth kingdom saw the house rise to glory once again. Their powerful raiding fleet had long harassed the coastlines of Prima Terra and upon being welcomed into the fifth kingdom by Haarold II, within a century the house had grown rich and wealthy and fielded one of the finest fleets in all of Aedrinar. The Dragontooths began to settle and claim vast swathes of Prima Terra and the Marcian Empire, with their cadet houses breaking off but their legacy and legend living on as the 'dragon warriors of the isles.'   Resting on their laurels, the house were crushed by King Knut in the 2260s but managed to resist invasion. Throughout the next 800 years the glory and prestige of the house became nothing but history as they engaged in petty squabbles and wars with ice elves and the Stormbarers of Isbrygge.   A second period of glory returned to the Dragontooths when Olaf, a bastard child of a minor Dragontooth member and an ice elf, managed to earn their place as Jarl and launched an invasion of Aedrinar. Defeating the Stormbarers and the other great houses, including a sack of Kriegerholm, Olaf Dragontooth Half-Elf became Olaf III the Kingmaker and moved his court to Odinsthrone. He granted the rulership of Jarl of the East to his cousin, Afelric Dragontooth, and began a cadet branch of the family that lasted until his grandchildren would die in a blood feud.   Like many other great houses, the dragontooths were nearly wiped out by the Clamity of the Terrasic in 789. Amongst one of the only ships to survive, Garthir Dragontooth was Jarl by default and saw the loss of more of the eastern isles and his families decline from power and prestige. In 799, The Stormbarers invaded Orrustejya and subjugated the dragontooths, taking away their millenia held title of Jarl and putting them under their thumb until rulership was restored by a moot in 899, 3e.   The Dragontooths have held rulership of Jarls of the Eastern Hold and Isles, or simply Jarls of the East, since, often by narrow margins. The current head of the family, Olaf Dragontooth, is a war hero and prestigious fighter who is trying to hold off what he beleives to be an attempted ice elf invasion of the islands.
Founding Date
2677, 1a
Geopolitical, Great house
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories
Related Species


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