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Kilir Dragontooth

Kilir Olafssen Dragontooth

Honourable and proud, the intelligent and diplomatic son of Jarl Olaf Dragontooth and heir presumptive to the Dragontooth rulership of the eastern isles - Kilir is the second child of his father and a notable figure around town. Pegged as a potential future contender for High King, Kilir is known for his wisdom, smart plays, charisma, and strength of character and honour. Keen to avoid war with the ice elves, Kilir is helping Doomed 2 Die battle the Scion of the Seas in the eastern isles.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

Born to Olaf Dragontooth and his wife, Solfried Scrollcaster, Kilir was the second child of the pair behind his elder sister, Marta. Born during the midst of the 40 Year War, he would be largely raised by his maternal grandparents as his parents spent most of the year raiding the continent of Prima Terra. At the age of 7, in 1033, his grandfather Rudolf would die in battle and Killir's father, Olaf, became the Jarl of the Eastern Isles.   By 1040, Kilir was an adept student in bladesmithing, fighting, and diplomacy. By the age of 11, it was said Kilir knew of every house in Aedrinar and their origins. He would be awarded joint-stewardship of the isles alongside his sister in 1040 at the ege of 14 alongside his sister Marta. Securing the town against the Skallen and monsters, earning him fame at home.   He would be awarded soul title of Steward following the war, and become the most likely heir to his father. Regularly accomponying his father to feasts and representing the dragontooths diplomatically, Kilir has also become a reknowned pit fighter and honourable leader. During the late 1040s, Kilir would work with Ivar in hunting down a monster in Vanaheim, the two warriors forming a friendship in the process.  

The Deep Arc

As Doomed 2 Die came to the Eastern Isles to investigate the monster attacks on human and elven ships they discovered the Scion of the Seas was instigating the war using his sahaugin and merrow minions. Olivir learnt through his contact, Kraghelm, an acolyte of Aegir, that Kilir was the most likely to help in stopping the war as he was suspicious the attacks were being orchestrated by a third party.   Doomed 2 Die would meet the noble son when they visited Dragonhall, Kilir was launching a scouting party to investigate a potential attack by the elves on the island of Orsturejya. They informed him that the attacker was in fact Vanar Salinir. Kilir agreed that tact was required, as Vanar's death would lead to war for certain but the elven noble needed to pay for their crimes.   Kilir would head out with the party to apprehend Vanar, and managed to bring him safely into custody. Impressed with the party, he agreed to help them in their quest to fight the Scion of the Seas. He would help take Vanar to Effelin for punishment, and accepted custody of the vaniri princeling. The party remarked how the two had a tense but potentially romantic relationship. Kilir would also use his influence to exile Rafi Frost-Barrell from the town, easing the elven and human tensions in Orsturkirk.   Kilir also travelled onboard The Endeavour when they were attacked by The Wraiths. He led a charge to get people off the ship via Einar's bard tower and met up with them again in Crowsport. He would use his influence as a Dragontooth warrior to calm the tensions in Freywen, and endorsed Falia Rayes as a leader.   Back in Orsturkirk Kilir revealed his plan to send Vanar as a Dragontooth envoy to invite the Salinir's to the peace conference. He was also at a breakfast where Val impressed his father, Jarl Olaf, and heard his father agree to send him as an amabassador to Lastlight to support Jarl Naerfi. He left the party in Orsturkirk to go to Crowsport to organize the conference before everyone else got there.


Family Ties

  • Marta Dragontooth
  • Jarl Olaf Dragontooth
  • Marta Dragontooth
  • Oyvind Dragontooth
  • Sigrid Dragontooth
Aunts and Uncles
  • Jona Dragontooth
  • Livanjya Dragontooth
  • Roald Dragontooth
  • Ingvild Dragontooth
  • Draven Dragontooth
  • Eldrid Dragontooth
  • Torhild Dragontooth
Extended Family
  • Niece: Berghild Dragontooth
  • Brother in Law: Magni Blackfire
  • Second Cousin: Sigge Dragontooth
  • Second Cousin once removed: Dane Dragontooth
  • Second Cousin once removed: Tormod Dragontooth
  • Second Cousin once Removed: Skuldja Dragontooth
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Steward of the Jarldom of the Eastern Isles
Held Since 1040
Predecessor Krastir Dragontooth
Date of Birth
7th Duskfall, 1026, 3e
Dark Blue
short mohawk, black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Appearances: 10
  • Session 133: Moons and Dragons
  • Session 134: Redharbour
  • Session 135: Sweaty Sailors, Exiled Sons
  • Session 137: The Fate of Vanar
  • Session 139: The Search for Vorr
  • Session 140: Assimilate
  • Session 143: Blue Seas and Black Foxes
  • Session 145: Questions for the Mist
  • Session 146: Temples
  • Session 147: Tales from Orsturkirk


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