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House Horfhand

Ancient and proud, the Horfhand's are amongst the ancient houses of Aedrinar, ruling from Coldstar Keep in Westwatch and serving as Jarls of the Western Hold for generations. Led by the formidable, patient, yet short tempered Jarl Earling Horfhand, the Horfhands have survived for thousands of years through their patience and cunning, never taking a gamble they know they cannot win.   Being formed by the formidable and legendary Wolf Clan Jomsvikingr Hortha Horfhand, the Horfhand's conquered Westwatch on behalf of the city's local population who were trying to rebel against the tyranny and dishonour of the house of Limir. As recognition for freeing the people, Hortha was granted rulership of the city and became Jarl of the Western Hold, a position his descendants continue to hold.   The Horfhands are recognised by their tall and broad stature, regullarly pushing 7" tall and having thick, shaggy hair. Their position as rulers of Westwatch has earned them wealth and prestige through tolls, trade, and mining and farming assets from the plentiful countryside of their hold. Although the house fields few warriors, their ties to other houses, defencible capital, and relationship with Ysgard's Warriors has offered them great protection.   House Horfhand and the Western Hold came under attack by a tyrannical white dragon claiming to be the reincarnation of The White Will in 1052, 3e. Despite being warned early on by Lugar Whitehide of the Seal Clan, Jarl Earling did not heed the warning until attacks became more brazen. He assembled a dragon council consisting of his finest warriors, members of Ysgard's Warriors, House Wintershield, and the archaelogist's guild. The Council failed to accomplish much, so the Horfhand's turned to the adventurer's Doomed 2 Die, Haarold Iceaxe, and were talked into supporting Starkard Wintershield to take on the dragon and it's armies.  


The crest of the Horfhand's was adopted by Ari Horfhand in 13, 3e, moving away from their traditional iconography of a werewolf. The clan had long been imbedded in the western hold, so adopted the symbol of Westwatch, Coldstar Keep, as their sigil instead. The keep represents an unbreakable will and history of defending their land and titles from would be conquerers. Ari also took a field of Grey to show their wolf clan origins, symbolishing the coat of a Tundra Wolf.  



  • Jarl Earling Horfhand 
  • Sif Horfhand
  • Aagmar Horfhand
  • Sweyn Fourspear
  • Freya Horfhand
  • Holgar Horfhand
  • Bjarne Horfhand


House Horfhand was founded in the late second age by Hortha Horfhand, a famous Jomsvikingr and adventurer of the Vilderfolken Wolf Clan. Hortha had been contracted by powerful families within Westwatch to help them overthrown their corrupt rulers, the House of Limir, who had resisted traditional and local uprising using their powerful sorcery.   The House of Limir had taken control of Westwatch by an unforgiavable act of treachery against the former lords of Westwatch, House Jelling. The Jellings had ruled Westwatch as Jarls of the Western Hold and had been loyal to deposed High King Ebbe of the fifth Kingdom. When Kriegerholm was sacked and most of Ebbe's supporter's scattered, the Jellings begrudingly submitted to King Knut, their invader and were allowed to remain as Jarl's of Westwatch.   A few years into Knut's contested reign as high king, the Jellings revlolted. Although their army was defeated in open battle, the formidable walls and defences of Westwatch allowed them to withstand seige for 2 years with failed pushes from Knut to try and take the city. Their steward, Limir the Snake, secretly struck a deal with Knut's army and betrayed his rulers, poisioning them and opening the gates for Knut to enter Westwatch. As a reward, Knut supported Limir as the new Jarl, and the Snake used his enchantment magics to force the local families to elect him.   Limir founded his own house, named after himself, and ruled until his death, with his second child, Alfiric, taking over upon his death. Alfiric imposed heavy tarrifs and neglected his responsibility to his people, using his magics and treachy to kill any who dared oppose him. The powerful families of Westwatch sent appeals to the great warriors of the realm, and a messenger of the would-be rebels came across Hortha Horfhand, the Wolfman, in Knut's Landing.   According to legend, Hortha was moved by the plight of the people of Westwatch, and was appalled at the dishonour the House of Limir were acting in, so took his band of 89 Jomsvikingr to Westwatch to challenge the sorcerer jarl. The Saga of Hortha claims that open seeing the wolf clan approach the city, Alfric lowered the defences and was prepared to wait out the siege, only for Hortha to break the Kings Bar using only his fists, and his warriors flooded in. Hortha took on Alfric singlehandidly, his determination and rage resisting the magic of the sorcerer, before his axe split the Jarl "from groin to brow."   As recognition for his deeds, Hortha was proclaimed Jarl and formed a hand, taking his nickname of Horfhand to be his house name. Horfhand married into a local family and his descendents continued to rule as Jarls of a united Western Hold since.   Largely staying out of greater Aedrinaran politics, the Horfhands have only joined open rebellion once. During the diasterous reign of High King Karl III in the 6th century of the third age, the Horfhands managed to keep themselves neutral from the various revolts and rebellions ongoing against Karl. As the kingdom continued to fall apart, the Horfhands would finally enter the greater conflict when the High King tried to wage war on the popular Jarl of Lastlight, High King Haarold V The Great Uniter.   Haarold's daughter, Astrid, the future High Queen Astrid III The Titan Queen, rode to Westwatch to meet with the Horfhands, and between intimidation and charm, the hold allied with Haarold and declared their open rebellion against Karl III. The House's armies were present at Haarold's lifting of the siege at Kriegerholm, and were amongst the first to proclaim him as High King.   In 870, 3e, Thorfir Horfhand, a travelling adventurer was inspired by the palaces of the continental Prima Terra and refurbished much of the family's home in Coldstar Keep in several continental styles, including the Neapian Wing which was inspired by the long extinct Macian Empire. He also installed impressive underfloor heating throughout the keep, keeping it habitable throughout the hold's harsh winters.   Many Horfhand Warriors journeyed in droves to the 40 Year War, assisting in the Battle of the Northern Shore with attacks on Seldrinar troops between Buchstable and Elfracombe.

Always watching, never broken

Founding Date
2329, 2e
Geopolitical, Great house
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations


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