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Kriegerholm Syndicate

The Kriegerholm Syndicate are a branch of the Skallen Syndicate based in the key port city of Kriegerholm. Centered in the swampy and flooded district of Saltmarsh, the guild are predominantely smugglers, gambling ring operators, drug dealers, and priates. Fallen on hard times since the arrival of rival gangs in the form of the Kobold Syndicate and Goblin Mafia have taken over many of their operations in the district.   Led by the charismatic and charming Naakon Silver-Tooth, the Kriegerholm Skallen operate out of the tavern the Last Plank of Wood near the city walls. The syndicate once controlled all of the drug and fighting rings within the city but lost these with the arrival of rival gangs. The Kriegerholm Skallen also operate a close relationship with the Kriegerholm Red Daggers, with Naakon Silver-Tooth acting as an emissary for the assassin order.   As of Duskfall 1052, 3e, the Kriegerholm Syndicate have managed to retake the popular underground fighting and gambling arena the Fishnet from the Goblin Mafia thanks to the involvement of Doomed 2 Die.  


  • Naakon Silver-Tooth: The charming leader of the syndicate and pirate captain - Naakon is the current leader of the Kriegerholm Syndicate and also works as an emissary for the Red Daggers.


The Fishnet

One of two arenas in Kriegerholm, the Fishnet houses 'unapproved' fights between gladiators and captured monsters. The wealth gained by the gambling and sales of drinks and entry makes this underground fighting pit one of the most profitable businesses in the city.  

Last Plank of Wood

This seedy and crooked tavern is raised off the flooded alleyways near the walls of Kriegerholm thanks to thick stils made out of ships masts. The tavern is the base of operations and commercial front of the syndicate and houses pirates, criminals, and allies of the syndicate as protection.


The Kriegerholm Syndicate has traditionally been one of the more successful branches of the wider Skallen Network due to their proximity to the populous and thriving trade networks around Kriegerholm. Their presence in the negelected district of Saltmarsh has allowed them to thrive in the shadows and run every aspect of the illicit businesses in the city. Their closeness to the Odinsthrone branch of the Skallen also grants them additional security and protection thanks to Mr. Blake.   In 1052, the guild started to lose territory and business thanks to the arrival of their rival criminal cartels, the Kobold Syndicate and the Goblin Mafia. The Goblins took over the prosperous gambling and fighting arena the fishnet whilst the Kobolds took control of the drug and smuggling trade with ease. The Dragon Clan presence in Drekenheim also put pressure on the skallen's piracy operations, leaving the guild with only control of their tavern, the Last Plank of Wood.   Mr. Blake would send Doomed 2 Die to Kriegerholm to help retake some of their operations in exchange for providing details on how to contact the Red Daggers. The adventurers managed to 'convince' the goblins to vacate the gambling arena and it has been retaken by the Skallen. The adventurers also set the kobolds and goblins in war against each other, weakening both factions so the Kriegerholm Syndicate could eventually recoup everything they lost.
First Appearance
Session 110: Bitter River
Illicit, Gang
Ruling Organization
Appearances: 2
  • Session 110: Bitter River
  • Session 111: Secrets of Kriegerholm


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