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Skallen Syndicate

The Skallen syndicate are a lose alliance of pirates, thieves, and brigands. Although operating as different crews, these rogues and brigands are notorious across the Aedrinarian islands. The Skallen’s can be identified through their tattoos, which will always feature the Laguz rune alongside specific tattoos to their crew. Skallen Crews can take the form of criminal guilds in cities, pirate fleets, or bandits. The Skallenmaster, a mysterious criminal figure receives protection payment from all crews at least once a month. The structure of the syndicate is deeply complex and embedded in Aedrinar. Although seen as deeply dishonourable and against every code of honour in Aedrinar, many will join this guild for selfish purposes and a desire to grow richer.   The Skallen are largely found in the major cities of Aedrinar and Asrinheim, with smaller brigand bands in the wilderness areas of Aedrinarian mainland. Due to the Vildervolken and beasts found in the wild, Skallen are rarely encountered in the northern most portions of the archeapelago.


A massively decentralised organization, the Skallen are a united guild of various theives bound by a dubious code of honour and cooperation between agents. Each skallen gang will operate under their own structure, with some being cooperative, some having designated ranks, and others being led by a single figure. The Skallen will meet occasionally at mafia-like gatherings of various leaders to discuss business, plans, and rules of conduct.   The Skallen are supposidly run by the mysterious Skallenmaster who recieves tribute from all the other guilds and is ultimately the leader of the organization. The existence of this figure is yet to be proven, and Skallen groups are reluctant to discuss if they have even met this mysterious stranger.


Although thieves and criminals, the Skallen still operate by codes of conduct. Skallen are forbidden to partake in slavery or geopolitical stuggle and are devoted to their own personal wealth and greed. Fueds between various syndicates are common but these are often put to peace at their meetings which encourage cooperation amongst various skallen groups. They are fiercely territorial and will only operate in Aedrinar and the Terrasic Ocean, occasionally operating in the ports of towns on the Terrasic coast.


The Skallen have an uncertain origin, but records of the Skallen date back to the Aedrinarian invasions of Prima Terra in the second age. The Skallen have slowly expanded, destroying or incorporating the multiple and divided criminal groups of Aedrinar until becoming a clear alliance and syndicate of their own. Each syndicate has their own unique history and operational style, so as a whole there is no definitive or clear history of the guild.  

Lastlight Syndicate

The syndicate in Lastlight is divided into two competing factions. The Dimlights, composed largely of dwarves, operates in white-collar crime and extortion whilst the Docks Syndicate work on smuggling and piracy. Both factions have dwindled in number due to the influence of the crime lord Fisk, their infighting, and Jarl Naerfi Oath-Knees anti-crime campiagn.  

Oskunstrond Syndicate

The Oskunstrond syndicate were once a formdible force within Drekenheim, but were destroyed with the arrival of The Dragon Clan. Only a single captain named Yaram was deemed to have survived, and since his apparent capture during the fall of Oskunstrond this faction is almost certainly wiped out.  

Jameleska Syndicate

Once a powerful underworld society, the Jameleskan Syndicate was cast out of the general syndicate for uniting with The Snow Lord† and partaking in slavery practices. The guild has a brief civil war, with some members leaving. Baron Faylock, a former high ranking member, went on to run his own cartel within Rosethrope composed of crony capitalists, whilst Robin the Swift took over the guild within the city and kidnapped people to dig a strange tunnel towards Old Jotunbrygge and selling those they did not use to the Tundra Baron as slaves. The guild was heade by Quistas in Theygor but was destroyed by Doomed 2 Die and Morgaton.  

Western Syndicate

The Western Syndicate of the Skallen was predominantely active in the roads and countryside of the Western Hold with various old forts and hideouts in the Stormbreakers. Their main hideout was the Halls of the Dishonourable Wreteches in a small woodland grove near the Froskejmp lake. The Western Syndicate stuck to local banditry, mineral theft, animal rustling, and highway robberies of trade goods. These robberies and attacks on trade conveys between Knut's Landing and the Southern Hold led High King Haardrada to send his brother, the famed Golden Boar, Haarold Iceaxe to hunt down and destroy the syndicate.   The guild has gone underground given the threat posed by The White Will and The Golden Boar. Mr. Blake recruited Doomed 2 Die to assist in the hiding of assets and key syndicate members. The adventuring party managed to organize a truce between the forces of Haarold and the syndicate, with the syndicate having to give up their stolen material assets, keeping only their gold and gems, and their leader, Forkbeard, sacrificing himself.   Prior to this, the Western Syndicate was also suffering from some internal conflicts. The Dagurrsen cell had gone rogue and slaughtered members of Ysgard's Warriors and capturing Erika as a prisoner. Forkbeard also implied some other cells had joined up with the White Will.   Forkbeard recommended his apprentice, Luvric, to succed him and asked Doomed 2 Die to tell that to Mr Blake. It is unknown how long the guild will be underground for or how long it will take them to rebuild the operation.  

Furunheim Syndicate

The Furunheim Syndicate are a small band of brigands on the island of Furunheim in Greater Asrinheim. A petty band of animal rustlers, bandits, and smugglers, the group are small in number and barely a concern to the locals or worthy of greater recognition. Their 'small' nature has meant no meaningul action has been taken against them, allowing them to be one of the longest spanning Synciates, having an uninterrupted criminal monopoly on Furunheim since the 26th century of the 2nd era.   Members of the Furunheim syndicate ran afoul of legendary adventurer Zedithir when they tried 'taxing' homesteaders on the Fury Road. The psionic master readily defeated the group and mind-tricked one of their members into handing himself over to the nearest authority figure.   The group also attempted to extort The Dark Enchanter Olisander Dirthstone by stealing a family portrait, their agent was controlled by the enchanter by before the information on where the portrait could be found was extracted the enchanter fled due to the arrival of Doomed 2 Die. Their secret smuggling tunnels into Marthiel were used by the adventuers to gain access to the town during its seige by Arystyr Furyborn, Haarold Iceaxe, Ivar and Ysgard's Warriors.  

Swift Syndicate

The Swift Syndicate are a network operating in the ancient city of Orsturkirk. Living in a safehouse "betwixt the inner gates" and close to the markets known as the House of the Swift, this syndicate have been identified as friendly by the Skallen frontmant Styr who operates as a dockmaster.  

One-Eyed Syndicate

Also known as the vaniri sea pirate syndicate or the cove syndicate, these pirates are active in the eastern isles and are based somewhere in The Correlites. They have a known pirate tavern in Effelin and once smuggled a disguised Val out of Tyris Ren a decade ago. Ran by the 'brute of a half-elf' Brothir One-Eye, these pirates have been the bane of the Salinirs and traders in the region for decades - their leader once undergoing a complex house arrest and having to secretly run the guild from afar before being proven innocent.
Guild, Thieves
Subsidiary Organizations
Appearances: 19
  • Session 1: New Beginnings
  • Session 7: Welcome to Fiskvatn
  • Session 11: The Past, a Present, and the Future
  • Session 12: Across the Ashen Sea
  • Session 20: Rabble in Oskunstrond
  • Session 21: Divided We Fall
  • Session 22: Prisoners
  • Session 44: Honour Amongst Thieves
  • Session 45: Skallen Betrayed
  • Session 62: Revolutions
  • Session 63: Brawls and Crowns
  • Session 89: Erika
  • Session 90: Return to Jameleska
  • Session 93: The Truth
  • Session 98: The Golden Boar
  • Session 108: Who Dunnit?
  • Session 111: Secrets of Kriegerholm
  • Session 114: Yeenoghu's Last Fang
  • Session 122: Prison Break


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