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Red Daggers

An illusive and infamous order of assassins that holds sanctuaries across Prima Terra, the Red Daggers are a mysterious and secretive guild of killers and spies for hire. Once forming part of the intelligence agency of the Sun Elf Empire, the group survived the collapse of their civilization and transitioned to murder for hire jobs throughout the continent. Rumoured to be found in nearly every realm throughout the world, the daggers blend into plain sight and never fail a mission.   The guild's exact numbers and locations are unknown due to their nature, but those with the coin to spend or those who also live in criminal and shadowy circles may know where and how to contact them. There is no mission the daggers are above, whether it be murder, spying, or infilitration the group's reputation as professionals justifies their hefty fees.  


  • Unknown Guild Leader: The guild leader of the Kriegerholm Red Daggers who supposidly killed a previous body of The Piper
  • Speaker Astir: The speaker of the Kriegerholm Sanctuary, a mysteriou Aedrinarian who seemingly knew everything that was going on in Kriegerholm
  • Asaj Gildaron: The descendant of The Piper who filled the adventuerers in on the details of his infamy


The Red Daggers are a decentralised organization with individual sancturies throughout the world. These sancturaries are known to communicate with each other in some circumstances, but only certain members of each cell will know of the existence and presence of other sanctuaries for the guild's own security. There appears to be some hierarchy within the assassins, with mentors acting as the leaders of each sanctuary and speakers being the chosen representatives to those who seek to hire the guild.   The guild also employs criminals and poorer locals near their sanctuaries to act as go-bewteens for those who seek to employ the daggers and the organization themselves. In Kriegerholm, Skallen Syndicate leader Naakon Silver-Tooth acts as such an emisary, helping to set up a meeting between the daggers and Doomed 2 Die.


The Daggers are secretive and withdrawn from outsiders so much of ther internal culture and practices remain a mystery subject to myth, legend, and rumour. It is claimed the Daggers never fail a mission - if an assassin is caught or killed in their duties another guild member will simply be sent to finish the job. No matter how far someone runs or how well they try to hide themselves, the daggers always find them in the end.   It is rumoured many of the junior assassins continue to live normal lives in the settlements their sanctuaries are based in as to cover for the guild's costs and keep up pretenses. Many legends of the order claim if you are in a city where the daggers are based, any merchant, vagrant, bard, or tavern worker could in fact be a member of the guild and keep track of everyone who enters their settlement, acting as puppetmasters to governments around the world.   When a mission is completed, an assassin is expected to use the feather of Sun Hawk, a rare bird of prey native to the Sun Mountains of Marcia, the homeland of the ancient sun elves, and dip the feather in their targets blood. The assassin then leaves the feather at the door of the one who contracted them as proof of completion.   Contacting the guild is a difficult endeavour, but for those with criminal or powerful contacts the routes become easier. One must find one of their 'helpers' that live in the settlements or region their sanctuaries are based in - this agent will screen the potential client to see if they are serious and genuine about the job. The agent then sets up a meeting with the Speaker outside the doors of the sanctuary or in somewhere discret. The Speaker decides if the job is worth the guilds time, and if accepted a lump sum must be left as well as all details of their target or mission.

Public Agenda

There is no major public agenda outside of their contracts. It was revaled by Astir, the speaker of the Kriegerholm sanctuary, that the Daggers are enemies of the The Dragon Clan and have been for thousands of years - as they were originally formed to defeat the 'Dragon Cult' as they were previously known as. This missions takes precident over all others, and the Kriegerholm sanctuary has been working on killing Dragon Clan infilitrators and agents within the city since the Clan took over Drekenheim.


Kriegerholm Sanctuary

Within Kriegerholm there is an ancient Red Daggers sanctuary still in operation with the sunken ruins of Magnusberg, a set of sprawling tunnels and ruins beneath the city proper that was destroyed in an earthquake in the second age.


The exact history of the daggers is a mystery surrounded by rumour and unconfirmed legends about them. What is known is that the daggers were originally a branch of the Sun Elf intelligence agency in the latter half of the Sun Elf empire, based primarily in the western empire to protect the hegemony from external and internal threats through any means necessary. Speaker Astir of Kriegerholm claimed the guild were founded specifically to infilitrate and kill the members of the Dragon Cult, the precurossors to the Dragon Clan, within the empire.   By the fall of the Sun Elves in the 1st age, the daggers were already operating out of the scope of their collapsing government. The Daggers survived the fall of their civilization and throughout the early second age they transitioned to assassins for hire. Popular legend claims during the second age the Red Daggers killed 5 Marcian Emperors, a pope, the Goose Father of Goscantinople, and the entire Layworth family of the Eldrian Empire, although the guild never takes formal credit for their jobs.   In 992, 3e, adventuring party the Parental Problems Possee discovered a sect of Red Daggers based in the Drow city of  Gazzarit. A member at the time, Aunty June, was approached as a potential recruit, but they never took up the offer formally.   In 1052, 3e, Doomed 2 Die sought out the Red Daggers in Kriegerholm on Mr. Blake's to get insights on who attempted to assassinate Arystyr Furyborn. The daggers denied responsiblity and claimed it was likely the work of a doppelganger they had tracked who came through the city from Furunheim a few days prior. The Daggers also revaled details on the Dragon Clan and The Piper to the party.
First Appearance
Session 111: Secrets of Kriegerholm
Founding Date
Circa 1850, 1e
Guild, Assassins
Appearances: 1
  • Session 111: Secrets of Kriegerholm


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