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Morgaton Mor'thenthor

"Look, we staging a fucking or coup or what? Just spit it out I’m a busy man."
    You don’t fuck with Morgaton, and you don’t fuck with his boys. A former wanderer, fighter, and mercenary, Morgaton was ‘persuaded’ to work for the Tundra Baron, overseeing the thralls. The hobgoblin veteran personally hated the practice, and did what he could to make the life of the slaves more comfortable. When Doomed 2 Die infiltrated Theygor they spoke to Morgaton and the goblinoid gleefully accepted their offer and used his boys to slaughter the skallen officers.   Morgaton took control of the village, and freed all the Baron’s former slaves, helping them to return home and began recruiting Goblin tribes to come and settle in their new stronghold, kicking all the surviving giants out. Although holding no title, Morgaton is the functional ruler of the town. The Hobgoblin veteran is always accomponied by his trusty sidekick, a troll named Vrack.   Morgaton honoured his oath of allegiance with Doomed 2 Die, and when they called on him to help fight The Snow Lord in Jastingrag, he rallied his boys and promised them, “A good old-fashioned bit of payback.” Morgaton led the boys and Roach as sappers, using explosives to bring down the walls. The hobgoblin also spent some time on the Sun Elf ship on Einar's invitation.  

The Boys

Morganton commands an elite band of sappers and ambushers known as The Boys. Lethal, tactical, and prone to explosives there are few defences that can withstand these goblin fights.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Morgaton has a famous scar across his left eye, leaving him partially blind. He is yet to be fully honest about its origins, the size and shape indicates some claws, the veteran himself has claimed it was caused by everything from him using a flail incorrectly to an adult red dragon. Some claim it was from a brawl with a Peryton primarch or even a kraken.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Morganton’s early life is largely unknown, but he made his wealth and fortune as a travelling mercenary and monster hunter. Morgaton is a grizzled veteran and claims to have fought across the isles and beyond. In his later years, he returned to his homeland and ended up in Theygor, where they Tundra Baron took an interest in the hobgoblin and obliged him to come work for the baron’s court. Morganton was uneasy about this but got the feeling the hill giant wouldn’t take no for an answer se begrudgingly accepted and became the slave master and arena manager for his new lord.   Morgaton was personally appalled by the conditions of the thralls, and as a condition of his new employment, demanded the release of all goblin slaves. These freed goblins then willingly came to work for Morganton, becoming known as The Boys. For his part, Morganton tried to make the conditions of the captured humanoids better, making sure they were as well fed and spared from the cruelty of the giant masters as much as possible. The slave population were known to respect Morganton, and saw him as a drastic improvement compared to the previous enforcers.
Status: Alive   First Apperance: Session 62, Revolutions
Current Location
One grey, one blind
black, greying hair in a mane
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Brown fur
Ruled Locations
Apperances: 4
  • Session 62: Revolutions
  • Session 63: Brawls and Crowns
  • Session 64: Battle of Jastingrag
  • Session 66: Tales from Jameleska Pt.2


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