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Luna Foxaxe (a.k.a. Roach)

Roach is a rouge archetype follower of Doomed 2 Die. An orphaned Ice Elf from Jameleska, Roach is the only survivor from when Lady Alana Rose ordered the Worker's Union barricade on Hammer Boulevard destroyed. A streetwise and mature child, Roach has formed a strong bond with Val, Ivar, and Azura. Adept with the crossbow and shortsword, Roach's time on the streets have granted them numerous profiencies in many skills and tools such as theives tools, investigation, and stealth.   Precocious, caring, and adaptable, the young elf has more than earned their rights of adulthood through one murder of a Skallen slaver and two frost giants by their hands. Struggling to forgive the party, Roach has grown to love and appreciate their new family and is enjoying their life with them, finally feeling like they have a home at last.   Since being nearly killed by frost breaths during an ambush by The White Will and his frost salamander minions, Roach woke up with their innate ice magic's awakened as a sorcerer.  

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Roach has a single battle scar, earned at the hands of the Skallen bard Leoroyan in Storbaer. They are proud of their wound and see it as a sign of becoming a warrior.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Luna is the child name of a young ice elf child of two Asrinheim warriors who died in the latter part of the war. Shipped to an elderly relative in Jameleska, their aunts passed away suddenly in an industrial accident when Luna was 8 years old. This left the young child homeless and they became a beggar and street thief to make ends meet. They earned the nickname Roach during this time, as a reference to their tendancy to scutter away to gutters. The Worker's Union of Rosethrope took mercy on the child, often handing out extra foodstuffs and war rations to the child. In return, Roach became close to the group and would act as a lookout and informant for them.   When the worker's union went on strike in Rosethrope, Roach became closer to the group and found a sense of family for the first time in their life. When Doomed 2 Die sided with Alana Rose, the Rose guard under the leadership of Horsha Lenn were due to storm the barricade. Refusing to leave the barricade, the union agreed to spare Roach and sent her with the party to safety. None of the union survived.   Roach then became adopted by Doomed2Die, with Val and Ivar serving as their primary teachers and parent figures.  

War of the Walls Arc

After being accepted by the party, Roach struggled to accept them at first but grew to appreciate the group saving them. Their first mission with the party was to go find Paladin Shor for the Order of St Tara, during this time Roach practiced their pickpocket skills on Einar, relieving them of some light gold that would later be returned. Roach was left outside the sewers with Ivar when Val realised they were facing a sadistic killer in the sewers. Roach first saw actual action in Storbaer when the party infiltrated the Jameleskan Syndicate. Roach avoided attacks from the traitor Ashana Veer, and Val orchestrated their necklace of fireball drop to make sure it avoided the child. Roach got their first confirmed kill when storming the skallen underground tavern, shooting an assasin with their crossbow, and claimed they were now technically an adult.   Roach accomponied the party into the crypts of Old Jotunbrygge, finding Pennatrice "cool." They helped to save Einar and said it "makes up for all the gold I've stolen!" Roach, like the rest of the party, was accepted into the scouts after some expressions of doubt from the recruiting officer who had to be reassured that the child, was culturally at least, an adult. Roach used duck and cover techniques in the battle of Vorrenborg to help rescue civilians, and kept guard with Ivar whilst Val talked with Lady Eris.   Roach was left out of the raid on Eaglefalls, and spent time with Ivar learning to hunt, identifying both Ivar and Val as their dads. Raoch was happy to see Val survived after the explosion, and helped fight the Bhaalist cult on the road to Storonthorpe. In Storonthorpe, Roach stuck with the party alongside Flygir and was spared from the companions being captured by The Snow Lord . Roach used a window as cover to shoot the Jotun in the coming battle, managing to get a kill, which they claimed confirmed they were now an actual adult by tradition, and took the name Foxaxe in honour of Val and Ivar.   Roach was present at the Basilisk library, and confessed at the door of secrets they haven't fully forgiven Val for getting the worker's killed just yet, and also heard Val confess they were not an ice elf. To make sure no bridges were lost, Roach made sure to sneak into Val's room that night and hide under the sheets with them.   In Theygor, Roach was tasked with being a sapper and helped to take down numerous defences whilst Lt. Braer covered them. They were not taken into Fasingos but were happy to see Shan return.   In the Battle of Jastingrag, Roach was assigned to the Sappers with the Boys and infiltrated the walls, planting a bomb that took down the mighty jotun stone walls. They reacted badly to Heli's death, as they felt they'd seen too much death in the past few weeks and were struggling to adapt to it.  

The Prodigal Fjandmar Arc

Like Ivar and Falia, Roach stayed with Doomed 2 Die after they departed Jameleska and journeyed with them to Gehenna to help Fjandmar usurp his parents. Roach spent most of their time in Gehenna at the Briar and Brimstone, only fighting in the final mission of the arc.   During their time in Gehenna, Roach attended the dance organized by Kaneis, coming in the matching suit that Val had got for them in Jameleska. They also spent much of their time with Ivar, where the two allegedly blew up a stench kow.   During the final battle of Lover's Bite, Roach joined the distraction team alongside Auran and Ivar, bursting into the throne room to hold off the reinforcements whilst the rest of the party faced down with Aphrodisia and Ultragon.  

The White Will Arc

Leaving Gehenna, Roach was charged with staying on board The Endeavour to keep their eyes on Captain James Tovos. When the party returned from Mechanus Roach was not informed of the events of the alternate universe or the meeting with Primus.   Back in the material plane, Roach said goodbye to Ivar as the warrior departed for the western hold to meet with the Seal Clan to prepare for Doomed 2 Die's coming battle against The White Will. They would investigate the 'haunted' mansion that Jarl Naerfi Oath-Knee gifted to the party in exchange for riding the property of what she beleived to be ghosts. Roach used her investigate and stealth skills to help reveal the house was infact being habited by Goblins who were using it as a drug farm.   On the journey to Knut's Landing Roach would fight with The Dragon Clan for the first time as the part ran to the aid of ambushed sailor Ahbadin Mustfazi.   Saying in Knut's Landing, Roach was left behind at the feast of King Knut whilst their adventuring party entered the ruins of Southwatch-by-the-Sea to rescue some missing children with Falia Rayes and new companion Fr. Tomos Siegfried. When the party returned and the town was attacked by the White Will - Roach ran with Val and Gunnar Ullsen to rescue Thane Liv Thorsblade.   During their resuce attempt, Roach was nearly fatally wounded by healed by a panicked Val. With the Salamander's defeated, Roach returned the to markets with the injured leader and the survivor's of the attack on her hall the rogue was happy to see Ivar return with Seal Clan reinforcements. Whilst the rest of the party went to the docks to continue their fight with the Dragon, Roach would go with Thane Liv, Gunnar Ulssen, and Azura to The King's Rest Inn to rescue trapped citizens from Mephits.   The battle won - but with Falia severely injured by the dragon, Roach was allowed to travel with the main convoy of the party towards the Seal Clan winter camp. Scouting ahead, they came across a ruined camp with Val and Shan. The camp had dead Ysgard's Warriors and several Skallen Members throughout it, revealing the Western Skallen had attacked and killed members of the warriors. This sent Val into a trauma response and not even Roach could get to them.   As the party followed an unresponsive Val Roach was captured and held at knife point by one of the Dagurssens. The Skallen rogue said they would kill roach if the party did not drop theri weapons. To Roach's horror, Val was the last one to respond leaving it till the very last second. Alongside their party, Roach was imprisoned by the Skallen until a chance rescue by Mr. Blake who was sent by the Black Fox. The illusive crime lord appeared to know Roach and other party members by name, disconcerting the young rogue. In the coming escape, Roach remained distant from Val until the warlock apologised and made up to them when returning to the Seal Clan camp.   When Ivar discovered this, Roach had to watch his two partent figures fall out over the incident. Roach was clearly frustrated by this and when the party travelled back to Jameleska they began to spend more time bonding with Azura and Gallus, learning the basics of maigc and althetics from the party members. They would join for another mission against mercanries hired by the war smiths to persecute the Worker's Union. Roach used surprised tactics to take several members down - and in the aftermath challenged Val again on her cruel atttitude towards Erika.   On the sail back to the the western hold Roach was unaffected by the scions and harpies attacking the ship and sending the crew to sleep thanks to their elven heritage. Roach was able to corner and battle several of the monsters and watched as Ivar and Val seemed to make up.   Their next mission would be with the entire group going into Bard's Folly to find the stone of queen astrid. In their first test, Roach was paired with Shan in the Way of Shadow. The young elf grew frusted with the old human as they had to guide him through the darkness and avoid obstacles and persuing shadow monster. Their second test, the Way of Destiny, involved going through a door with Azura, Fr Tomos, and Falia to see visions from their future. Roach was excited to see they live till an old age and face down with numerous angry orcs.   The young rogue continued to travel with the party and Ivar to Kulvrsford to meet with Haarold Iceaxe. They once again met with Mr Blake and remained neutral on helping him or the western skallen escape the Golden Boar. Upon meeting the famed general, Roach was warned not to sneak around or steal from anyone. After Val organized a truce between the Skallen and Haarold that meant the death of the skallen's leader, Roach accomponied the main party to the hide out. They would be ambushed by the White Will and were fatally injured by the dragon's frost breath - but the cold damage awakened their innate magical powers and they regained conconcisouness with the ability to cast magic - frustrated Azura who realised they were now a sorcerer.   They were tended to their wounds and carried on with the party to Westwatch. Roach was angry at Elfrey the Godswitch for revealing Val's secrets and angry that her fellow companions Falia, Erika, and Fr Tomos had been captured by the Warriors. They attempted to sneak and find out more about the warriors but were immeditaly caught and sent back.   After the party secured House Winter-Shield support Roach would accompany Val to the Ysgard's Warriors outpost in the town in disguise to scout out the area. The two would be caught by Elfrey and Roach struggled to hold off one of her loyalists but was dimension doored by Val out of the outpost before they went back to hiding at Mr Blake's safehouse. They would be knocked unconcious again in the coming battle but were healed quickly by Einar.   Doomed 2 Die would continue on to Pilgrim's Rest, leaving Roach, Ivar, and Falia at Heroes Stop. Before the party left, Roach saw Val kiss Ivar before running off. They tried to probe their dad about it by the vikingr revealed nothing. When the party returned and Gallus was told by Falia what happened, Roach was brought into their scheme to get Val and Ivar alone. Charmed out of not accepting 'payment' for silence they were pleased to have their own private room for the night.   As the final battle with the White Will came, Roach was sent with Ivar, Erika, and Wintershiled berskerers to destroy one of the last elemental factories. Their victory was sweet and they would get another room to themselves in the Queen Astrid Inn at Westwatch following the victory.  

The Heir of Furunheim Arc

Travelling with the party to Odinsthrone as part of King Hardrada's invitiation, Roach would be present when the party came across a scandal in Kriegerholm affecting the noble families. The daughter of the ruling Thane, a member of House Saltsby, was secretly dating a member of the Wolf Clan and her father had thrown the boy out a window. He survived this and his family were attacking Kriegerholm vessels in revenge.   To help make peace, Val used Roach's knowledge of Vilderfolken culture and her status as Ivar's adopted child to help call for a talk between the party, the Kriegerholm nobles, and the Wolf Clan. Roach witnessed the thane be killed by the wolf clan before they sailed onto Odinsthrone. During the night of the feast, Roach would room with Azura, Arystyr Furyborn and Einar after the attempted assassination on the furyborn heir.   Roach accomponied the party to Krakenpost and helped fight Never, one of the assassins attempting to kill Arystyr. During the chaos brought on by The Dark Enchanter in the aftermath of Elder Tiristar Furyborn's funeral Roach accomponied Shan in killing trees attacking islanders.   They also joined with the party in their march to Marthiel and helped dispatch forces of the Wizards Four at the Waterway Inn. They stayed with the party for their infiltraition of the town and coming battles. Upon finding out Azura may have died, the rogue was saddened but carried on fighting. They would be releaved when the wizard turned up ressurected as the avatar of Manannan Mac Lir, and only admitted it in secret to the wizard themselves.   Back in Krakenpost Roach would help Ivar and Falia battle the indoctrinated librarians of the Order of Labelas after the party vanished investigating them.  

The Deep Arc

On the journey to the eastern isles, Roach would again have to battle the forces of the Scion of the Seas. Arriving in Orsturkirk, the young thief would be alongside the party as they entered the test of the Oracle of Aegir. Roach would later be part of the scouting team to find and arrest Vanar Salinir alongside Ivar and Kilir Dragontooth.   After the party's mission in Effelin, Roach accomponied Ivar and Zedithir to Valkyrie to begin investigating the town in preperation for the party's arrival. In the town Roach would be alongside Ivar as the two 'peacefully lifted' the ban on elves from the main tavern in town. Roach would also vouch for Ivar at the elf tavern, who had imposed an elf-only ban, and get that ban lifted as well. Their main focus, however, was on the Temple of Aerdrie where the local high-priestess was stirring racial tensions between elf and man.   When the party were abducted by The Wraiths, Roach was left behind in town by Ivar after he was contacted by Val. They later reunited with the whole party when they came to Valkeyrie a few days later and alongside Val, defeated the priestess of Aerdrie.   During the party's three days of downtime in Orsturkirk Roach would befriend the local Skallen group, and alongside them staged a robbery of the local enchanter's at Azura and Val's wishes after said enchanter was revealed as a kleptomaniac, turning stollen property into patches on the cloak of many things. When they party returned to Crowsport to attend the peace conference orchestrated by Kilir Dragontooth and begin their voyage into the sea aboard Xan's submersible, The Vanguard, Roach would be the only companion left behind. This would upset them, and they were left with instructions to go to Tyris Ren to meet with Trixie and Fr. Tomos.   After the party's returned, it was revealed a week had passed. Roach had waited a few days there, but as Bessie revealed the young elf had hitched a ride to Effelin, and beyond there their location is unknown.  

Alternate Reality

In the alternate reality created by Prmius where Doomed 2 Die Never Met, Roach managed to escape Jameleska and survived the events of Ragnarok. As an older elf, they became aware that something had gone wrong with reality and saught to fix it. At some point, Roach learned of Primus's intervention in the timeline and learnt what reality was meant to be, setting out on a quest to correct things. Roach appearaed sporadically at key moments in the alternate reality lives of the Doomed 2 Die members. It appears their first plan was to utilise the alternative adventuring party of Torgier †], @[Killyn †, Jarl Naerfi Oath-Knee and Torvak of Ysgard's Warriors. Arriving too late and finding them dead, Roach ran into the alternate reality version of Val, and asked them for information. Val demanded to be paid, so Roach passed an illusionary bag of coins, before hinting they would meet again.   After this event, it is likely that Roach discovered the correct timeline and how to fix it. They next appeared to Shan, who in this reality never fought with Teng, meaning he was saved from becoming the Black Dragon of the Northern Shore, both Em and Eva escaped the housefire alive thanks to Teng, and had stuck with his monastic training, appearing 30 years younger than the prime timeline. Roach saw Shan in Iminiyas, where he and Teng had heard the fighting between the Endeavour and Red Hawk 's Flying Fortress.   Roach informed Shan that Kliiks † and Auran were onboard the Endeavour, trying to stop Red Hawk. When the Endeavour rammed into the fortress, exploding both vessels, Roach informed Shan they'd meet again before vanishing seemingly into thin air.   The young elf's next apparation was to Azura on board The Corrputed Fortune. Azura, trying to find port, recovered Roach from the sunken remains of Buchstable. Carying the dead body of Amy Cobblepott. At first thinking Azura was in fact Ebony †, Roach calmed upon realising the wizard's hair was blue, not black. Roach was welcomed on board and talked to Azura about the events happening in the Commonwealth whilst searching for Amy's spellbook, Alexa, and said Azura should move into a nice, cheap, apartment in Neapia.   Gallus was the next one to find Roach - coming across them in the ruins of Jameleska. Without Doomed 2 Die to fight the Snow Lord or the Jameleskan Syndicate, all of the aspects of Varpak had been devoured bar for Falia Rayes, who made a defiant last stand with the 22nd Scouts and Balcorus in Rosethorpe. Roach was found with the body of Falia, and informed Gallus who the archer was, hinting that in another life they were close. They warned Gallus that things were only going to get worse from here.   Shan was visited again in Knut's Landing after the battle with the White Will where the alternate version of Ivar was killed. They appeared during the conversation between the monk, Teng Silverjaw, and Erik where the three wondered if life was supposed to be like this. Roach informed them it wasn't supposed to be before cryptically vanishing once more.   In between these visits, Roach had unlocked some Chronotrugical time travel abilities, likely gathered from Captain James Tovos and the Astral Sea, and went into the past to meet Lucan Sunspear, the past life of Einar. They initially arrived too early, but gave Aungus the sun elf teleportation key to figure out before venturing back into cataclysm. They returned weeks later, finding the bard and avatar in New Rexia in the southlands, asking them to come with them. They took them to Azura's apartment in Neapia, where Roach had also set up the wizard up to uncover a buried Sun Elf laboratary and begin repairing the Chronuturgicial device to reset reality.   Leaving Aungus there, Roach took Einar to the ruins of Rexia in 1052, 3e, showing them the remains of the bunker they'd been in thousands of years later. They said the whole world would soon look like this and feel this pain if they didn't reset reality. Lucan, realising he'd have to sacrifice himself to reset the world, asked if he had a choice - Roach responded with "It was a choice that got us here."   Their next meeting was in the wake of Lastlight's destruction by Jormangandur during the Rangarok events. The meeting was by accident, as Roach was looting the body of Fr. Tomos Siegfried. Roach realised the timings of events, and told Val to spend some time with Trixie. Leaving them for a few months, Roach found Gallus and Val in Thevensyne after Fenrir had killed their loved ones and decimated the city. Roach offered them a chance to fix everything, which they both accepted.   Roach took them to Azura's bunker in Neapia and then journeyed to the south of Asrinheim, where they found Shan having a last meal with his family, Teng, and Erik before he was to venture out and fight Fenrir. Roach told Shan that in this timeline, they win against Fenrir, and they help to forge a new age and become a hope and inspiration for everyone. But the death of the gods leaves clerics and paladins powerless, causing famine and disease to spread across the world unchecked. They said Shan would lose everything, their friends, their family, and youth. Shan accepted, and kissed his family goodbye, borrowing Eva's scarf and saying he 'needed to go to the shed.'   With everyone assembled in Neapia, Roach then broke the news to Azura that they would also have to go to reset reality. Azura, at first refusing to give up their perfect life, was convinved by the arrival of an older Olivir, who said that in a few years they would die of sickness and leave him alone, he promised they'd find each other in the other universe and Azura kissed him goodbye before departing. Roach activated the device, resetting the universe.   With the world reset, only Doomed 2 Die, who were in the prescence of Primus at the time, were aware of what happened in the other reality - with Roach completely unaware of their role in saving the multiverse.

Gender Identity

Like most Ice Elves, Roach is gender neutral but femme presenting.

Mental Trauma

Roach has witnessed most of their loved ones and family figures die. This has led to them being scared of losing people close to them a sense of protection and over maturity for their age.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

  • Theft
  • Middle to high honour scores
  • Family connections

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Small stature that allows them to hide and blend in easily
  • Sneak Attack
  • Proficency with most skills

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Prone to unstrategic battle decisions



Companion (Vital)

Towards Azura




Swimming Teacher (Important)

Towards Roach




Azura is teaching Roach to swim


Pickpocket (Trivial)

Towards Einar




Victim (Important)

Towards Roach




Roach regularly pickpockets Einar for his silver


Child (Vital)

Towards Ivar




Father Figure (Vital)

Towards Roach




Ivar has de-facto adopted Roach into the Reindeer clan and is teaching them how to become a fighter.


Companion (Trivial)

Towards Shan




Strange Grandpa (Important)

Towards Roach




Surrogate Child (Vital)

Towards Val




Accidental Parent (Important)

Towards Roach




Val helped Roach mourn the loss of the Worker's Union, and was honest and frank with them when the truth was revealed. Val looks out for Roach and teaches them thief skills whilst trying to keep them out of harm in battles.

First Appearance
Session 39, The Miserables
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
2nd Flowertyme
The Correlites
Light Blue
Medium length Cream White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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