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Order of Labelas Furunheim

The Order of Labelas are a holy monastic order dedicated to the Seldarine god of knowledge, Labelas. Their outpost in the village of Krakenpost on Furunheim has existed since the foundation of the settlement and has one of the most extensive historical collections in all of Aedrinar.   Secretive by nature, the order had remained closed to the public for three centuries, during which time High Librarian Orisander had become corrutped by a relic of the Forgotten Gods.


The monastic community are followers of Labelas, but since the religion is not an organized faith they operate largely independently of other chapter houses of their brotherhood. The group buy and seek out ancient lore, aretfacts, and texts for catelouging in worship of Labelas and to pursue their 'knowledge' of the universe when not in deep reflection, study, or prayer.


The order are deeply secretivie, and protect their monastery through magical plants that act as a barrier when required. For the past three centuries, the order have been closed to the public and have not been seeking new knowledge, information, or members. Nobody in the town knew why this occured, but since Orisander was revealed as indoctrinated it was likely an attempt to indoctrinate the rest of the order and await an oppertunity to further Ragnarok.


The order would move to Krakenpost in the early years of Furunheim colonization by House Furyborn. The village was then simply a collection of temporary structures and docks to house supplies and landing parties, more military base than village. The order's establishment of the first permanent purpose built building in the settlement would lead to the camp becoming a village proper within a century.  Their first temple was nearer to the docks, and smaller than their current chapter house.#   During the first age, a Sahaugin invasion of the island would be repelled by Bariniel Pellar, a member of the order, who led the defence of the island and rallied House Furyborn in battle, defeating the shark-kin. As a reward from the Great House, the current chapter house was constructed further from the docks and a statue of Bariniel was erected in its courtyard, although it is now weathered and worn due to poor maintanance.   The order managed to shield themselves within their chapter house during the invasion of King Olaf III Kingmaker in 523, 3e. They remained isolated until the end of the Fury Uprising in 585.   Two centuries later, in 750, the order re-entered isolation, closing their gates to the public for three centuries until 1052, when a small earthquake revealed an ancient fortress on the outskirts of the village. The order sponsered a 'dungeon sweepstakes' organized by the mayor of the town, Pel, to uncover key artefacts buried within.   Doomed 2 Die discovered this ruin was in fact a temple to the Forgotten Gods and a death trap, with the three parties gathered by Pel defeated within. The seasoned adventurers grew suspicious of the order when they discovered the temple was masked with illusion magic, and that the 'prized artefact' within was a relic of the Forgotten Gods.   When the group went to confront the High Librarian, he used a Sun Elf device to scatter the party throughout time.
Founding Date
29th-30th century of the Mythic Age
Appearances: 3
  • Session 113: Family Reunion
  • Session 127: Regatta to Survive
  • Session 128: Temple of the Forgotten Gods


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