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A small port and shipping town, Krakenpost is hardly anything to write home about. Ancient and amongst the first colonies founded by the early Ice Elves, the village has always been the launching point of boats from Sudalfenland to Furunheim due to its close proximity to the more important town of Mammothrun across the Alesian Bay.   Built for the purpose of housing travellers, sailors, and merchants – the town’s local population are largely working in service buildings and the docks and warehouses with the local production lifted by hunters and fishermen.   The town has the sounds and smells of a seaside village- seagulls and ospreys call out across the town, flocking around the markets and the palisade walls. The buildings are mixes of old wood and stone cottages.   Krakenpost is ran by a council of three elders with a locally elected Mayor who serves as a steward for the council. In name, it is ran by Aera Furyborn, the daughter of Tiristar.  


Krakenpost is almost entirely an Ice Elf. Outside of occasionally temporary visitors the general population are Furunheim natives whose family trace their ancestries back thousands of years to the island. Of the population, they are all followers of the Seldarine and the Vaniri pantheon of the honoured gods.


Like all of Asrineheim, Krakenpost is ruled by a gerentocracy. Within the village, the three eldest residents are invited to form the elder's council under the authority of the town's governor, chief Aera Furyborn. The council of elder's also appoint a mayor to help with administration. The current mayor is Pel Ulyrias.   The ruling council of the village as of the 13th Duskfall, 1052 3e are:
  1. Orias (714) A former dockworker and lover of the sea
  2. Alenrei: (617) The head blacksmith and merchant
  3. Garrel (699) A retired Furyborn soldier
There are currently a few residents technically older than some of the ruling council, including Aera's maid Agna, but they are either barred from serving as elder's due to faction membership or have refused the honour.


The town is scantly defended. A token wooden palisade and dyke forms a perimiter wall whilst access by see is entirely undefended. Since Furunheim hasn't come under attack since the 6th century, with a common belief the island is the safest and most stable means a focus on military or defence is rarely done. A contingent of knights sworn to House Furyborn form a militia to enforce law and order but beyond this, any small competant force could easily claim the settlement.

Industry & Trade

Krakenpost's economy is around services and maritime trade. Goods produces elsewhere in Furunheim are shipped from its docks, with the village itself offering little production outside of housing cargo, ships, and providing drink and board to sailors and traders from the more producitve and important settlements of Marthiel and Ferenvire.


Krakenpost Markets

A modest and tightly packed collection of tents, carts, crates, and barrels of whole sale and general goods. Most trade products can be bought here alongside the following speciality stores:
  • Sea Supplies: A pleasant and cheery ice elf named Oliyrion who sells rope, ship supplies, navigators tools, sea faring tools, nets, and crossbows.
  • Food: Selling local Furunheim delicacies, a sweet old ice elf (709 years old) named Liana runs the store and makes all the food at home with some at her well set up tent.
  • o Firesnaps: a sweet candy infused with juniper o Harpy Cakes: A sweet pastry infused with nuts and berry preserves. o Whipper Pies: a pastry based fish pie made of a local small fish called a Whipper. o Fae Bread: Small parcel shaped breads with a whimsical and appley flavour – served hot or cold with honey.  

    Aera's House

    This large, walled stone manor house is at the top end of town and has ice gates with the Furyborn insignia. This is the home of Aera Furyborn, Ary’s sister and the second in line to the eldership after him. It is also home to Aera's made, Agna and is the base for the settlement's contigent of knigths representing the house. The house itself has numerous rooms, including a music room, an internal theatre, a magical laboratory, extensive winter gardens and an ice sculpture section. Gazebos, water features, and a personal bathouse also dot the premises.   The Ice Gardens house several fine sculptures, including a depiction of the God Freya, made by Galon Aramour, the father of Gallus


    A large dry dock where longships are hauled in for repair or construction.  

    Kraken's Armory

    A modest sized blacksmiths with an iron kraken hanging across the eaves of its building. A family of blacksmiths who deal with all the metal and weapons in town called the Poraighlai family run the shop with family elder Alreni being the master who makes all the fancier items. His partner, Paras, and children Lothar, Maeryilir, and Ranathas are also smiths with some other non-family apprentices and assistants.  

    Elder's Hall

    A large stone palace with lush public gardens, its own private geyser, and adjoined libraries, observatories, and bathhouse. The three elders often reside here when not at their own homes. The roof is large grand dome which sits over the main assembly area, an ice decorated hall with depictions of the Furyborns and the Fury Rebellion.   Staff attend to the halls and gardens, and the local mayor has his offices here where they oversee the town’s infrastructure and administraitor with their assistants.

    Chapter of the Order of Labelas

    A grand old stone fortress building enclosed in magical trees that form a wall. A tree arch is left open staffed by one of the order’s attendants on the rare times the chapter house is actually open. The Order of Labelas are knowledge hoarders and chroniclers.   Current chapter head is High Librarian Orisander. A 718 year old elf and knowledge keepr, Orisander joined the chapter house young after being orphaned in Mammothrun. The chapter house has been shut for three centuries now – but the gates have just opened and nobody is sure why.

    Boreas Fine Goods

    An import export shop ran by Gallus’s maternal uncle, Teris Boreas. His shop itself is a cosy place that doubles as an information broker, Teris knows a lot of information about the island and what’s going on. The goods he sells include minor magical items, fine items, and rare items.His sons, Edur and Furnagh, also live here. Edur continues to the work at the shop whilst Furnagh is a militiaman.  

    The Walking Wind Inn

    A large coaching inn with plentiful rooms and several floors. The inn is welcoming with local musicians performing smooth and sweet tunes. A lot of the town find employment here when needed, especially whilst younger. The inn is ran by Jalyse Serrenian, a friendly Furunheim native with dyed red hair at the tips. Their family helps the inn alongside many of other locals.   With the arrival of several adventurers to explore the newly uncovered ruins near the town, the inn is housing guests from Asrinheim, Jameleska and members of the Vilderfolken goat clan.  

    Temple of Deep Sashelas

    A modest stone temple dedicated to the sea good. A sombre elf named Tylin Sarashenlaigh is the high cleric with a handful of other accolytes, including a much younger and cheerier cleric named Oberon.  

    Sweaty Sailor Drink & Board

    A seedier tavern with some smaller boarding rooms near the docks. Ran by Saran Corras.  

    Temple of Corellon

    A large and grand stone building with a large spire where singing can be heard at dawn and dusk. The temple has a community of five clerics with head cleric being Yerra Corthanir, a devout and middle-aged elf with a calm demeaner.  

    Shrine of the Vaniri Gods

    A small and modest shrine ran by a half-elf cleric of Freya called Iralthir. They tend the shrine alone and have shrines for Frigga, Freya, Freyr, and Odur.  

    Ancient Ruins

    Uncovered recently by an earthquake, these ruins were originally beleived to be of a Primal Elf fortress but after three adventuring parties, including Cassie Rayes, failed to emerge Doomed 2 Die investigated and revealed it was a temple to the Forgotten Gods.   The High Librarian of the Order of Labelas Furunheim was revealed to be responsible in its discovery and deception in exchange for the 'priceless artefacts' within.

    Guilds and Factions

    Outside of House Furyborn's token presence, the only major organization present in the town is the Order of Labelas. These isolated and private chroniclers and historians have not been open for business in centuries, with their archivists and relics kept secure and secret within their ancient guildhouse.


    Krakenpost is often a footnote in the larger chronicles of Vaniri history. Founded in the 29th century of the Mythic Age, the town was the first colony and landing point for Vaniri settlers from Sudalfenland, then called New Vanaheim.   Prior to ice elf settlement, three human clans, the Bog clan, the Wood Clan, and the Pebble Clan were resident of the island under the jurisdiction of the Triumvirate Temple, a band of three Forgotten Gods cultists. As with all things of the forgotten gods, the history of these temples are long lost.   Whilst House Furyborn, the warriors tasked with destroying the cultists and settling the island, settled around Fenrenvire and turned it into a bustling capital – Krakenpost remained a single set of docks and collection of tents.   Larger settlement increased throughout the remainder of the mythic age, the fabled Order of Labelas, lore keepers, mages, and bards, built their first temple near the docks to collate the information gathered from the Furyborn expedition and to preserve the early vaniri history. Around the library and docks, more service would eventually grow.   In the 3800s during the first Vaniri-Jotun war, many of the destroyed ships and bodies from the Battle of the Alesian bay washed up on the town’s beaches with a mass graveyard containing the giant bodies resting outside of the town’s borders, marked by a petrified mast of the one of the jotun warships and a small runestone dedication to the dead.   In the first age, a Sahaugin invasion of Furunheim was defeated by a member of the Order of Labelas named Baraniel Pellar led the defence of the island and saved Ferenvire and the furyborns form the shark-kin. A statue of Baraniel remains outside the largely old and decaying Order Chapter House.   By the second age and the war of the great houses, like most of the island, Krakenpost was spared from any large scale fighting or destruction. The Furyborn fleet did base themselves here and a temporary extension to the docks was created and the nearby groves were permanently destroyed to build ships and the ports. Supposedly the fey and land spirits cursed the town for this, causing a long decay and unnatural rise in deaths until a settlement wide exorcism was performed by Paladin’s of Sehanie Moonbow exorcized the town.   In 503, 3e, The Battle of Selethar’s Geyser was fought a mile north of the town that saw the outnumbered Krakpost militia, their mercenaries, and hired Jomsvikingr defeated by the invading army of Olaf Dragontooth the Kingmaker, futu re High King Olaf III of Aedrinar. The town was promptly sacked and occupied. A local resistance movement began to organize and with the return of the Furyborn heir, Tiristar, in 580 following his time in the Marcian Wars and adventuring on the continent, the seeds of the Fury Rebellion were sowed in the taverns of the port town. The first strike, The Uprising at Krakenpost, was organized against the Aedrinaran forces in 582 as a brief town wide battle defeated the armies of Olaf’s son, High King Karl III and his largely southern hold houses. By 585, the island had fully secured its independence and the town returned to its peaceful and quiet existence.   Krakenpost has since remained a simple port village since the furyborn, expanding its ferries to around Asrinheim and towards Halgafjar with the birth of the 8th Kingdom of Aedrinar increasing the town’s visibility and reputation as a stopover point for merchants and sailors.   In Duskfall 1052, 3e, ancient Primal Elf ruins were discovered following a chance minor earthquake that has caused a rush of visitors and adventurers to town.
    Krakenpost's location in the Aedrinaran islands.
    Founding Date
    around 2990, me
    Location under
    Owning Organization
    Characters in Location
    Appearances: 4
    • Session 112: Vaniri Seas and Changeling Daggers
    • Session 113: Family Reunion
    • Session 127: Regatta to Survive
    • Session 128: Temple of the Forgotten Gods
    • Session 129: To Infinity and Beyond
    • Session 130: The Vaniri Sea


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