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Orginvar ⸸

Odinpriest Orginvar Risynssen

Orginvar was the helpful and scholarly Cleric of Odin based in Oskunstrond. As the party's primary ally against The Dragon Clan, Orginvar was responsible for giving them directions to find out what Teng and his warriors wanted. Orginvar was close with Torgier, due to their shared priesthood of the honoured gods, and was a helpful guide to Shan. Orginvar is beleived dead after an attack by Yeti's during Teng's invasion of Oskunstrond.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Orginvar was the high priest of Odin within Drekenheim. Based at the ancient temple of Odin in the town, Orginvar was dedicated to protecting his town and the work of the gods. Alongside running the temple, Orginvar ran the temple as a school for the less wealthy in the town. Orginvar served during the 40 year war, primarily as a healer for wounded troops in the Commonwealth.   Since taking over the temple, Orginvar has become an important local figure within Oskunstrond. A lawful good healer and teacher who wants the best for his people, Orginvar happily helepd Doomed 2 Die in their mission to destroy the dragon clan. Sending them to the monastery of Balder to find answers, Orginvar also pointed the party in the direction of Teng's liutenants.   During Teng's invasion, Orginvar was attacked by Yeti by the temple. Being left to handle them himself and help the injured of Oskunstrond, he is presumed killed in action after Oskunstrond fell.  

Alternate Reality

In the alternate reality created by Primus where Doomed 2 Die never met, Teng and Shan never fell out so the Dragon Clan was never created, meaning there was no fall of Oskunstrond for the priest to die in. This version of Orginvar would still die when Jormagandur destroyed Lastlight, he was found dead near a temple, writing the word 'Jormagandur' with his own blood onto the stone before dying. His symbol of Odin was taken by Val.
Status Deceased   First Appearance: Session 13, Fire!
Current Location
Date of Death
29th Applefall
Place of Death
Dark Blue
Medium length man-bun, brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Cleric of Odin
  • Session 13: Fire!
  • Session 14: Faith
  • Session 19: Traitor at the Gates
  • Session 20: Rabble in Oskunstrond
  • Session 21: Divided We Fall
  • Session 83: The Clockwork God (Alternate Reality)

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