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Torgier †

Torgier Suthansword

Torgier was a member of Ysgard's Warriors and Doomed 2 Die. A cleric of Thor blessed with the powers of Storm Sorcery, Torgier served as the party's primary healer and leader. Using his martial and magical skills to reign thunder and warhammers down upon his enemies, whilst using his abilities to save his friends, Torgier was the moral compass of his group. After a crisis of faith, Torgier became a celestial warlock.   Alongside being his groups leader and morality guide, Torgier was a religious expert and well versed in the culture and history of Aedrinar. A polyglot and empathatic leader, Torgier could come across as aloof but was a kind and well loved soul by all who met him. Torgier died fighting Red Hawk, sacrificing himself to destroy the warlord's ship.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Torgier was raised by a cleric of Thor within Ysgard's Warriors and looked after by the warriors, becoming an esteemed member of their guild. Never knowing his birth family, this mystery would hang over the warrior for his entire life. In 1052, Torgier was assigned a mission by the warriors to travel to Lastlight and meet with Naerfi Oath-Knee in order to find out who was kidnapping the city's residents.  

The Missing Arc

Torgier first met with Shan and Kliiks in Lastlight, and became the de-facto leader of their party as they investigating the missing people of Sudureyja. Upon uncovering the secret tunnels beneath the city, he then met with the kidnapped wizard Azura and led them all to fight the mysterious cult beneath the settlement. Torgier, as the group's expert in the gods, realised they had uncovered a cult of Rangarok. During their first major fight as a group, Torgier was significantly taunted by the cambion Fjandmar and downed by him several times. Following this fight, the goliath and Shan made a bet to see who could kill Fjandmar first.   Torgier nearly died again during the breaking of the southern seal, being saved by Fjandmar at the last minute, protecting him from the falling rubble. He welcomed the ice elf Killyn into the party, and happily aided the gazer Gobbledegook Jr. Jr. Jr in defeating his elemental nightmares. Upon travelling to Fiskvatn, Torgier battled Fjandmar again, this time in the game of Grimsweaver, and secured the fiends alliance in their coming battle. In Fiskvatn, Torgier visited the temple of Thor, where he asked for guideance from his god, but found none.   Whilst battling with Fisk, Torgier was instrumental in protecting his party and weaking the crime lord's resources. This angered Fisk, who proceeded to throw him out a window. By the time Torgier returned to the battle, the fight had moved into the attic where the heavily bruised warrior captured Fisk at last and handed him to the Star Ranger Core.  

The Dragon Clan Arc

Torgier happily travelled to Drekenheim with his party, where he did his first 'dad dance' at a party in Oskunstrond. Here, Torgier became a strong friend of Orginvar, the town's cleric of Odin. After defeating The Dragon Clan in the ruined temple of Balder, Torgier began expressing doubt in his faith after failing his test in the monastery, and his powers changed to that of a warlock when Thor granted him with new powers. Leaving the monastery, Torgier and the rest of the party were taken to the Plane of Air, where the Star Ranger Core asked for their help to defeat the criminal Red Hawk ⸸. Torgier offered kind words to Kliiks, whose family was being threatened by Red Hawk, and journeyed to the Asrinheim protest to save them.   At the outpost, Torgier was met with disinterest by Kliiks's family, but helped to investigate the Eastern Seal which had been revealed beneath their camp. Torgier led the party to attack Red Hawk's flying fortress and free the kidnapped Aarakokra within. During the battle, Torgier was brought to death's door by Red Hawk. By sheer determination, Torgier rose up from unconsciousness, telling his allies to flee, where he ran to the engine room of the fortress and unleashed his thunder powers. This destroyed the fortress, killing the bulk of Red Hawk's forces and himself in the process.   Upon his death, Torgier entered Valhalla where he was welcomed by Odin. Odin told him he was the son of Thor, and offered him a chance to return to the material plane to complete his mission, or be welcomed by the gods. Torgier chose to stay in Valhalla, where he remains to this day.  


Torgier's Funeral was a parade of honour by the ships of Ysgard's Warriors. His war hammer remains unbroken in the crater left where the fortress fell, and seems to be projecting radiant energy and hallowing the ground around it.  

Alternate Reality

In the alternate reality created by Primus where Doomed 2 Die never met, Torgier was joined by Torvak when Naerfi Oath-Knee hired doomed 2 die to find the missing citizens. They ended up forming a party with Naerfi and Killyn but were killed in the Southern Seal when Hundvar collapsed the mine.


Torgier †

Enemy (Important)

Towards Fjandmar



Paramour (Important)

Towards Torgier †


Status: Deceased   First Appearance: Session 1: New Beginnings
Current Status
Died destroying Red Hawk's Flying Fortress
Date of Death
25th Applefall
Circumstances of Death
Sacrificed himself to destroy the ship
Unknown - Raised in Axehall
Place of Death
Red Hawk's Flying Fortress
Quotes & Catchphrases
"You love sailing [the boat] into obstacles!" - Torgier to Azura after she crashed their boat   "You big bald, bitch." Torgier to Fisk   "You're old. I'm Chonky." Torgier to Shan after they failed to hit their enemies   "I do this for your respect." Torgier to his God
Acolyte of Thor
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common, Dwarvish, Giant, Primordial
Appearances: 16
  • Session 1: New Beginnings
  • Session 2: Torgy Boy!
  • Session 3: This Ship Ain't Sinking
  • Session 4: The Southern Seal
  • Session 5: Gobbledgook
  • Session 6: Ghosts and Consquences
  • Session 7: Welcome to Fiskvatn
  • Session 8: A Grim Weave
  • Session 9: Fall of Fisk (The First Defenestration of Torgier)
  • Session 10: Good Deeds Bat Deeds
  • Session 11: The Past, A Present, and the Future
  • Session 12: Across the Ashen Sea
  • Session 13: Fire!
  • Session 14: Faith
  • Session 15: Finding Home
  • Session 16: Red Hawk
  • Session 83: The Clockwork God (Alternate reality) (Body)


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