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Shan Flamesbane

Shan Flamesbane is a former kensei warrior monk, now ascendent dragon, from Wulin in the distant Dragon Empire. A master of martial arts, focusing on the blade, whip, and fists, Shan has a long life and history of being a warrior. Serving in the 40 year war, Shan became known as the "Black Dragon of the Northern Shore" and was known for this cruetly to Seldrinar soldiers. He joined Doomed 2 Die in Lastlight, and along with Azura, is the only original member left.   Shan is a wise and elderly father figure for the group, and although he has a dubious moral history, his constant efforts to do the right thing and be a better person serve as an inspiration to those around him. He is prone to vegenance, but does regret his violent actions after the fact. He has a strong relationship with the whole group, serving as a surrogate family member for Kliiks, a good friend to Torgier, and has encouraged Amy Cobblepott and Val on their respective journies.  
His wife is long dead, and he believed his daugther to be missing or dead also until it was revealed she is working with his old nemesis, Teng Silverjaw and the Dragon Clan. Desperate to bring his old-friend and daugther back to the light, Shan is keen to build allies and retake Drekenheim.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Shan Flamesbane is a kensei warrior from the region of Wulin in the distant Dragon Empire. He trained under Master Zinten and developed a rivalry with his fellow student and friend Teng Silverjaw. During the night, Shan caught Teng trying to steal a scroll from the monastery and had him impriosoned. Shan was assigned to the Wulin Batallion during the 40 year and served in the Battle of the Northern Shore. During the war, Shan was enchanted by a Seldrinar war mage named Solveiss who made Shan kill his allies. Swearing revenge, the monk went rouge, taking on the moniker the "Black Dragon of the Northern Shore" and commited mass murder of Seldrinar troops.   Shan would eventually settle down in Aedrinar after the war with his wife and daugther, loosing his wife to a fire and having his daugther go missing. He lived alone for some time before visiting the city of Lastlight, where he was recruited by Jarl Naerfi Oath-Knee to help find out why the city's residents were going missing.  

The Missing Arc

Shan was recruited by Naerfi Oath-Knee to assist the Ysgard Warrior Torgier to find out why people in Lastlight were going missing. Here Shan first met the Aarakokra Kliiks whilst waiting for Naerfi and Torgier. Shan journeyed into the tunnels beneath the city, and struggled to see in the darkness but proved himself a strong and capable warrior, utilising his longsword, whip, and martial arts to great effect. In the tunnels, he met the wizard Azura who joined their group. Shan was downed quickly when facing Fjandmar, and despite his allies' best efforts, the cambion escaped. After this encounter, Shan made a bet with Torgier to see who could kill the fiend first. Shan was angered by the Cult of Ragnarok's use of enchantment magic to control their victims.   At the batle of the southern seal, Shan deftly escaped the collapsing mines and helped to save as many kidnapped people as he could. Shan was the first to meet the travelling ice elf Killyn , and after an awkward encounter at the well welcomed them back to the party where he aided Gobblegook Jr. Jr. Jr. in defeating their elemental nightmares. As a reward, Shan earned prayer beads for meditation.   These beads allowed Shan to unlock a form of astral projection, where he was able to meet the Tabaxi spirits of Uncle Muffin and Azumon. In later escapades using these beads, Shan would also meet the Goddess Hel and the ghosts of the people he killed.   Shan was used as one of the Grimsweaver cards when Torgier faced Fjandmar, and was still untrusting of the cambion during their mission to take down Fisk. Shan was nearly killed by Fisk's fists, but the monk's martial arts prowress eventually gave him the upper hand and helped to knock the crime lord unconscious. He begrudingly let Fjandmar leave.  

The Dragon Clan Arc

Whilst staying in Fiskvatn, Shan learned from the pirate Ymit that Teng Silverjaw had arrived in the island of Drekenheim with a guild of monks calling themselves the Dragon Clan. Terrified of his old adversary finding his new home, Shan encouraged the party to journey to Drekenehim to take the dragonborn down. Shan became an ally of the priest of Odin named Orginvar, and helped to defeat smaller groups of Dragon Clan monks. During the party in Oskunstrond, Shan and Torgier were identified as the group's worst dad dancers.   Shan was horrified by the Dragon Clan's sacking of the monastery of Balder, and when finding the secret hidden beneath he found the took the path of temptation with Kliiks and passed the test. After this fight, Shan aided the Star Ranger Core to help free Kliiks's family from the criminal Red Hawk , but struggled to make a good impresssion with his protogee's mother. In fighting Red Hawk, Shan was remorseful to lose his ally Torgier but provided a strength to his friends, especially young Kliiks. Shan was also the least skeptical of Einar, and was keen to help him find the Bear Library.   In his visit to the Great City of Aaqa, Shan helped inspire a young orphaned air genasi girl and taught her to paint. In return, she gave him some Nolzur's Magnificent Pigments.   When he returned to Oskunstrond, Shan helped to finish off Teng's lieutenants, getting the killing blow on his wereboar ally. Searching for answers on why Teng was on the island, Shan met with the spirit Azumon, show showed him that Teng blamed the monk for the death of his lover whilst imprisoned. When Teng attacked the town, Shan was attacked by Eva, his long lost daughter, who now worked for Teng, deeply traumatising the old man. Shan, Killyn, and Einar journeyed to the Jarl's keep to face his old adversary. Teng easily beat Shan, but he was allowed to escape with the aid of Captain Greymight, and arrived in time to see Kliiks sacrifice themselves. After this, Shan surrendered to ARCAM and was taken to the Commonwealth with his party.  

Dagon Arc

Shan was in deep mourning for the loss of Kliiks, who he had just accepted as an adopted son. Combined with his trepidition about being returned to the Commonwealth, Shan was uncooperative with ARKAM. Shan struggled to trust Amy Cobblepott at first, but appreciated their aid upon their failed escape attempt. When the Kraken attacked their ship, Shan helped to fight the sea monsters coming through the ship and chose to save his weapons and painting supplies.   Shan began to be visited in his dreams by a mysterious figure in a misty landscape, this figure said they would grant them gifts for destroying the Dragon Clan and sending them their souls.   His arrival in the Commonwealth was met with flashbacks to the war, but he found comfort in Azura who helped the war-weary old man overcome his traumas. Shan was instrumental in the kobold slaughter beneath Buchstable and heavily angered the green dragon, Gorgon of Many Faces. In The Witchwood, Shan was literally haunted by the ghosts of those he killed and tormented by the Three Hags who controlled the area. After this, Shan found wisdom and solace in Poptart, Uncle Muffin's nephew, who advised him to let go of the past and find balance.   In Azura's trial, Shan was cleared of crimes, but strongly defended Azura to her mother, Gwenyth Youngspell, calling her a "terrible parent." In the trial by combat, Shan defeated one of the wizards. He was unable to save Killyn from the distingration ray, and helped Azura to mourn her loss, but encouraged her to sentence her mother to, "a fate worse than death" in the arcane puzzle.   When the party were attacked by the Cult of Dagon in the Ceannastra docks, Shan was knocked unconcious. He was grateful to his new ally, Ivar Lothgarssen, for placing his blade in his hand whilst downed so he could gain entry to Valhalla if he died. In thier first fight with Ebony, Shan was knocked unconcious again. When the party came across Fjandmar in Ynnsmouth, he was hesitant to accept the cambion's help at first. He helped Azura to slay the Head of Dagon and seal ebony away in the Box of Dagon. He left a handpainted drawing of the party for Amy Cobblepott to remember them by.  

War of the Walls Arc

Shan journeyed with Ivar aboard The Boneless on the journey back to Lastlight, the two forming a warrior's bond, sharing mead, tea, and stories together. Shan later got to spend some time with Val, and was intrigued by the warlock.   Arriving in Jameleska, Shan was likewise torn between supporting Alana or Salia Rose, and wanted to save the worker's when Horsha Lenn came for them. Shan was welcoming to Roach but unsure at first, resolving to send them a letter after the fact During their time in Rosethorpe, Shan was recognised by a mysterious amythst dragonborn who gave them a small wooden coin with a draconic symbol on it. When fighting, Shan suddenly found themselves using draconic powers and was determined to seek out Jai Ling again. Shan fought with Val against Fjandmar, The Crimson King, in the Kobbellesum, finally winning his old bet with Torgier, if only temporarily.   Shan later visited Jai Ling at their home in Palakirk, and was invited to join the Draconist pagoda and train in the hidden arts of the dragon warrior. Shan was eager to pursue this when they had time. They first helped the party fend off the Jameleskan Syndicate in Storbaer. When Einar was kidnapped by a Nilfashnee during the mission to find the paladin's gem, they were the first to seek their rescue. After this, Shan decided he could not face another war and instead left the party for a short time to go and learn under the Draconists, he and Azura would messsage and exchange stories every night.   During their training, the old warrior met with a mysterious crystal dragonborn named Rushiniark, the elder flame of the 18th summit, guardian of the vaults of Seng, warrior of the silver seal, master of the seventeen arts, and purveyor of the hidden style. Rushinark used unconventional training to aid Shan in the mental turmoil of the war, losing their family, and the events of their adventure. This completed Shan's training, making him an ascendent dragon monk. During his final night of training, Shan received a vision of his friends in danger.   The old monk raced to get to his friends in time, and arrived as Fasingos to help them fight the demilich form of Gryllfagor , using their new draconic abilities. Shan then visited the city of Aaqa after heading through the pillars of air and was happy to meet St Tara, telling them about Kliiks. Shan attempted to meet Kliik's family and also spent time with the young girl he befriended on his last visit.   In the Battle of Jastingrag, Shan fought the Snow Lord's jotun head on, killing at least one.  

The Prodigal Fjandmar Arc

With the Snow Lord defeated, Shan spent some time relaxing in Jameleska. They came across a green scaled dragonborn boy named Castor who was being bullied by members of a local dojo. Shan rescued the boy, and took them to confront the dojo. Shan was appalled at the dojo's leader using martial arts and monk training for violence only, and organized a fight to take place in five days between their best fighter and Castor. The old monk then set about training Castor.   Using Falia's knowledge of the city. Shan took Castor to a hidden cave to practice stances and breath control. Castor did become frustrated, but through Shan's wisdom, he began to teach the boy the importance of mind over Ki. Shan later practiced physical movements and the rare crane kick. During the show down, Shan looked on proudly as Castor defeated their rivals, and intervened to help the dojo's champion after he was being scalded by their sensei.   Arriving in Gehenna, Shan immediatly set about trying to befriend the black abishai Turnwings in the Briar and Brimstone to no success. Accomponying the group to the mad mage's mansion to find a way to hide Fjandmar from divination magic, Shan was displeased to meet Mertion Hampton again.   During the mansion, Shan helped to calm John Kommenian, allowing Einar to come in and use a greater resotration to restore the wizard's mind. In the aftermath, Shan tried to convince Azura to spare Mertion when the yfound him mortally wounded, but was silenced. He was relieved when Azura did later allow Einar to heal Mertion after the ARCAM agent gave Azura the prison box his mother was in.   In the fight with the Orthon, Shan ran straight up to the beast and solo'd the beast until Gallus arrived to assist. In the penthouse suite rewarded to the party for defeating the Orthon, Shan's room was a traditional Wulin style with a meditation mat. During his time meditating in Gehenna, Shan became aware of a darker presence within him trying to get out.   Shan was absent during the party's journey to Gehenna, but did speak to the djinn duke Mashad and asked them to scry on Teng, instead of finding Teng the crystal ball was infused with the image of a hag. Shan became angry and was only calmed by the arrival of the party. Mashad and Shan would later apologise to each other.   In the party's rescue of the bard Starry Hyles on behalf of Kaneis, a resident at the briar and brimstone, Shan ran into the devil encampment with Val and Roach whilst the rest of the party and a polymorphed Ivar distracted the legions of asmodeus. Shan attended the dance alone, but spent time with everyone whilst there and engaged in a second dance off against Gallus and Falia.   Shan's later adventures in Gehenna would include intimidating Yugoloth generals, earning the respect of Mr. Big, facing off for a second time with Hundvar † and the Relentless Juggernaught of Loviatar, and fighting in the Battle of Lover's Bite. In the trench run, Shan helped take down multiple defences, and in the main keep he used his newly trained draconic powers to fly up and punch Ultragon whilst in the air.  

The White Will Arc

Following his time in Mechanus - Shan continued his adventures as Doomed 2 Die went to the Astral Sea to prepare for meeting Primus, the god of time, to seek answers about Ragnarok. Shan took some shore leave whilst the endeavour refeuelled before they entered mechanus. Battling with the modrones defending the plane, Shan took down several of the clockwork servants.   Questioning Primus - angering the god on the nature of destiny, Shan and the rest of the party were flung into an alternate reality where they were never destined to stop Ragnarok. Shan's life in this universe was near perfect, but the monk willingly sacrificed this life to save the multiverse with the help of the alternate form of Roach. Shan learnt from his time in the other reality and took on board his counterparts peaceful existence as form of inspiration.   In Lastlight, Shan battled with the goblins who were posing as ghosts in the mansion Jarl Naerfi Oath-Knee had granted the party and indulged in the dragonweed they were growing in the attic and spiritually manifested himself in the feywild.   Whilst sailing to his old home of Knut's Landing - Shan urged the party to sail to the aid of Ahbadin Mustfazi and battle the Dragon Clan warriors assaulting his trade ship. In the aftermath, he shared tea with Al-Dunnian adventurer and warrior.   Shan was shocked to learn that his old home in Knut's Landing had been repossesed by the Thane as he had no idea how taxes or property worked. In its place he found a multi-faith church set up by Fr. Tomos Siegfried who was remarkably accomodating to Shan and informed him his daugther had been by recently and taken the family portrait from the leftover belongings, leaving a burnt owlbear plushy and one of Kliik's feathers in its place.   Enjoying the feast of King Knut - Shan was keen to help the missing children trapped in Southwatch by the Sea. He battled hard against the Coldstar Wraiths and comforted many of the children as the party rescued them one by one. Returning to Knut's Landing, when The White Will attacked the town Shan used his speed and draconic abilities to deal with the fires in the marketplace and rescue civilians and animals from danger. When the will moved from the temple to the docks, Shan was polymorphed by Azura into a giant ape to chase down the dragon and fight it. The form was dropped when Azura was attacked by Mephits, and Ape-Shan only managed a few punches.   Leading the refugees to the Seal Clan camp - Shan participated in a lie to distract the turncoat settlers of Andursthrope, but dropped the disguise when realising they had only joined the White Will's cause to save their home. He helped convince them to join the refugees going to the Seal Clan and advocated leaving Oba Obassen and the homestead's leader, Andurs behind to defend the home.   Whilst scouting ahead on the road to the camp, Shan and Val came across the remains of a Ysgard's Warriors camp with dead warriors and Western Skallen members. Shan was worried when Val entered a traumatic response to the events and could not calm his friend down. They, and the rest of the heroes, were ambushed by the Dagurssen cell and taken into captivity.   The party would eventually be rescued by Mr. Blake. Shan was impressed by the mysterious criminal figure at first but expressed his concern at the acidic attack unleashed. In the fort, Shan helped calm Erika and convince her they were not Skallen members. Shan tried to argue for mercy for some of the Skallen, especially the injured ones, but was brutally shut down by Val.   Feeling remorseful and worn down by the events of the past few days, at the Seal Clan camp Shan was introduced to the son of his war buddy Erik - Shan Erikssen - by Ivar. Shan was moved by this and deeply sad at the memories it brought back up. Later, before they boarded The Boneless to head to Jameleska, Shan was given a note by the Black Fox's agents informing him that Eva was in Westwatch. He expressed how he was not sure he should even see Eva and was again verbally bullied by Val.   In Jameleska, Shan reunited with his protogee Castor and mentor Rushinairak. The monk was greeted with some suspicion by the Silver Dragon wyrmling they rescued, but the small dragon eventually warmed up to him. In the worm Caverns, Shan was wounded by the Carrion Crawlers but rejuvinated enough by the time they reached Rorisgrad. Inside the ruins, he was amongst the heroes dragged into the ice by the Ice Wierds and narrowly rescued himself.   Upon discovering the stable elemental portal beneath the ruins leading to the Frostfell - Shan's draconic tongue and knowledge of the dragons helped the party negotiate with the Huntress and uncover the White Will's true identity as a failed traitor to the Huntress's pack. He was offered the Mask of the White Dragon if he returned the traitor's head to the Huntress.   Back in Jameleska, when Val was harsh to Erika during their dealing with the War Smith's mercenaries, Shan reassured the warrior and convinced her that the party's cause was good. This was amongst the first honest guideance and niceness she had recieved from the adventurers since joining them in the Dagurssen fort.   With Erika back on board and the party back in the Western Hold to find the Stone of Queen Astrid, the adventurerers entered Bard's Folly. Shan tackled the Way of Shadow, frustrated Roach with his inabaility to see in the dark but successfuly avoided the Shadow Monster within and led them to safety. For the second test, Shan took the Way of Fear, and faced off with the dark version of himself and the potential harm he would cause to his friends.   The stone secured, the monk said goodbye to Erika, Falia, and Fr Tomos as the companions went ahead to Westwatch to secure the other half of the stone astrid from Ysgard's Warriors. Shan was impressed to meet Haarold Iceaxe in Kulvrsford, hearing tales of the general's famed exploits during the 40 Year War. Shan supported negotiating with the Western Skallen to secure peace and Haarold's armies in fighting the elemental monsters of the White Will. In the ambush, Shan was amongst the party members severly injured by the White Will and his frost salamanders.   Finally going to Westwatch, Shan defended Val in Coldstar keep, despite the warlock's recent actions towards him, against Elfrey the Godswitch's accusations and revelation that Val had been exiled from the guild. Meeting with the Wintershields, Shan was distrustful of Starkard Wintershield for his supposed use of Enchantment magic on Ivar. He did begrudingly agree getting House Winter-Shield's help was the best cause of action to clear Val's honour, rescue their companions, and continue with their quest. Shan also spoke to Mr Blake and orchestrated a deal to have his old Dragon Armour looked at and perhaps exchanged for something from Blake's collection.   Waiting for the Wintershield's to arrive, Shan and Azura investigated the abandoned tenanment where Eva was last seen. Inside he found evidence of several dragon clan members sleeping there, extensive notes on Pilgrim's Rest and Ysgard's Warriors, and the bodies of several Ysgard's Warriors recruits. When it was time to eventually face down Elfrey, Shan dealt with her most loyal followers quickly using his elemental punches. Shan also warned the rest of the party about what he found and theorised that the Dragon Clan were after Mimir or the spirtual power at Mount Valhalla.   Arriving in Pilgrim's Rest the monk passionately defended Val against Underchief Steinar. He was awed to see Sven the Godslayer † arrive and happy the warchief was defending Val. His joy would turn to dismay when a near death Organvor entered the chamber, informing everyone that the Dragon Clan had killed several warriors and made their way up the mountain.   In the battle at the peak of mount Valhalla, Shan tried desperately to get through to his daughter. Close to a break through, this was interuppted with the arrival of Dragon Clan reinforcements led by The Piper. In the ensuing fight, Shan was knocked unconcious and flung through the teleportation circle to an unknown location. He was returned after a time stop caused by the Piper.   Completing Val's trial in a trial by combat following magical healing, Shan would again be knocked unconcious by the actions of Sven the Godslayer but was spared a direct or harmful impact. He would be awoken by Einar in time to see Erika use the Rite of Claimance and become the new war chief, something Shan approved of. He would go with Azura and Einar to repair the Stone of Queen Astrid and discover the location of the dragonlance - revealing it was within the Cave of the Golden Wyrm, buried beneath the snow of Mount Vestmont.   Resting in Heroes Rest, Shan was unsure how to handle Krieg Stormbarer's request for Torgier's old ring. He and Azura disagreed on what to do, and Shan eventually handed it over in exchange for Krieg and House Stormbarer's help in fighting the Dragon Clan. Before going to bed, Shan recieved a sending spell from The Piper, revealing they had sent him back through the teleportation circle has he had not suffered enough. The Monk also discovered a locket containing Eva's hair in it.   Discovering the Cave of Golden Wyrm, Shan was wrestled by Hoard Mimics and helped Gallus realise the mimics were telepathically communicating in Draconic, a fact the fighter was only able to pick up on because of their psionic abilities. Shan suggested the mimics go to the Draconic monastery in Jameleska and made sure Azura warned Rushinarairak to expect them.   In his fight with the White Will, Shan was succesful in wearing down the dragons' resistances using stunning strikes and quick flurries of blows. He would be heavily wounded in the fight and before being able to heal up was slain by the dragon as its frost breath consumed him. He had a breif glimpse of the afterlife where he saw his deceased with Em in the distance within a large poppy field - a spectral form Bahamut embraced him as he was pulled back to life by Fr Tomos using a revivify.   Tired by the events of the week and missing his family - Shan agreed to travel with Ivar back to Rorisgrad to give the head of the White Will to the huntress. He managed to convince the dragon to aid them against the Dragon Clan, and would end up through a portal to the Feywild on his voyage to meet the party in Odinsthrone. He would be resuced from corrupted fey by Uncle Muffin and returned to the material plane.  

The Heir of Furunheim Arc

Arriving in Odinsthrone, Shan met with Mr. Blake at his lair in the Black Room, and traded his old armour and blade for robes from The Vale of the Elves. He then met with the party in the Harehall district as they were investigating leads on the attempted assassination of Arystyr Furyborn. He journeyed with them to The Wold and battled the conclave.   Setting sail to Furunheim, Shan would first intimidate some of the adventuers at the local inn in Krakenpost after they threatened the bar keep. He also discovered Cassie Rayes posing as an adventurer in the tavern. The monk also detected the presence of Zedithir, who wished to remain private and tried to mind trick the monk.   At the attack on Elder Tiristar Furyborn's funeral Shan ran to one of Ferenvire's islets to save civilians alongside Roach. He would later be the first to rush to the keep to rescue Val and Arysty where he first faced off against The Dark Enchanter. Shan also loved his time at the Night Circus, and was shocked to learn one of its ring keepers was actually a vanguard of the Dragon Clan going by the alias of The Whip. After defeating the vanguard, Shan was brought back into Nifilheim and met with the Valkyerie who was satisifed he was killing members of the Dragon Clan.   In their march to Marthiel, Shan would run into an open portal to the feywild and was followed by Azura. There they found themselves facing off against the Wizards Four. Battling through, the two barely stayed alive and eventually found a portal back to the material plane, surrounded by the corrupted living plants the Dark Enchanter was using. He saw the corruption altar contained an oak-leaf amulet. He managed to grab it an escaped, but realised Azura hadn't followed.   Shan found himself in the middle of the battle of Marthiel, and saw Ivar battling the Enchanter's forces. The two firm friends ran back through the portal, and were informed Azura had died at the hands of the corrupted treant, Shadowbark. Infuriated at the loss of his closest party member, Shan battled Shadowbark and the remaining corrupted plants, nearly dying in the process before being saved by a revived and now avatar-ed Azura. He would reunite the oak leaf amulet with its owner, the Green Guard member Airrach.   The four then joined the battle against the Dark Enchanter in his fey wild tower, and ultimately defeated him. Despite Azura's revivification, the monk unfairly took much of the blame for the wizard's death. These feelings would be absolved at the victory feast in Ferenvire, and Shan also formed a closer relationship with Zedithir in the process.   Journeying on to the eastern isles, Shan helped save Cassie Rayes, feeling partly responsible for the Jameleskans call to adventure, and went to confront the corrupted Order of Labelas where he was cast through time, landing in the middle of the party's adventures in Oskunstrond. He reunited with Orginvar and was led to an abandoned shack outside of town where he reunited with his former master, Zinten, and in a fight and training montage with the former master brought up his animosity at how he was raised in the monastery. Shan would be the last to be rescued by Azura and returned to normal time and space.  

The Deep Arc

In the Eastern Isles, Shan would resist the initial attack by the Deep Scion and ran between The Boneless and Lyre's Tongue to defeat the scion's aquatic forces. Arriving in Orsturkirk, he stayed with the party on their numerous entanglements around town. When going to capture Vanar Salinir from Redharbour, he willingly surrendered to the vaniri's party and helped convince Vanar of the true evil they were facing. Later, at The Sweaty Sailor, he would ask the changeling prostitute to mimic his wife, gaining a sense of peace from having seen Em's face once more.   After the party saw Vanar's trial in Effelin, Shan was approached in a dream by The Black Fox and asked to help slay a Vanguard hiding out in the Northern Isles. When the party arrived in Crowsport he departed with Starkard Wintershield for Morganhall.   In Morganhall the monk found the midnight city deserted and fully engulfed in darkness, even his darkvision felt limited and non-magical lights were being extinguished. He battled against wights and zombies and would meet with the Raven Clan ranger, Ranfi, and the members of House Morganssen where he uncovered the true identity of the local vanguard, The Shadow. After defeating the Shadow, the monk again met with the Valkyerie in Nifilheim, but was this time joined by Starkard and was secretly being watched by The Black Fox.   He was returned to the party in time for their adventures in Freywen where he helped kill another Vanguard, The Crown, and would take some downtime in Orsturkirk where he and Olivir travelled to the top of Mount Ornir to meet with The Mad Monk, a long-lived Derro who was using his purity of body to stave off the cursed madness of Yndress the Destroyer.   On the party's initial venture in the seas, Shan manned one of the torpedos with Ivar aboard their new submersible, The Vangaurd, built by the dragonborn artificer Xan. He did join for the final battle against the Scion, and through his stunning strikes and attacks managed to kill the aboleth.    

Alternate Reality

Shan was responsible for causing Primus to create the alternate timeline where Doomed 2 Die never met by asking the god "why us?" In this timeline, Shan never used his weapon in his first childhood fight with Teng, and the two mended their bridges and became lifelong friends. Shan never stopped his monastic devotion and remained a high level monk into 1052.   In this reality, Teng joined Shan in the Battle of the Northern Shore and killed Solviess, stopping the Seldrinar mage from enchanting Shan, meaning Erik and the rest of the party never died. After the war, Teng was also present in Knut's Landing when the housefire began and was able to rescue Em whilst Shan saved Eva, meaning Shan's name of 'flamesbane' and the loss of his wife never happened.   Shan was visiting Teng's restaurant in Iminiyas with both their families when they heard an explosion far in the distance. Running out the restaurant, Shan saw the alternate version of the Endeavour fighting Red Hawk's flying fortress. Whilst Teng ran to fetch the guards to find out what was going on, Shan noticed Luna looking at him through the crowd. Approaching them, Luna told Shan that the Endeavour was being captained by the alternate form of Kliiks and Auran and witnessed the ship ramming into the flying fortress' engine, destroying both vessels.   Later in 1052, Shan travelled with Teng to the ruins of Knut's Landing, devestated by a plague in the absence of Fr Tomos and ruined by the White Will. They met with Erik and the alternate form of Ivar in order to trap the White Will and kill it. Ivar was distant to Shan and did not seem to care for him. In this reality, Shan and Teng missed the fight as a building collapsed on them. The White Will would kill Ivar in this timeline - and in the aftermath of the dragon's defeat Erik, Teng, and Shan discussed destiny and how this timeline did not feel right. They were then told this timeline was not right by Luna, who promised Shan she would appear one last time, where he would have to lose everything.   The final apperance of Shan in the alternate reality was at a family dinner with Teng and Erik in the south of Asrinheim. The three warriors were going to fight Fenrir, when there was a knock at the door. Luna revealed themselves and told Shan about the fate of this timeline. The three of them would be successful in defeating Fenrir, and their devotion to fighting the good fight would help rebuild the world, he'd be a hero talked about for all time - but the gods would be dead and the multiverse never recover. To restore the timeline, he would have to give up his family, his friends, and reputation. Shan reluctantly agreed, borrowing Eva's scarf and saying he was 'popping out to the shed for a moment' before vanishing with Luna to restore reality.


Family Ties


Em is Shan's now deceased wife, who died in a tragic housefire. Shan and Em had been together since at least the 1020s, and had a single child.  


Eva was born on the warship taking Shan and Em to Aedrinar during the 40 year war. Growing up in Aedrinar, Shan was sure to teach his daughter the culture and ways of the Dragon Empire. Eva vanished mysteriously one night, and was found 17 years later by Shan in Oskunstrond where she was now working for Teng. It was revealed she had been abducted to the feywild but rescued by Shan's old nemesis, it is uncertain if Eva remembers Shan or not.

Religious Views

Shan is a strong beleiver in Draconism, the balance of good and evil and worships both Tiamat and Bahamut in equal measure. Their faith has been tested, but they try their best to restore balance. Shan has met numerous gods in their travels, including Hel.



Companion (Vital)

Towards Shan




Friend (Important)

Towards Ivar




Shan and Ivar spent considerable time together on the journey from the Commonwealth to Lastlight. The two shared mead, tea, and stories and became stronger as a bond. Their positions at the frontline of combat also reflect their close nature.


Companion (Trivial)

Towards Shan




Strange Grandpa (Important)

Towards Roach



Status: Alive   First Appearance: Session 1, New Beginnings
Date of Birth
6th Applefall
Quotes & Catchphrases
"At least my daughter disappeared by accident." Shan to Gwenyth Youngspell
"You BTEC Tiamat!"
"Young Kliiks." Commonly said when addressing Kliiks.
"I've had disagreements with fire."
"We must teach this troll the art of Wulin dancing!"
"Azura, why are we in a hole?"
Aligned Organization
  • Session 1: New Beginnings to Session 48, Wall Vorrenborg Falls
  • Session 63: Brawls and Crowns (Returned)


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