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Worker's Union

In cities such as a Jameleska where the wealthier horde their resources whilst their workers are forced into cramped housing and working in poor conditions for menial wages, the spark of revolution is one missed meal away. This is what occurred in the Winter of Strife when the workers of Jameleska’s manufactories banded together and launched a general strike and protest, the Worker’s Union was born. Since then, this coalition of trade unionists and revolutionaries has advocated for the poor of Jameleska and challenged the aristocratic government at every opportunity.   The Union has chapter houses in most districts of Jameleska, but faces challenges everywhere it goes. The Trade Guild and the nobility who hold power constantly try to throttle the Union and halt the progress it’s made in its 60 years of existence. In Wintergate, the union has been outlawed and driven underground, and in Rosethrope the Union were wiped out by Lady Alana Rose and Horsha Lenn when the Hammer Boulevard barricade was assaulted by the Rose militia.   The union has managed to increase wages and working conditions across the city, and is actively fighting the powerful trade factions such as the Trade Guild and War Smiths. Many workers in the industrial quarters flock to their membership, but the throttling of free speech by the nobility halts a lot of the traction the union faces.   The Union saw a surge of membership during the war, as the nobles horded food and resources whilst people starved. With the end of the war, it is unclear what momentum will be attained by the union now the supply chains are flowing again.    

Known Members

  • Roach 
  • Voska
  • Salia Rose †
  • Worker's of Jameleska, Unite!

    Founding Date
    1003, 3e
    Political, Activist
    Notable Members
    Appearances: 3
    • Session 39: The Miserables
    • Session 40: Fall of Faylock
    • Session 90: Return to Jameleska
    • Session 95: Scions


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