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Lady Alana Rose

Lady Alana Rose (a.k.a. The Thorn)

Acting regent of Rosethrope and member of the noble council of Jameleska, the second born daughter of Lord Roland Rose III, Lady Alana has quickly moved up the political ladder during the war and now runs one of the largest and wealthiest districts of Jameleska.
Cunning and calculating, Alana can both be loving and ruthless. Out to protect herself and her noble line, she has successfully played the political systems of her city to gain and maintain her power, and used her assets to harshly put down the Worker's Union revolt.   Alana’s political machinations would lead to the death of her sister, something she did regret but does not seem to lose any sleep over it. During the Faylock conspiracy, Alana was blackmailed into submission by Baron Faylock using information of her secret love affair with a cavalry officer of non-aristocratic origins.  
Her ladyship currently lives in Castle Rose, rebuilding her council and district after the war and has become amongst the most trusted allies of Duke Karl VI.

Physical Description

Physical quirks

Alana has had a unique allergy to gooseberries since an early age. When she was 8, she was accidently poisoned by her then chef, Falia Rayes and supposidly 'swole up like an inflated blueberry.' Val and Roach used this information to later poison her at the Hero's feast as revenge for her killing the Worker's Union.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Alana was the second born daughter of Lord Roland Rose III, and was second in line to the lordship of Rosethorpe after her older and more favoured sister, Salia. Seen as a spare rather than an heir, Alana was left largely in the care of nurses during her childhood, receiving education in the arts and music.   As she grew older, Alana found herself given more freedom and would frequently sneak out of her castle and spend time in the bars, arenas, and ice rinks of Jameleska. During this time, she met a young cavalry officer named Laurens at a masked ball, and the two began a long running and secret affair. Officially, Alana was engaged to a minor Asrinheim prince from the Sudalfenland, but the marriage was yet to be officiated.   Alana earned a seat on her father’s council as a steward, but during the Faylock conspiracy she was promoted to heir presumptive when her sister Salia was exiled. Faylock had obtained evidence of her love affair, and used this to blackmail and control her. Using this experience, Alana became more shrewd and calculating, slowly formulating a plan to oust Faylock.   Lady Alana had met the veteran Major Horsha Lenn during a military parade, and used her minor influence to have him installed into their council, using Worker’s Union activity as a cover for this promotion.   When The Snow Lord began his war, resources in Rosethrope began to shrink, exposing how much Faylock and his allies had been taking for themselves, leading to a general strike of the Worker’s Union branch in the district with civil unrest slowly spreading.   Under this discord, Alana’s spies became aware of Doomed 2 Die's involvement with her sister, Salia. She eloped with a drunken Ivar in the friary, expecting the warrior to bring the party to her. Using this as cover, she manipulated the party into helping her start a coup with the aide of Horsha Lenn, hoping to free her father from whatever control he was under and kill Faylock and his cronies.   After the successful coup, Faylock’s charms on Roland were removed, but had caused severe neurological trauma to the nobleman, and Alana was declared regent in his place. She immediately ordered Horsha Lenn to attack the Worker’s Union camp, whether or not her sister would surrender.   Her father was later sent to Weeping Halls Aslyum in Vorrenborg, and with her sister killed on Hammer Bouelvard, Alana would remain unchallenged within Rosethorpe.



1052, 32 - Present

Family Ties

Roland Rose III (Father) Salia Rose† (Sister)
Status Alive   Spouse Ivar (Divorced after 1 day)   First Appearance: Session 40, A Bath of Mystery
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord Regent of Rosethorpe, Keeper of the Keys Baron of Luristead
Date of Birth
3rd Flowertyme
Rosethorpe, Jameleska
Current Residence
Castle Rose
Dark Blue
Long, wavy, auburn
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ruled Locations
Appearances: 4
  • Session 39: The Miserables (Mentioned Only)
  • Session 40: A Bath of Mystery
  • Session 41: Fall of Faylock
  • Session 66: Tales from Jameleska pt.2


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