
Written by JCReulz

“To Observe and Preserve” is the motto of the Anthropology department. The aptly named Observers must carefully examine the various collections of Spoken people, both past and present, and must ensure that knowledge of these cultures and their histories is preserved.   The work of the Observers is not just a distant thing, as there’s much to be maintained and studied on Starfall Island as well. There are several bands and tribes of people that have made the greater island their home, either through ancestry or happenstance. Some Observers are tasked specifically with maintaining relations between these groups and the Consortium, understanding their needs and working with the bookkeepers to ensure land and resources are fairly distributed. Similarly, Starfall Island and the surrounding archipelago (before some had their aether burned by catastrophe) has historical ties to tribes of Geomancers, many of which were eventually ousted by surrounding powers for the sake of resources. Now that the Consortium holds power over this land, the Anthropology department has encouraged and forged treaties with these groups both to make sure bounds aren’t overstepped and that any archaeological work done is with consent of the surviving Geomancer lineages, within reason. The moves have been controversial to some members of both parties, but it’s some semblance of peace and respect, at least.


There are two types of Observers: Culturaists and Archaeologists.   Culturaists:   Culturists primarily study various aspects of living cultures, such as their languages, manner of dress, or customs. Their overall goals are to understand and connect different cultures, embracing the unique differences and similarities between them. Many culturalists personally interface with these people, interviewing them or taking part in cultural activities.   Archaeologists:   Archaeologists are focused on studying Spoken of the past, generally through their material remains. Often this requires surveying and digging in various locations to find artifacts, but knowing where to dig is its own skill. Being able to traverse dangerous or cursed ruins is often part of their skillset, but many can work behind a desk as well, studying and translating ancient tomes or categorizing historical events.   There is no hard rule to focus on one over the other, and there is plenty of overlap and various subdivisions in each. As an example, one could even focus on a specific lineage of Miqo’te throughout the different eras and how they adapted both biologically and culturally.

To Observe and Preserve

Department Head: Relic Keeper Anastasia Cove
Alternative Names
Culture, Archaeology
Ruling Organization
Current Members:
  1. Aetos Irphayu
  2. Kaito Sasaki
  3. Alin'to Epocan
  4. Kina Ura
  5. Gawain Rhys
  6. Yrys
  7. Lera Golmarr
  8. Rhay Cross