The Repository

A collection of shelving units, closets, and other storage units that contain most of the Consortium’s artifacts. Artifacts are carefully categorized by the location they were discovered and their dated age, then linked with specific maps, documents, and research notes associated with them. To help save time and to keep the artifacts safe, there are a handful of Sharlayan-style mammets linked to the same network.   These mammets are used to find artifacts and their related information quickly, to enter new artifacts into the repository’s logs, or to remove artifacts either permanently or temporarily for research purposes. The majority of these artifacts are not magical or have been disenchanted, but those that are have their own special storage area to prevent accidents. Notably, the more powerful or useful magical artifacts, once properly studied, are instead shifted to Research and Development, allowing Ravens to rent them out for personal use.
Located on the Keep's first sub-level.   Creating DM: Anastasia Cove
Parent Location
Owning Organization