Cursebreaker's Cradle

Written by Sylmanos

The main work area of a group of specialists formed from both the Anthropology and Aether departments, specifically designed for the handling of dangerous artifacts.Cursebreakers are specially trained in disenchanting magical items safely, either partially removing the more dangerous magicks or fully removing all magic when it’s deemed too dangerous. The Cradle is made up of two rooms: a smaller one for preparation that leads into the larger work room. Both are protected by multiple levels of wards that protect both the inside and outside of the Cradle, emitting a bright and dangerous red glow when in use and isolating the Cursebreakers inside until they’re deactivated.   There are shelves lined with implements for determining magical effects, dampening them, and even enhancing them in some cases. These include potions, oils, wands, warding gloves, and more. Most prominently is a large stone slab in the center, covered in runes and enchantments, on which to work on the artifact of interest. If a relic is ever deemed too dangerous for even the Cursebreakers to handle, it’s either sent to a bunker near Wayfinder’s Compass for safekeeping or very carefully destroyed in a long and tedious process known as Obliviation.
Located on the Keep's second sub-level.   Creating DM: Anastasia Cove
Parent Location
Owning Organization