The Aetherium

Written by Zgeek

The Aetherium is a small facility located to the North of Ravens Perch. Nestled next to Soundless Loch, a lake of average size, and next to the Ethereal Hightland, an Aether enriched mountain range, it sits quietly within the forest. It is here that Aetherologists and mages can study and practice with the more active forms of Aether, such as destructive spells or stable enchantments. To reduce any undesired destruction or wanton devastation by way of an awry experiment, the Aetherium is situated far away from any other hospitable environment. An Aetheryte is located at the very heart of the Aetherium for easy access, generally granted to anyone who wishes to make use of the facilities.   Protective spells and wards, as well as makeshift cover and aetherically manipulated material, are created here- which are then put to the test through the Seekers who have studied the more destructive aspects of Magicks. Should something unfortunate occur in the Aetherium (as they usually do), it presents the perfect opportunity for devoted healers to cast experimental incantations on the affected persons.   Much the same, studies within the nature of Aether- its effects on the world and how to use it more efficiently- are also done within the Atherium's halls. The locale itself is segmented into two main areas, the first being a traditional study and engineering area seperated into various facilities. The second is a room enchanted to resemble an outdoor environment, that can be manipulated accordingly to accurately test the effects of a certain experiment under ideal conditions.
Creating DM: Z (aka Yugiri)
Parent Location
Owning Organization