Aetheric Studies

Written by Ement

The responsibilities of the Aetheric Studies Department are vast and extensive, as their duties revolve around anything relating to Aether and Magic. Which on Hydaelyn is many things.  
  • Defensive Wards: Though no where near the size of its predecessor, the Raven's Keep Consortium is still not immune to making enemies. In order to protect both itself and the people of Star Fall Island, the Ravens of the Aetheric Studies Department oversee the management and creation of magical wards across the island to protect the various settlements and the company's structures found within them.
  • Aetheric Current Management: From the thinning of the Aether on the Charred Isles to the chaotic aether that is present throughout Star Fall Island, the Ravens of this department are responsible for monitoring, reinforcing, and managing the Aetheric Currents that exist. It is only through this act that they can ensure that the thinning of Aether does not spread beyond the Charred Isles.
  • Mammet Programming: One of the other defensive features, and a quality of life feature depending on the mammet, is the Consortium's array of mammets that are put to work across the island. While clearly a piece of technology, these creations require more work than one would expect of them. The Aetheric Studies Department works on programming new mammets and ensuring their aetheric circuits are all functioning properly before the new mammet is deployed. They also check in on any mammets that may be acting oddly.
  • Aethernet Management: Like many of the City-states, Raven's Perch is home not only to a main aetheryte but an integrated aethernet to facilitate fast travel across the island that acts as the Headquarters for the Raven's Keep Consortium. The Ravens of this department maintain this network and create any new nodes that are requested, so long as the proper paperwork is filled out and submitted.
  • Power Management: It takes a great deal of aether to power the various buildings and pieces of technology on Star Fall Island and that power must come from somewhere. This is done through a combination of ceruleum generators and aetherotech generators that the Aetheric Studies Department monitors and maintains.
  • Materia Handling: With the applications and potential for materia use being near endless, it is only natural that the Consortium would need to manage the creation and application of Materia. Considering their nature, it is then only natural that the task and responsibility of creating and applying materia would fall onto the shoulders of the Aetheric Studies Department.
  • Magick Regulation and Training: Not all spellcasters within the Consortium are Ravens of Aetheric Studies, which makes keeping track of them a task that needs to be done. As such, the Aetheric Studies Department keeps tabs on the use of magick throughout the island, keeps a list of individuals know to use forbidden arts, and a list of those who are authorized to use such arts. They also help oversee budding spellcasters to teach them the things they need to know for avoid brining harm to themselves or others.
  • Spell Creation: Similar to how not all spellcasters are within the Department of Aetheric Studies, not all spells are created by this department either. Of course, this does not mean they are not responsible for managing this. Ravens of the Aetheric Studies Department oversee the creation of new spells that are made on Star Fall Island and they do this for a variety of reasons. The most important one being to ensure the safety of all Ravens and the residents of the island. So whenever someone in the Consortium wishes to create a new magick spell, the Aetheric Studies Department reaches out to them to ensure that it is done in a safe manner. Even more so if the new spell invokes any forbidden magick.
  • Department Head: Chief Magus Ement
    Alternative Names
    Aether, Magick
    Ruling Organization
    Current Members:
    • Totogo Togo
    • Yugiri Naeuri
    • Aetos Irphayu
    • Ljrn Arda
    • Alin'to Epocan
    • Gawain Rhys
    • Rhay Cross