Bluetspur (BLOOD-spur)

Protean apocalypses scar the impossible vistas of Blutespur, and none who witness them remember. This alien domain etches itself not upon the waking mind, but rather upon the body as inexplicable scars and on the psyche through nightmares.


Bluetspur's scale and impossible geometry induce instinctual anxiety. The land's surface is a lethal, alien place, scattered with the ruins of long-extinct worlds. Gaseous tempests whirl upon the hooked peaks of gravity-defying mountains, oily spires twist in semi-organic contortions, caustic fumaroles yawn and snap shut hungrily, and above it all hangs a dying red orb. Little can survive this wasteland, which is why Bluetspur's masters dwell underground.

Localized Phenomena

A creatue that leaves Blutespur forgets all or most of its experiences there. A creature that has been there might possess strange scars or deformities, recurring dreams, gaps in memory, or some other hint of its time in the domain. Those who dream of events in this land often bear inexplicable scars, marks lending impossible evidence to their visions.


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