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Nivix is the Izzet guildhall on Ravnica, and home of Niv-Mizzet.   An immense tower that competes in size with New Prahv, each floor of the tower houses alchemists, mages and Izzet wise individuals who theorize, try out and throw constantly miscalculated experiments between rooms. The Nivix is also a maze that is heavily guarded and wrapped in wards to deter intruders. Workshops, barracks, and laboratories are located in the lower stories, while the upper levels are home to the most senior members of the guild. In the highest floor of the tower is Niv-Mizzet's aerie, a single massive room sized for the Firemind and filled with books. Even though none of the experiments held in the tower's rooms are linked, the big dracogenius considers them a part of a bigger, unique experiment.   There are a lot of bars, taverns, and pubs in the streets around Nivix.

Purpose / Function

Laboratories The Izzet League is organized into units designated as laboratories that specialize in certain fields of research. Though they all operate under the general guidance of the lzmundi, each laboratory is typically left alone to conduct its research.  
  • The Laboratory of Pyrology has a prominent facility in the guildhall, Nivix. Its emphasis is on heat, fire, and explosion.
  • The Laboratory of Storms and Electricity focuses on controlling the weather as well as containing and conducting electrical energy. Its headquarters is in a spire atop Nivix, known as the Lightning Rod.
  • Research into smelting and forging, most often using the magical metal known as mizzium, is conducted at the Laboratory of Metallurgy, which has a small outpost in the Tenth District's Smelting Quarter.
  • The magical science of transmuting one substance to another is the study of the Laboratory of Alchemy.
  • The Laboratory of Orientation, concerned with teleportation and spatial recombination, has multiple Workshops that seem to appear and disappear at random.
  • The Laboratory of Mimeography studies means of duplication.
  • The Laboratory of Continuism emphasizes the study of temporal manipulation.
  • Research into counter-magic and redirection takes place in the Laboratory of Arcane Geometry, which has a small presence in Prism University in the Tenth District.
  • The Laboratory of Gravitational Inversion conducts research on means of flight and maintains a workshop near Augustin Station in the Tenth District.
  • The Laboratory of Plasma-Dermatology places emphasis on the combining of opposing elements, with the purpose of creating creatures called weirds.
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