Session Five 1/2/24

General Summary

Characters Present: Darfin (Tim M), Zavania (Alyssa), Redla (Melissa), Kasari (Lou), Roland (Zack), & Finkelstein (Tim D)   The players continue the story by leaving the bandit castle and head back over to the tavern in Dragons Rest to break the news to Varnoth that her husband was, in fact, the bandit leader. Heartbroken by the news Varnoth was at a loss for words. Hoping to retrieve the remains of her lost lover, Kasari made a bold move and threw the head of Gorrim (Varnoth’s Husband) in her lap to give her back at least part of Gorrim. Already heartbroken by the loss of her husband, Varnoth was angered by this show of disrespect and would begrudgingly hand over the reward for finding her husband. The whole party would lose reputation for this. Having disrespected the dead, Redla would disapprove of Kasari’s actions.   Going forward, the party would regroup with Finkelstein who has been resting at the tavern with his Kobold friend, Blepp. Finkelstein would be brought up to speed on the current situation and would join the party on their quest to the temple ruins. According to Elder Runara, the temple ruins may be a source of dark power that is contributing to the isle’s current troubles. On the way to the temple ruins the party encountered a natural hot spring that was home to 5 Fume Drakes. Without any major difficulties the party was able to defeat them with ease and find that this hot spring had some natural healing powers. Resting at the bottom of the hot spring was the scattered remains of a dragon.   Growing around the hot spring were wild mushrooms that have healing properties. Zavania would discover these mushrooms and easily harvest 5 of them. Redla and Finkelstein would follow suit. Redla would harvest 5 and Finkelstein would harvest 2. Knowing how to use these mushrooms is currently unknown. Further information is required. Perhaps the townsfolk from Dragons Rest know more?   Continuing the journey to the temple ruins, the party would encounter a small Goblin party. The party would listen to the Goblins and hear talk of some kind of ritual being done. Following the Goblins northward into a mountain would reveal a carved out temple dedicated to the creator of the chromatic dragons, Tiamat. The players would sneak in and ambush the Goblin party. Where they would fight 8 Goblins and come out on top. Zavania almost met her demise until being healed by Finkelstein and supported by the rest of her group.   Investigating the first floor would reveal a common area, a barracks, alchemy room, torture room, and a place of worship for the queen of chromatic dragons, Tiamat. In the alchemy room Finkelstein would recover a bag of magical beans. Kasari would discover another book on the nine levels of hell. Specifically the 4th level. The book contained information on soul magic as well as steps to summoning deities and demons that reside in there.   Darfin would decide to travel back towards the entrance and enter through a hall that had fire breathing wall statues. Darfin would be unsuccessful in trying to avoid the trap and be burned.   Shortly after, Roland, burdened by grief and well, Barbarian Stupidity, would run through the fire traps and almost be burned to a crisp.

Rewards Granted

Bag of Beans - Found buried beneath piles of books inside an alchemy room/library by Finkelstein, Temple First Level


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