Session Sixteen 4/9/24

General Summary

Characters Present: Finkelstein (Tim D), Kasari (Lou), Darfin (Tim M), Roland (Zack), Zavania (Alyssa), Redla (Melissa)   With the orc threat vanquished at Butterskull Ranch, Kasari seized the opportunity to initiate improvements to Dragon's Rest, unbeknownst to his companions. Utilizing resources at his disposal, he collaborated with Elder Runara to kickstart construction projects aimed at enhancing the settlement's infrastructure.   Prioritizing the expansion and transformation of the inn into a hub of relaxation and enjoyment, Kasari also directed the construction of three houses and an herbalist hut, laying the groundwork for a thriving community. Despite the challenges ahead, Kasari remained determined to see his vision for Dragon's Rest come to fruition.   After finalizing his plans, Kasari turned his attention to fulfilling their promise to Alfonso "Big Al" Kalazorn, returning to Butterskull Ranch to reunite him with his home. Alfonso, grateful for the party's assistance in liberating his ranch, expressed his gratitude by offering a piece of Mithral Scale Mail and a modest sum of gold, along with the hospitality of the ranch for the night.   As the party rested and recuperated, Kasari's clandestine efforts continued to shape the future of Dragon's Rest, setting the stage for a brighter tomorrow in the burgeoning settlement. With their tasks at Butterskull Ranch complete, the group prepared to embark on their next adventure, eager to face whatever challenges awaited them on their journey ahead.   With the morning sun illuminating their path, the party geared up for their next venture. However, their departure was momentarily delayed by the arrival of Captain Josephine and a contingent of Neverwinter guards. They bore troubling news of devilish magic and cultist activity emanating from the depths of the Neverwinterwood. Armed with a letter from General Sabine herself, they entrusted the party with the task of investigating these ominous signs and discerning the intentions of any cult-like figures lurking within the forest.   As Josephine and her guards departed, leaving the party to their new mission, the group ventured deeper into the Neverwinterwood. Along their journey, they stumbled upon a medium-sized cyclone veering off the trail, its swirling vortex hinting at a portal to another realm. Their curiosity piqued, they approached cautiously, only to be met by a centaur named Krylose, who identified the cyclone as a gateway to the realm of the Oak Father, Silvanus, the God of Nature.   Krylose spoke of a rare opportunity—the cyclone's appearance once every two hundred years—and the chance to receive the Oak Father's blessing of good fortune within. Despite some hesitation among the group, Krylose's invitation proved too enticing to resist. With a mixture of excitement and trepidation, they each took the leap into the cyclone, drawn by the promise of adventure and divine favor.   However, their expectations of a serene forest and a divine blessing were shattered upon arrival. Instead of the tranquility of Silvanus's realm, they were confronted with a scene of devastation—a forest engulfed in flames, besieged by demonic forces led by their old adversary, Sovric, now revealed in his true form as a powerful balor demon.   Shock and disbelief gripped the party as they grappled with the grim reality before them. With their hopes dashed and their resolve tested, they prepared to confront the evil that threatened to consume the realm of nature itself, uncertain of what challenges lay ahead in this infernal landscape.   As the party and Krylose surveyed the ravaged landscape of the nature realm, they were met with a harrowing sight. Fiendish entities wreaked havoc upon the once serene forest, engulfing it in flames and launching fiery assaults upon the ancient trees. Amidst the chaos, three towering fifteen-foot demons and a contingent of drow warriors besieged an elvish home, their sinister intentions evident.   Among the malevolent horde, the party's old nemesis, Sovric, stood at the forefront, orchestrating the onslaught with chilling precision. Determined to thwart the invaders and protect the sanctity of the realm, Krylose voiced his outrage, recognizing the sacrilege of their actions.   With grim resolve, the party, bolstered by Krylose's fervor, prepared to confront Sovric and his fiendish minions in a battle for the fate of the realm. The initial skirmishes saw the lesser foes dispatched with relative ease, their numbers dwindling under the onslaught of arrows, swords, and spells.   Yet, the true challenge lay in facing the towering demons and the formidable prowess of Sovric himself. The demons' grotesque forms, with their dual sets of arms and razor-sharp pincers, posed a formidable threat, requiring strategic coordination and unwavering determination to overcome.   Meanwhile, Sovric unleashed his arcane might, conjuring deadly clouds of noxious fumes that engulfed the battlefield, sowing chaos and discord among the party. Despite the overwhelming odds, the party fought valiantly, each member drawing upon their strengths and camaraderie to weather the storm of battle.   With every strike and incantation, they chipped away at the enemy's defenses, inching closer to victory with each hard-won gain. Yet, the outcome remained uncertain as the battle raged on, each side locked in a desperate struggle for supremacy amidst the infernal landscape of the nature realm.   In the throes of battle, the party fought valiantly against the overwhelming forces of darkness. Zavania and Finkelstein, their magic weaving a tapestry of healing amidst the chaos, worked tirelessly to keep their comrades standing. Despite repeated setbacks, Roland's resilience, bolstered by the unwavering support of the healers, saw him rise time and again to face the encroaching tide of evil. However, as the conflict reached its climax, casualties mounted.   Redla, valiantly holding off the onslaught of the monstrous demons, succumbed to their overwhelming strength. Kasari, his efforts to turn the tide of battle strained to their limit, fell beneath the relentless assault of the enemy. Finkelstein, his bardic magic waning in the face of adversity, met his end at the cruel grasp of a demon's pincer.   With the party's numbers dwindling, Darfin and Zavania found themselves facing Sovric, their last hope for victory hanging by a thread. In a desperate gambit, Zavania's healing touch revitalized Roland, granting him the strength to strike a decisive blow against their elusive foe. Yet, their triumph was short-lived.     As Roland's blade pierced Sovric's shoulder, the very earth seemed to rebel against the violence, trembling beneath the weight of the unfolding chaos. With a deafening cry, Sovric shed his facade, revealing his true form as a towering balor, a fearsome demon lord. In a display of infernal might, he swiftly incapacitated the party, hurling Roland through the protective barrier of the elvish home and seizing the coveted artifact—a relic of unspeakable power.   With the artifact in his grasp, Sovric and his demonic allies vanished through a swirling pink portal, leaving the party battered and reeling in the wake of their defeat. As the ground trembled beneath them, a grotesque appendage emerged from the portal, its dark fur and muscular form a harbinger of the infernal realm beyond. With a deft motion, the succubus extended her hand, beckoning the party into the abyss.   With a snap of her fingers, she restored the party to their weakened state, her voice a honeyed whisper promising salvation in the depths of hell. "Lord Baphomet awaits. Follow," she intoned, her words a chilling invitation to embrace the darkness that awaited them.
Report Date
09 Apr 2024


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