Session Twenty One 6/25/24

General Summary

Characters Present: Finkelstein (Tim D), Kasar (Lou), Darfin (Tim M), Roland (Zack), Zavania (Alyssa).   After defeating the hill giants, the party turned their attention to a captured child who revealed himself as Elandor, an 11-year-old boy. Elandor had commanded the hill giants by making good stew recommendations. He got involved with the Redbrands because they offered him food and gold to feed his hungry village.   Kasari and Darfin intimidated Elandor for his involvement in attacking the village of Havashara and fighting the party. Fearful for his life, Elandor revealed that a few hill giants were stationed at the Red Keep, where the Redbrands were based. The party, seeing an opportunity and feeling some sympathy for Elandor, decided to use this to their advantage. Kasari showed Elandor his coin purse and promised to take care of him but threatened his life if he betrayed them.   The group made their way through the forest and stopped by Whitemere Lake, where they encountered a treant and a druid sitting around a campfire. The druid, Elara, and the treant, Oakroot, provided information about the Red Keep and encouraged them to approach from the southeast section to avoid detection. Oakroot took a liking to Zavania and gave her a wondrous item, Pendant of Oakroot's Heart.   Silvanus caught up to the group at Whitemere Lake, accompanied by a small group of wood elf warriors. Silvanus returned Darfin’s repaired longbow (Darfin’s Bow of The Ancients). The wood elves joined the party to assault the keep.   Darfin scanned the perimeter of the Red Keep and found an alternative entrance through the southwest tower. The group, along with Silvanus and their wood elf allies, regrouped at the bottom of the tower. Zavania cast vines to scale up the tower, allowing Darfin to climb and destroy a cracked arrow slit, creating an entrance for everyone to sneak into the castle.   Inside the keep, the party began taking out Redbrand guards patrolling the halls, using the advantage of surprise. The group split into two, one going east and the other north, trying to remain stealthy. However, their stealth couldn't last forever. When they were discovered, Zavania had Elandor shout to his hill giant companions to join the fight on the party’s side.   The session ended mid-battle, and the fight will continue in the next session.

Rewards Granted

Pendant of Oakroot's Heart - Gifted to Zavanai by Oakroot, the Treant.   Darfin's Bow of The Ancients - Repaired and improved. Provided by Silvanus to Darfin.
Report Date
25 Jun 2024
Primary Location


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