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Session 2 Recap - "A Failure in Security"

Deck Conflagration
After defeating the Clockwork Horrors, our heroes found that a fire had been started in the command deck which engulfed Winston Ryeback before it was able to be put out. After some quick investigation, metallic plates with strange evocation symbols were found near his body. These plates were almost identical to the ones found in the aftermath of the simulation chamber sabotage which happened not but a week before this fire. T'larn questioned the crew and found that Meekin Haverstance has been behind the sabotage this entire time prompting our heroes to act quickly to subdue this traitor.  
Trek to H'Catha
After locking down Meekin the group flew the Tyrant ship to H’catha in search of an Adamantite meteorite that had been lost deep within the planet's largest geographical feature...the Spindle. They quickly tracked the meteorite to a small cave system just off the shores of the spindle only to find it being guarded by some of the local citizens of H'catha. The beholder-kin were defeated and the meteorite tucked away in their Bag of holding allowing them to make their way back to Toril.  
Seeking Meekin
While flying back to Toril our adventurers encountered a strange asteroid field which slowed down their travel prompting several crew to go down to the hallow deck to investigate. While there T'larn spotted a small glimmer of light reflecting off a metallic surface right before being attacked by a mysterious warrior riding a Star Lancer. A fight ensued which was quickly ended by a magical suggestion to leave and not come back. Unfortunately for our heroes, the spell only lasts eight hours...  
Vengence of a Madman
Back on Toril, our adventurers handed over the meteorite and Meekin to successfully complete their quest. As a reward, they were assigned deck clean up upon the Flighty Foundling which would quickly end after an explosion rocked the Academy. Our heroes hatched a plan to stow away upon the attacking Dragonfly ship and follow the crew back to wherever they came from. The ship eventually landed on the Rock of Bral prompting the brave Luna to follow the Githyanki warriors to an empty shack at the outer edges of the city. Upon further inspection of the shack, our heroes found a magical symbol that pulsed with conjuration magic which looked very similar to the one etched into the back of Meekin's hand.
  Will our heroes be able to survive the danger which lurks behind every alleyway on the Rock or will they be lost to the shadows? Where are Meekin and his Githyanki kidnappers and why did they care to find him in the first place? Who is Vocath and how far does his web of deceit stretch? Will the Spelljammer Corps be forgiving of our hero's insubordination or will they be expelled? Find out next time on...  


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