
Basic Information


Arachne are large humanoids with the upper body of more basal humanoids and lower bodies of spiders, scorpions, or centipedes. They massively outsize the vast majority of races and are the only race on terra aside from fairies to possess exoskeletons. Females are typically larger than males, the size difference being most notable within the Tarantum group.

Biological Traits

Arachne have many variants, falling into three main categories- Arachi, Scorpid, and Arthplura.  


Arachi is the name for the most spider-like of the Arachne, descended from the original population of Arachne, and can further be broken up into two groups, the Tarantum and Spinade. All arachne within the Arachi possess spinnerets and can produce silk and have at most 8 legs.   Tarantum Arachne are notably larger, stockier, and most often their carapace covered in thick, sharp hairs that keep attackers at bay and are easily ripped off and flung during combat. These hairs embed in the skin of an opponent, and are difficult to remove, leaving behind many wounds prone to infection.   Spinade Arachne, while smaller, are just as dangerous in combat as their Tarantum cousins, relying less on brute force than they use powerful venom and cunning tactics. Their webs are coated in a corrosive necrotoxic venom, that burns and rots the flesh in minutes if not sterilized and removed. Spinade Arcachne are smaller than their Tarantum cousins, more lithe, and favor speed and venom over brute force, but they are still considerably larger than most humanoids.  


Scorpid Arachne are the descendants of the group following the Fallen Scorpion, and like their Arthplura cousins, their bodies were changed to more resemble their patron god. Rather than the lower bodies of spiders, they much more closely resemble scorpions and posses venomous stings.  


The Arthplura are a subset of the Arachne descended from the followers of the Fallen Centipede. These arachne have the lower bodies of centipedes and all within the grouping are venomous. While not as bulky as other groups, they make up for it in length, with the Arthplura being the largest terrestrial race.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Arachne are obligate carnivores, feasting on all manner of meat and protein that is available. Common foods among their kind are eggs, smoked meat, and birds. Fish are exceedingly uncommon, as Arachne are not known for being skilled at swimming and tend to avoid large bodies of water.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Human or higher

Civilization and Culture


The arachne are the descendants of a fallen god of spiders, who in their dying days, granted their followers and worshippers their visage to carry on their legacy and continue to weave the tales of the world on the Tapestry of the World, at least according to myth and legend. While the vast majority of early Arachne remained followers of the spider gods, multiple different groups were quick to arise worshipping the Scorpion, the Centipede, the Dragonfly, the Beetle, and Wasp and requested their forms be changed to the image of their new gods. In the current day, all of these groups aside from those descended from the scorpion and centipede's followers are gone, having long since gone extinct during numerous wars with Fairies and amongst one another.   Differing groups of the Arachne remained in bloody conflict for many centuries following the schism but following the extinction of most of their race and different groups within it, a truce was called for by their leaders, independent of their gods' wishes. Despite the still warring pantheon, an agreement was held between their leaders that no more would they fight and kill their own kind, and peace would be upheld between their people's. Over time, the individual cultures, languages, and traditions of these different groups have become lost, untranslatable, or faded from memory. While the Arachne aren't a homogeneous people, still with many different cultures and lifestyles among them and different ethnic groups.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Arachne are the most feared enemy of Fairies, and the only race on Terra known to face them head on in combat. Due to their relative immunity to most venoms, most aren't affected by the Fairies' venom other than mild inebriation.   Arachne are common allies of Vampires, sharing very similar historical territories, shared conflict with Angels, and their lack of competition with one another historically.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
80 to 120 years
Average Height
12 to 17 feet (Tarantum) 9 to 13 feet (Spinade)
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Arachne have all the same skin tones on their upper torso that humans can have, and their lower bodies are often grey, brown, black, or muted colors such as red, orange, blue, or purple. Other colors are uncommon, and generally muted and reserved to small markings rather than across the whole body. Hair color varies wildly, and is often the same color as the plates or hairs on their lower bodies, but it can differ or even be multicolored in patches.
Related Ethnicities


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