Laramidian Path of Flame

Purpose / Function

The Laramidian Path of Flame is a series of worship sites across the subcontinent, from the interior sea to the Pacific coast. These sites, generally small shrines and altars, are connected by the road once traveled by the fire god in his campaign across North America.   Not supported by direct evidence, it is common belief and rumor that these shrine sites were the sites where Vega's own personal groups stopped to rest in their journeys, setting up camp and leaving behind sites of worship for those falling behind. They have since become a worship site for many within Laramidia's sects of the Cult of Fire, with angels in particular across the southwest known to walk the path of flame themselves at least once in their lives. Many choose to walk it every 5 years, as a sign of devotion to the fire god.
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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