
The Outcast Lun De Draco

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Rikta was born to the Lunar Dragonflight, by her mother Neia Lun De Draco and mate Aien Sol De Draco. She grew up under the heavy propaganda of the lunar flight, that the gods and humans were enemies who had stolen lands that were rightfully theirs, that all other flights sought to kill them, and only other lunar dragons could be trusted. For much of her early life, Rikta believed this, with her suspicions seemingly confirmed as humans, Omnia, and other dragons alike readily attacked her, her mother, and her flight. It wasn't until early adulthood when she was tasked by her mother to guard her captive omnia and humans that she began to see the cracks in the façade.   Rikta began to see first hand the cruelty that her family dished out plentifully, the torture, experimentation, and abuse given to all others outside of the flight. During this time she met Lorenzo McConnell, a freshly turned omnia, who further pressured her to change her views and see her family for what they really were. Lorenzo convinced her to help him and others like him to escape, forming a coup, in a desperate bid to kill Neia. Rikta at first relented but gave in with time, smuggling food, water, and supplies to them. She assisted Lorenzo in gathering the materials to create a bomb to blast their way out of Neia's den, and it was Rikta who suggested to use it instead to bomb the nesting chamber in an attempt to kill Neia herself.   The attempt on Neia's life failed, but severely wounded her and in the blast, killed many young lunar dragons and destroyed the year's entire clutch of eggs. Seen as a genocide on her own family, Rikta was later captured and punished severely for her actions, but not outright killed for them, as prior to the omnia's escape, she taught Lorenzo the art of Lunar Mind Control. Using the spell, she feigned that she had been under his control and that he had somehow learned it by watching the dragons. Instead of being executed, Rikta was punished for being a traitor in allowing herself to be controlled and giving the flight's secrets to their prisoners. She was placed under strict house arrest and in attempting to release more of the omnia who had not yet escaped, was found out to be a traitor and branded as such.   Rikta escaped the flight altogether, fleeing into the wilderness and later met up with Lorenzo and his new companion, Sekhm McConnell. Throughout the centuries, the flight pursued her and also managed to capture her mate, Lazule and had him blinded for being in association with her.


Family Ties

Rikta is a complete outcast from her family, being known as a traitor to the Lunar Dragonflight. Her relationship with her siblings is one where in she is expected to be captured and killed by them, with most having been told exaggerated stories of her betrayal and killing of her siblings.




Towards Rikta




Towards Lazule


Neia Lun De Draco


Towards Rikta




Towards Neia Lun De Draco



Friend? Ally? (Important)

Towards Lorenzo McConnell



Lorenzo McConnell

Friend? Ally? (Important)

Towards Rikta




Rikta at first was suspicious of Lorenzo and his claims of her mother's cruelty, but with time, he managed to show her and steer her in the right direction to see the error of her mother's ways. The young dragon was key in his many escape attempts from the flight, smuggling him supplies, food, and water until he was eventually able to create a bomb that wounded Neia.   For assisting him, Rikta was branded as a traitor to the flight and marked as an outcast before being brutally beaten and almost killed for refusing to stand down. She fled her family, eventually reconnecting with the omnia in Nottingham, New York. They remain on good terms, however are not particularly close and can still heavily disagree with one another.

Relationship Reasoning

Both hated by Neia and the lunar flight, Lorenzo and Rikta share a commonality that 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend'.

Shared Acquaintances

Neia Lun De Draco

Aien Sol De Draco

Father (Trivial)

Towards Rikta



Daughter (Important)

Towards Aien Sol De Draco



One of many children of Neia and Aien, Rikta grew up under their rule during a time when they directly ruled much of the world. Having been brought up on tales of her parents' legacy and on her mother's propaganda, Rikta wholeheartedly believed that the world truly belonged to the lunar dragonflight, having cast aside loyalty to her father for his 'failures' at dominating humans.

Relationship Reasoning

Aien views Rikta much more favorably than his mate, if only due to his disdain to Neia's own methods of controlling her flight. Despite this, Rikta is as much an outcast from his own as she is to the lunar flight, though not formally an outcast.   Having learned from the past, both her own and that of her family, Rikta despises Aien as well, though not viewing him as cruel ad she does Neia, for at least he gave those he conquered the mercy of quick deaths, the majority of the time.

Current Location
Lazule (mate)
Dark blue
Known Languages
Common, dragontongue


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