Givziean Empire Organization in Rebia | World Anvil
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Givziean Empire

Givzie makes up a large part of the world, with temperatures ranging from -8° to 36°C. With the large land spanning both north and south of the equator, all biomes from the hottest hot deserts to the ice cold glaciers can be found. The empire is the youngest nation, having only existed for ~500 years.  

Counting of years

The Empire uses its own method to determine what year it is. To determine the year in AE, subtract 498 years.
The following abbreviations are used:
BE= Before Empire
AE= After Empire
It's worth noting that Post Unity-count is used in foreign relations and trade.  


In the month of Nightwain a four day long celebration is held between the 4th and 8th in honor of The Emperor and the empire. Parades, military displays, choir song and plays are common.


The Emperor is recognized as the supreme ruling authority. They receive advice on different matters from a council, but have the deciding say in important questions.


In the year 498 PU, The Emperor Jdùnza claimed the last of Southern Givzie as the Haulsian forces surrendered without battle, officially marking the borders that still exist today. With time the Empire pushed further north, even claiming the dangerous Wildlands as their own, even though it is still not possible to traverse it. Numerous expeditions have been made into the territory, but its hazardous environment still stops the empires influence from fully reaching the northern parts of the lands. The predominantly Dayl culture found in the north have remained neutral or indifferent to the empires expansion thus far, but Eidefir settlements have been forced to relocate from the southern shores as a result of the empires founding.

Demography and Population

Gubal, Dayl and Eidefir are the most common cultures.

Trade & Transport

Import         Export
  • Only large exporter of spices, medicine and fruit in the world


South Givzie
The south is recognizable by its robust shapes, intricate stonework and large columns.
by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom

North Givzie
The north is recognizable by the use of repurposed materials, temporary lodgings and floating villages. Closer to the wildlands, stonework can be seen from replicating old ruins and repurposing intact ones.
by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom


Clothing, like architecture, varies between the south and the north. Some influence can be seen between the two even if travel from one area to the other is fairly limited.


South Givzie
The imperial fashion is practical and borrows a lot of its textiles and style from the imperial army.
by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom
North Givzie
The Northern fashion, being influenced by both Dayl and Eidefir cultures, embroider their textiles to decorate and to mend. Instead of intricate sewing patterns, people express their style with jewellery. The most common is a combination of necklaces from painted wooden beads.
by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom


South Givzie
The imperial army use fur trims and high round hats with small brims. In the colder regions, the purple coats are lined with thick materials, whereas the warmer regions use white as the dominant colour and opt for thin linen coats.
North Givzie
Military uniforms look a lot like the day-to-day fashion, since many work both a regular job and serve as infantry when needed. Instead of beaded necklaces, metal plates are fashioned together with rings to create partial scale mail that goes on top of the soldiers' clothing.

Wardens of the West

Givziean Empire
by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom
Founding Date
498 PU
Alternative Names
Givzie, The West, Imperial lands
Leader Title
Government System
Major Exports
  • Fruit
  • Spices
  • Firearms
  • Medicine
Major Imports
  • Wood
  • Gold
  • Silver
  • Metals
Legislative Body
The parliament consists of a unicameral chamber of around 80 members. They have the power to pass laws together with The Emperor.
Judicial Body
There are 9 justices of the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court has the power to interpret and enforce laws, but The Emperor can overturn its decisions.
Executive Body
The Emperor appoints and removes government officials, and can issue decrees which have the force of law. The imperial guard and army enforce the law throughout the nation.
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations

Cover image: by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom
Character flag image: by Public domain