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Humakti Battalions

The Humakti form distinct groups outside the society of clan and tribe. They are often divided into warbands organized within a militia or a mercenary company.

To be a Humakti Battalion, a mercenary company must have a Rune Lord or High Priest titled a ‘Sword’ in command. Battalions are known as ‘The Thousand Humakti’ but battalions of that strength are rare. A Battle Leader commands the battalion and commands ten other Swords called Hundred-Thanes, each of whom in theory commands ten Swords called TenThanes. In Saird, due to northern Pelorian influence, Battle Leaders are sometimes titled Polemarch, Hundred-Thanes are titled Centurions, and TenThanes, Decurions. Battle Leader is an elective post, selected by the Hundred-Thanes when the previous commander dies or resigns.

The Battle Leader of the battalion has a bodyguard including a standard-bearer who must guard the standard with their life, and a horn blower to relay commands. The battalion usually has a support staff consisting of redsmiths, administrators and Arroin healers.

Each Hundred-Thane commands a Hundred and has a dedicated bodyguard consisting of a Shieldman and Swordman, a servant to look after their gear and a secretary to attend to the administrative needs. A Hundred includes one or more healers, usually Chalana Arroy cultists who are specialists in Arroin tradition healing using organic and mineral materials (many Humakti have geasa against magical healing). A Ten-Thane commands a Decad consisting of themselves and nine Humakti.

In practice, this structure is rarely as clean as it should be. Humakt being the sort of deity he is, holes always are appearing in the Table of Organization. Sometimes there are more Ten-Thanes depending on the current population. These extras are fitted in wherever they can be, with the sure knowledge that vacancies for their promotion will arise shortly, as other Swords move on or die.

It is more common for a battalion to be well under strength even just of Initiates, and for a Sword to hold a senior and junior officer position to fill all the required ranks.

Humakti mercenary battalions exist outside the clan system but hire out to clans, tribes or cities.

The most famous Humakti Battalions in the early Hero Wars in Dragon Pass are the Brotherhood of Death, the Swordbrothers of Prax and the Temple of the Wooden Sword, a ‘wandering regiment’ that has formed and disbanded throughout history.

Guild, Fighter / Mercenary
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization
Related Professions
Related Ethnicities
Armies and Enemies of Dragon Pass p226

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