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Culture/Religion: Heortling/Orlanthi

Tribes: Cinsina, Culbrea, Malani, Torkani.

Rulers: Queen Ivartha Skinner, King Ranulf, Queen Amalda, Queen Hundara.

This small city is an important marketplace for the tribes of Sartar. The city boasts the famed Jonstown Library, founded by King Sartar’s son Eonistaran the Sage. Only slightly less famous is the House of Peace, a major temple of Chalana Arroy.

The tribes around Jonstown include some of the most notable tribes of Sartar. The Cinsina and Culbrea both played a major role in the liberation of Sartar, while the Malani are feared because Humakt is their tribal patron.


Cinsina (tribe): This tribe numbers about 8800 people. They are often called the Wolfslayers because of their feud with the Telmori werewolves.

Culbrea (tribe): This tribe numbers about 5,000 people. The Hill of Orlanth Victorious is within the Culbrea lands.

Dangerford (fort): This fort guards the most important crossing point over The Creek. Its strategic location means it has been the place of countless battles. Arkat fought one of his great victories here and a large mound north of the ford marks that historic battle.

Hill of Orlanth Victorious: The most sacred Orlanthi hill in Dragon Pass. Here Orlanth and his companions set off upon the Lightbringers’ Quest during the Great Darkness.

Larnste’s Table: This steep-sided mesa is a major temple to Orlanth Mastakos. In 1613, Fazzur Wideread defeated Kallyr Starbrow’s Sartar Free Army here.

Malani (tribe): This tribe numbers about 6,000 people. They have a dispute with the Colymar over lands given to the Malani by the Lunar Empire during the Occupation.

Red Cow Fort (town): This town rests within ancient walls built by a God Time demigod. It is the political and religious center of the Cinsina tribe.

Two Ridge Fort (town): This ancient fortress was fashioned atop a steep-ridged butte at the end of the Oakland Back, and includes farms and pastures. This is the political and religious center of the Malani Tribe, and has temples to Orlanth and Humakt.

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