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Born of Loki  and Angrboða, Hel is one of the more terrifying of the Gods, though she is less terrifying perhaps than her brothers Fenrir the Wolf and the World-Serpent Jormundandr. She appears as a beautiful peasant girl; or at least half of her does, her left half is that of a rotting corpse, eye gone and only a pale blue light shining from the socket, surrounded by a surreal black necrotic energy. She wields no weapons, and has no armour, but commands disease, pestilence and death. Hel is the guardian of the realm of the same name within Niflheim . A realm of demons and devils and the inglorious dead.

Divine Domains

Death, The Underworld.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Her own face, or similar representations of a face half light, half dark.

Tenets of Faith

Hel has not historically sought worship and offers no instructions to the living. Cults that worship her typically call to her as an outcast to strenghten their own band of outcasts, but she stills proscribes no doctrines or tennants.


The Winter Solstice, when the power of Death is at it's Nadir.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Shepparding the unglorious dead in her care is one of her duties, though how seriously she takes it is hard to say. If she has any goals, theya re a mystery to one and all.
Divine Classification
Intermediate God


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