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(a.k.a. The Sly One, The Trickster, The Shape Changer, The Sky Traveller)

Loki is at once the youngest of the gods, and yet one of the more prominent. He is said to be Odin 's son by a flame-giant, exhibiting the mercurial moods of his mother, with his father's intellect and skill at magic.   Loki is a God of trickery and thievery; he thinks himself most clever when he tricks another, especially when that person is looking for a trick. He is a master of the double and triple blind, and a skilled user of those gambits where-in no matter what the outcome, he gains.   He is Thor 's younger brother and has often been that God's companion. He has gotten his older brother into a great deal of trouble over the years, though he sometimes manages to get them both out of it.   While many of the Gods tolerate Loki's ways, others view him more negatively. Those with powerful abilities of fore-knowledge, such as Heimdall and Freyja view him warily, warning that beneath his jester-like demeanour lies the potential for something much darker.

Divine Domains

Thieves, Trickery, Murder, Mischief, Strife and Fire

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Flame, The Colours Red and Black.

Tenets of Faith

The greatest sin is to be too serious. Those who take themselves too seriously, or who hold themselves as above others, are to be brought low via humour and humiliation.   Chaos is the great liberator; there is no freedom without it.   Deception and trickery are virtues. To defeat an enemy through turning his strengths into a weakness is the highest victory. There is no virtue is wasting resources or putting yourself in danger needlessly.


Mid-winters Festival is a time of power for Loki and people often honour him in the telling of jokes, the playing of pranks, and aspects of frivolotiy.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

What Loki's ultimate goals are is deeply in question; Sometimes he appears to aid the gods, sometimes to work against them. He is a thorn in the side of many mortals, and yet he might aid someone he has previously vexed. If he has any goals beyond personal whim, it is not for mortals to know.
Divine Classification


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