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Magus Pollo Erikson, of the Jade Tower

Pello of the Jade Tower is a junior magus and a friend of Kosef and Elena .   Unlike his two prominent friends, Pello is a home-body, quite happy to spend his years at the tower. While a bit of a day-dreamer, he's never had Kosef's ambition or Elena's discipline. Instead he's always been more of a people person; an affable boaster who is always quick with kind words or a cup of mead. While his magical skills are nothing to laugh it, they have languished behind others and he seems to have no ambition to become a Master.   Magically he specializes in Transmutations, though mostly he uses magic to amuse himself and make his own life and that of his friends easier. He has studied to learn more about the crafting of magical items and if he has any talent it lies there. Still, while he is not a Master, he may one day find himself saddled with responsibility at the tower he strenuously avoids.   Pello was born of a prominent family within The Veld . He was the fourth son, and like any family of wealth he was expected to earn his own place. His eldest brother would inherit his father's farm, and thus he had to form his own path. He left his family stead when he was barely fourteen, taking some gold from his father, a staff, and a sword he didn't know how to use.   He ended up at the Jade Tower more out of curiosity than anything else. Having lost much of his money and with no sense of where he was going or what he was doing, he joined the trials for something to do, and in the hopes of gaining magic, which seemed to offer him power in a way he hadn't had before. No-one was more surprised that he passed than him. Since that time he had made some regret that he had joined them, but become an indespensible part of the Tower's world. No-one else knows best how to bring in the luxuries that make life living and his home brewed mead is said to be the best there is at the Tower.   He worries for his friends; Elena has become a powerful figure, obviously with ambition to become a Master within the Tower. As for Kosef, that is another story.
Neutral Good
Year of Birth
205 AF 35 Years old
Blonde and Fine, shoulder length.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization


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