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Elena , of the Jade Tower

Elena of the Jade Tower was born in the north of the Veld, the daughter of a Tulk thrall and her Veldfolk Master. Elena's youth was pleasant enough, her father was kindly to all his children and her relative status to his true-born children was seldom a problem. Even the strangeness that followed the girl, the way it seemed her childish talk to the river or the wind was sometimes answered, or when she was found idly tracing runes in the sand, did not disturb her life.   Sadly, her father Perish while on Raids in her seventh year and his wife and eldest son were left with less inclination of fondness towards Elena and her mother and less means to support a large household. Elena and her mother were 'freed' and sent on their way. Elena's mother did was she could, and the pair travelled farther and farther south, seeking perhaps some long forgotten family of their mothers. Elena didn't know when or why her mother decided the Jade Tower must be their destination, but the pair was ill-equipped to journey on foot into the mountains to find that place of learning. Yet find it they did. Her mother did not long survive the journey, but the Arch-mage and the other Masters honoured her dedication by educating Elena.   Elena has thus always grown up with a sense of both the precariousness of the world, and a sense of duty to the Tower as the place that took her in. She was a studious and dedicated student, and this stood in stark juxtaposition to her friends Pollo and Kosef . In some ways Kosef's banishment from the Tower only confirmed for her how careful she must be to understand and control herself and magic.   She has grown into a Wizard of some power herself now, and equally inspired by what she has seen of her old friends journeys and ballooning magical prowess has journeyed through Dwarven Lands, to old Giant Holds, to try and unravel more of their ancient magic.   Kosef summoned her to assist him in unravelling the mysteries of how to restore the prison of Angrboða  and more importantly to preserve that knoweldge and pass it to the Jade tower, ensuring that if something happened to Kosef, it wouldn't pass from the world.   Despite assisting in measures against Jarl Magnus , she eventually took that knowledge back to the tower at Kosef's insistence.

Personality Characteristics


To become a Master of the Jade Tower, to safeguard others from the misuse of magic, and to discover new and powerful magics.
Character Location
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Lawful Good
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Year of Birth
209 AF 31 Years old
Pale Blue
Dirty Blonde Shoulder Length, usually kept tied back or free.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
A Rosy Pink with a small sprinkling of freckles
Aligned Organization


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