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Princess Regan was raised on the Isle of Il, born King Diskel and the third of his fifth children.  Born to his second wife, she is the only one of his children who manifests their mother's elven blood and lineage.   Growing up this made her an object of both fascination and wariness among the people, for the humans of the Island of Il have long had a strained relationship with their Elven neighbours.    That she was beautiful, skilled in all manner of craft, music and the other arts a princess must pursue, did not lay these fears.  Nor the hint of strangeness that followed her and seemed to touch at the edges of her speech even as a child.   As an Adult she was married to Jarl Bjornkarl in a political marriage to cement an alliance between the Isle of Il and Bjornkarl's realm.  This marriage was frought, as Jarl Magnus sent agents to disrupt the retrieval of Regan from the Island by the Firestarters.   Regan was at the heart of another Mystery, as the Giants of The Fire Islands seem to have a particular animosity for her, having sent servants to both devastate the land surrounding Jotunvaag and target her in particular.   She has supported her husband throughout their marriage and born him a son, Agnar, who does not appear to have his mothers Elven legacy.


Family Ties

She is the eldest Daughter and Third of Five Children to King Driskal.  She, like her younger sister and brother,  are the products of the king's second wife, Nora Half-Elven, whose own grand-father(and thus Regan's Great-Grandfather) was said to be an elf.   This Elf has, in recent years confirmed his paternity of this family line, and is known in Elven circles only as The Gardener

Religious Views

As Frue to Jarl Bjornkarl , she is responsible for assisting in an assortment of religious rituals to the Aesir and Vanir .  These she does with as much devotion and attention as anyone could ask, and she has been above reproach in these regards.   This is perhaps because her own personal religious beliefs are somewhat hidden.  Her homeland is religiously pluralistic, with a combination of veneration for the Gods, the emerging power of the Church of the White Ash, and other, older beliefs.  Most think, given the privacy of her own devotion that she holds to these later rites, though others whisper that perhaps her Elven ancestors have her inducted into one of their strange cults.




Towards Jarl Bjornkarl


Jarl Bjornkarl


Towards Regan


Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Year of Birth
217 AF 23 Years old
The Island of Il
Jarl Bjornkarl (Husband)
Waist-Length Walnut Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White with a small selection of freckles
170 cm
55 kg
Known Languages
Beyond her Homelands language of Tallish , she is also known to be highly conversant in Veld and Elven .


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