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The Tulk are a human ethnicity most common in the southern parts of The Veld , and the Northern Southern Kingdoms .  The Tulk are highly diverse, united only by loose language ties.  As a people somewhat caught betweeen other, waring groups, they have absorbed much, linguistically, culturally and in terms of blood-lines from their neighbouring peoples.   While the typical Tulk is imagined as a squat brown haired person of moderate build compared to say the Veldfolk , a wide range of body types, hair and eye colours, and other physical features are not uncommon.  Blonde and Red Hair are as common as Brown, and strange traits like Orange or Green eyes are not uncommon.   The Tulk's central perception of themselves is of a people of adaptibility and work.  The Fisherman of the Northern Sea, the Farmer of the lower hills, the craftsmen of the larger towns, all see themselves as representing a spirit of work in the world.  While a warrior or a priest may rule or be seen as above the common stock, it is that common stock that defines the Tulk.


Major language groups and dialects

Shared customary codes and values

The Tulk have a highly diverse set of values, such that only a few things can be seen as near universal.  With differing religous beliefs, leaders, geographies and professions.  Keeping ones word is seen in general as a mark of civilization and honour.  As is respecting ones family, and honouring ones parents.  'Kinslayer' is one of the darkest accusations among the Tulk, the murder of family universally seen as heinous.

Common Dress code

Men favour tunics and hose, though will adopt trousers if they are in a more northerly climate.  Those with a small measure of coin will also have a belt and cloak, hoods on the later, or hats among the middle classes are also common.  Women tend to wear layered dresses, along with aprons, though those of a more martial bend may adopt some aspects of Male clothing.  Men typically do not wear jewelery, save for rings on the hands, and this is only common among the wealthy in towns or the nobility.  Women made wear nacklaces, rings, bracelets, or similar.  Ear piercing has become a common ornamentation for women who can afford it.

Art & Architecture

The Tulk adopt much of their architecture from the surrounding peoples; they favour waddle and draub, or wooden structures, build around wooden frames, though stone is becoming more common as a building material, especially in towns.  The sturdy framed house with slanted roof over stone foundation is becoming a very common Tulk dwelling.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

There are many different rites, based in religious belief, for the Tulk, but in general they wait a full moon cycle of Twenty-Eight days before naming a child.  The same sex parent of the Child is usually charged with producing the name, though the nearest relative may step in.  Children who die before being named are thought to become Will-o-Wisps, glowing spirits who lead travellers astray.  Naming a child early however, is thought to bring on the Wisps, and other misfortunes.

Coming of Age Rites

Children of all sexes are considered adults around their fourteenth year.  At that time they are vested with the tools of their respective trade; often something simple like a needle and thread or sickle for a peasant, something more elaborate like a book or abacus for a merchant or scholar, and a sword is traditional for a noble.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Burial is the most common method of dealing with the dead.  Those of common birth is often intured in catacombs, often governed over by the Church of the White Ash .  Wealthier people may have their private tombs and burial mounds are also common.  People are often buried with Grave-goods representing their lives, something similar to what is received at adulthood is common.    Catacombs are dark places few venture save when the dead are being intured; fear of the Undead is very common among the Tulk, wth a variety of items, amulets, and rituals to protect oneself from angry ghosts, risen skeletal remains, ravenous ghouls or who knows what else.


Beauty Ideals

The Tulk hold to notions of simplicity in Aesthetics and thus to Beauty.  Their beauty standards are somewhat gendered.  While shaving is not uncommon, bears are still generally regarded as manly, though only if well kept.  Shorter hair for men is common with Longer hair for women being a broad, if not universal norm.  Fuller physiques are a beauty ideal for both genders, as are well formed legs.  A demonstration of one being well fed with curves that are common among the upper classes has become a common beauty expectation.
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