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Elinor Sterling

The Right Honorable The Viscountess Sterling (a.k.a. El)


Elinor Sterling

Younger Sister

Towards *late* Lord Davinor Sterling


*late* Lord Davinor Sterling

Older Brother

Towards Elinor Sterling


The Second-born to the late Jaereth Sterling and Head of Sterling Mine Operations; focused on the improvement of the financial workings of the family's estate.

View Character Profile
Lawful Neutral
Date of Birth
Dark Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Employment Pay for The Sterling Mines Co.
Profession | May 12, 2024
The Bristlebreakers
Character | Apr 24, 2024
Owen Hilgrove - Sterling Mines Secretary
Character | Apr 24, 2024

A Season of Change
1st September 813

I fear I may not survive the social season.   Truly!   The day started well enough. We arrived with plenty of time to the palace, even Dominic managed to make it with his detour.   I was able to spend most of the soiree on the outskirts of the crowd, though I did have some pleasant conversation with Countess and Earl Blumett. It was not a chance occurrence that I enjoyed their company so much during tea. Conversation flows so naturally with Lady Blumett, though she does seem to carry the same enjoyment of my floundering as Davinor did. She may have tried to hide it, but I was still able to see her amusement when Lord Mica Boulderton came to make his greetings with me.   Consider my surprise, however, when I found myself face to face with the Queen. I did not expect her to take any interest in me and especially did not see her having any opinions on who I would give my attentions to. Who are the Sterlings to her but a newly gentrified family, balancing on the dagger’s edge of tumbling back into obscurity. Of course, Uncle Oliver is a favorite of hers, but he was that long before our family found their new presence among the aristocracy.   Her Majesty suggested speaking to Lady Annallee Ashton. It is well known to all that Lady Ashton is considered the most eligible bachelorette, baring the crown prince and princess, for this year’s season. I had already accepted that it would be very unlikely for a Sterling to make a match with one such as her. All that besides, I do not believe I am in possession of the type of personality that would be of interest to the Lady Ashton based on reputation alone.   Which, speaking of, Lady Annallee Ashton certainly lived up to that reputation. She was every bit as fiery and… alluring as I have heard tale of. When I walked up to the small crowd of individuals seemingly enraptured by her presence, I very much expected to be openly laughed at before taking my leave with my metaphorical tail between my legs.   Imagine my surprise when not only did Lady Ashton not laugh in my face, but showed interest in me. It was different from the attraction Lady Dahlia showed in me. Lady Ashton made me feel wanted physically, perhaps even sexually if her inner thoughts were any indication. I am… unused to being the object of anyone’s fancy, the Lord Boulderton aside.   Now it seems that I have two. Well… I had two. Lady Dahlia’s reaction to Lady Annallee and I conversing seems I may have ruined that chance at courtship before it had the opportunity to start. I still wish to call on her, if not to clear the air, then to give my gift. Hopefully it will still bring her some inkling of joy, even if I cannot.

The Journal Entry’s title

Begin writing your story here...

Storybook Beginnings
27th August 813

It always seems that once I make a decision, the universe decides to come through and make a mess of things.   I awoke to a knock on my door, at much too early an hour considering the time I was finally able to retire last night after drinks in the Blumett den. Thinking that it would be Dove or some other member of staff, I answered in my house coat and was quite shocked to see Lady Dahlia. To say I made a fool of myself during our conversation is an understatement to be sure. She was there to invite me to take in the sunrise together.   With Dove nowhere to be seen considering the hour, Lady Dahlia was kind enough to lend her own lady’s maid to my albeit fruitless cause. She managed to get me presentable in enough time to join Lady Dahlia on horseback. We rode along the grounds, through acres and acres of rolling hills and bountiful orchards. The fruit from these trees is some of the most delectable that I have had the chance to try. Finally we arrived at the hilltop she had spoken of, a picnic breakfast awaiting us.   It felt like something out of a storybook. It is also making my intentions of creating distance between myself and the Blumett heir very difficult. I feel so out of my depth with her, but I just want to keep wading deeper and deeper. Goddess help me and my resolve.

Blooming in Friendship
26th August 813

Tonight was pleasant and most surprising.   I believe I have found a kinship with the Lady Dahlia. If I am to be frank, I have discovered a similar connection with her mother as well. Both are scholars of remarkable intelligence, a trait that I did not fully anticipate. Our conversation flowed with ease and I was captivate by their depth of knowledge and insight.   Reflecting on my time with Lora, I see now that my feelings were rooted in a fascination with her intellect. Never before had I encountered someone my own age that matched my mental acuity. It both vexed and frustrated me, leaving me unable to free my mind of thoughts of her.   Conversation with Dahlia flowed freely and I found my ill ease fading with each minute that we spent at that table.   Upon my return, I found a hot towel delivered by the most curious of creeping vines - a clear testament to the Druidic magic of the Blumetts. The thistle atop betrayed the identity of the sender. While the exact meaning of this gesture eludes me, the gift itself brought a warmth to my heart as comforting as the towel itself. I must think of a gift to reciprocate this gesture.   For so long, I have deemed myself unlovable due to my many rough edges and sharp points, my interests in the academic as opposed to those “normal” of a lady in society. Perhaps what I truly needed was someone who appreciates me because of these qualities, not in spite of them. Lady Dahlia's presence and our connection have sparked a hope within me that I scarcely dared to entertain.   Yet, I find myself yearning to share this experience with my brother. I can almost hear his teasing remarks about the matter. No doubt Dominic and Nicholas will have their share of jests, but strangely, I care little for their opinions at this moment. The prospect of a budding connection with Lady Dahlia outweighs all else… but I still cannot help the logical part of me trying to warn that this has all moved too suddenly.   My purpose in society is to secure an advantageous match to help further my family’s standing within society. While Dahlia, and the Blumetts, are well-established and powerful, it would be selfish of me to not try and find what would help the family most.   For the sake of my family, I will not be blind to the other matches presented to me. I will not let Dahlia Blumett blind me to what my goal this season is…  


This morning began in the usual manner with Dove arriving in my quarters early with correspondence from Owen, as well as the Blumetts. Troubling news awaited me. One of our ships was battered against some coastal rocks during the recent storms amd upon inspection is unusable in its current state. This is going to severely cut down production, especially after the days that were lost due to the hurricane. This represents a major blow to the mining operations, but I was not put into this position merely because of my name. I sent ahead a missive to Owen with ideas on how to get our production running again at full capacity. It is my hope that one of these measures will mitigate the impact on our bottom line.   Dominic was nearly unbearable this morning at breakfast. I cannot understand the reasoning behind his behavior towards the staff as of late. Given our closeness in age, he should recall the times when our family lacked the wealth and titles we now enjoy. I spoke with him on the matter, but as usual, my words seemed to fall on deaf ears, and he appeared to mock my concerns instead.   Mother and I received an invitation from the Blumetts for tea, as well as an opportunity to stay the night at their estate. I have little to say about this. If it were my option I would reject the invitation. I possess no interest in discussing perfumes and lace and even less in discussing suitors. Nonetheless, we have an image to uphold, and the family’s future takes precedence over my personal inclinations.   I am resigned to accept my fate. With Davinor no longer here to continue on our line of the family, the responsibility falls on me. While the Sterlings would endure through Nicolas and Dominic, I cannot bear to add to my mother's sorrow by refusing to marry.   I will take part in this societal game. I do not care to lose.   I must send out a letter in haste, hopefully ahead of my mother’s, to accept…   ---   I saw Davinor again today. Perhaps these strange apparitions are merely a result of stress. Or have I gone well and truly mad?

A Decision Made

It has been decided, in the best interests of our family, that I shall assume responsibility for the mining operations left vacant by my father and brother. I embrace this decision with earnestness, for my uncle and cousins, who stand beside me, were as pivotal in the establishment of our family’s bank as I.   I am only human, however, and in the quiet recesses of my heart a melancholy settles. I devoted years to my pursuits, only to find myself retracing steps I once thought I left behind.   Nevertheless, the unity and strength of our family stand paramount. With unwavering resolve, I shall dedicate myself to the advancement of the Sterling name.  
  • E
  • Three Days Post Deaths

    This morning, I broke my fast in solitude, a circumstance that stirred within me a disquietude. My appetite, scarce as it has been of late, fails to reclaim its usual vigor. Days have passed in a haze of arrangements, the weighty burden of funeral preparations pressing upon me with an unexpected gravity. The intricacies and demands of organizing funerals have proven far more burdensome than I had anticipated. The demands of business, too, clamor incessantly for attention, leaving scant moments for respite.   The affairs of the bank, a source of no small concern, linger heavy upon my mind. I am left to trust in the diligence of others, praying that matters proceed favorably in my absence.   My mother, consumed by her sorrow, has withdrawn from all company, including mine. I do not fault her for this retreat, I expect it shall be some time before she emerges from the shadow of her grief. Oh, how acutely I feel the absence of my brother.   - E


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