
Selene, also known as Sehanine, Aramal, Mystryl, Enoreth, Solonor, and The Mother, known by the title of the Lady of Dreams, is the goddess of love, dreams, death, archery, fertility, travel, liminality, and the second moon, Selene. She is the patron deity of the Tsukito. She is the primary partner of Corellon, and the mother of Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn, Lolth, and Vecna. To followers of Eilistraee, Selene was the impregnator of Eilistraee's virgin birth. She wielded an artifact known as The Moonbow. The month of Aramair is named after her.
  Selene, along with Corellon and Melora, was one of the chief deities of the Seldarine. This triumvirate was known as the Angharradh.
  Worshipers of the Seldarine believed that, after they died, their souls went to the moon of Selene. While there, their memories were purged and their souls were then sent to Arvandor. When their souls were reincarnated, the memories that had been purged were sent back to them in the form of dreams.


Selene was depicted as an elven woman with blueish-black, shoulder-length hair. She has deep blue eyes and wears long white and grey robes. In her hands, she holds The Moonbow.


Selene is a very motherly goddess, caring for her worshipers, especially lovers and children. She is very serene and passive, but sensitive as well.


See The Curse of Winter, The Firstborn, Lolth, Vecna, The First Lycanthropes


To the elves, Selene is known as Sehanine. As Aramal, she is worshiped as a goddess of love, and as Mystryl, she is worshiped as a goddess of dreams. As Enoreth, she is worshiped as a goddess of death, and as Solonor, she is worshiped as a goddess of archery. To worshipers of the Luvera Orthodoxy, she is known as The Mother.

Divine Domains

Clerics of Selene are usually of the Grave and Light domains. Some clerics chose to exemplify her Knowledge and Life aspects.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Selene has two symbols: a crescent moon and a bow. Sometimes, these two symbols were portrayed together.


Selene's holy day is Caradina, celebrated on the first full Selene of Aramair. It is a celebration of love, usually romantic love. On this day, many lovers give each other gifts or celebrate the holiday together.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Divine Classification
Chaotic Good
Year of Birth
130000 TE 131365 Years old