
Dehlonn, also known as Rillithane, Hiate, Mielik, Diancet, and Skerrit, and known by the title of The Floral Lord, is the god of plants and medicine. He is the eldest son of Corellon and Melora, and the older brother of Obad-hai and Kord. He is the patron god of the Fhianna and the Firbolg.


Dehlonn is depicted as an olive skinned elven man. He is often shown with brown hair and brown eyes. He carries a staff and wears flowing green robes and a flower crown. He is sometimes depicted riding the unicorn Lurue.


Dehlonn is a peaceful god, and wishes for kindness to all living things. He was known to use his healing talents for all those who needed it, regardless of who they were. He is often seen as being very shy.


Dehlonn was born the eldest son of Corellon and Melora , and the older brother of Obad-hai and Kord. He was born sometime during the Firstborn Era.   According to some myths, Dehlonn was the one who was responsible for bringing plantlife into the world.   Dehlonn was also the god who healed Bascka from his madness. He had a tenuous friendship with the god, as he valued his contributions to medicine as the god of drugs, but also was displeased with him and his sister Lugha taking his role as the sole patron deity of the Satyr race. The idiom "like Skerrit and Bascka" was commonly used to describe two people who seemed to enjoy and hate each other at the same time, yet who always made up in the end.   Dehlonn created the first fauns from reeds, and breathed on them twice, one breath being warm and the other cool, to bring them to life. He tasked the fauns with watching over his domains, and promised them that as long as they did so, his power would make them immortal. However, if they ever stepped out of his lands, they would lose his protection. The fauns stood by this task for centuries, until one day, the fauns noticed Bascka and Lugha walking along the road outside their protectorate, with Bascka singing and Lugha playing on her viol. When the fauns asked what they were doing, the gods told them that they were enjoying life. Seeing that the satyrs were puzzled by this, Bascka and Lugha invited the fauns to join them for a party. The fauns agreed, and danced, drank, and played music for what seemed like ages. Elsewhere, Dehlonn heard this commotion, and decided to investigate. When he exited the wilds, he was shocked to find his guardians reveling with the Horned Twins. He called out to the fauns, and almost immediately they snapped out of their stupor. Looking down, the fauns were astonished to find that their bodies had changed; like the two gods they partied with, they had grown horns, and they found that their lower halves had changed into that of a goat. Embarrassed, they looked sheepishly towards the god that had created them, and began to slink towards the forest, but Dehlonn stopped them. He observed how happy the fauns seemed while they were carousing, and he gave them a choice. As a consequence for leaving their post, he would not transform them back into the form they once had; however, if they wished to leave the hinterland and live the life of a hedonist, they were completely free to, as long as they understood that doing so would make them mortal. The fauns agreed to this, and some decided to return with Dehlonn to the wilds, while others chose to travel alongside Bascka and Lugha. The fauns that went with the Horned Twins became known as the first Satyrs.   Dehlonn was also a central figure in the creation myth of the Centaurs and Unicorns. According to myth, the Lapith tribe were getting aggravated at the fey that protected one of Dehlonn's favourite forests, preventing the Lapith from using the forest for logging. One night, the chief of the Lapith devised a plan to overtake the fey and slaughter them all, leaving the forest free for the taking. The chief's horse, a mare named Lurue, overheard their plans, and ran two days and three nights to warn Dehlonn of their plans. Lurue found Dehlonn, and travelling with the god on her back, they arrived at the forest just in time to see the cavalry march up to the edge of the forest. The chief of the Lapith, who was horseless, saw Dehlonn and Lurue in the distance. Irate at what his horse had done, he fired an arrow that struck Lurue directly in the forehead, killing her. Shocked and enraged, Dehlonn summoned a mass of vines that eviscerated the army, horse and men alike. When he finished, he realized what he had done, and was overcome with guilt. Unable to completely restore the bodies to their full form, he resurrected the Lapith by combining both tribesperson and horse together, creating the first Centaurs. In thanks for warning him of the incoming army, Dehlonn resurrected Lurue, turning the arrow in her head into a magical horn, making Lurue the first ever Unicorn.


As the god of medicine, Dehlonn is worshipped under the name Diancet. As the patron deity of druids and rangers, he is known as Mielik. To elves, he is known as Rillithane, to firbolgs, he is known as Hiate, and to fey, he is known as Skerrit, a neutral deity.

Divine Domains

Clerics of Dehlonn are usually of the Nature, Life, and Grave domains.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Ehlonna's symbol is a unicorn.


Dehlonn's holy day is Ustam, celebrated on Agoroth 11. On this day, many faithful gifted each other with bouquets and flowers.
Divine Classification
Neutral Good

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