
Melora, also known as Silvana, Eldath, Sashela, Wusa-Re, and Shinare, and known by the title of the Wildmother, is the goddess of nature, seafaring, aquatic creatures, waterfalls, springs, rivers, lakes, and the ocean. She is the patron deity of the Hantula and the Wahkan. She is the mother of Ehlonna, Obad-hai, and Kord with Corellon. The month of Eldair is named after her.   Melora, along with Corellon and Selene, was one of the chief deities of the Seldarine. This triumvirate was known as the Angharradh. As well, she was the de facto of most forms of the Thanadar.  


Melora was usually portrayed as a brown-skinned, tanned elf woman. She has long, dark brown hair caked with salt, and blueish-green eyes. She commonly was portrayed with a short skirt.   As Wusa-Re, she is depicted as a brown furred humanoid with bird wings, jackal ears, bovine horns, and a cat tail. She wears similar version of her dress from her elvish depictions, as well as wearing jewelry. She wore a golden mask as well, with the face on the mask depending on what species was worshiping her.


Compared to other deities, Melora comes off as an impartial goddess. She answered prayers to those who promised to respect and give back to the natural world. To her, she has given all the gifts that she can to the people of Crith already. However, to those who continually exploited the natural world without giving anything back, she was a furious and relentless goddess.  


See The Firstborn, The Rebirth of the Elves, the Dawn War, Ehlonna, Obad-hai, Kord  


As Silvana, Melora is worshiped as a goddess of non-aquatic nature, specifically regions such as forests and deserts. Under the name Eldath, she is worshiped as a neutral good goddess of smaller bodies of water, such as waterfalls, springs, rivers, and lakes. To the elves, she is known as Sashela, and to the wahkan, she is known as Wusa-Re. As Shinare, she is worshiped as a goddess of sailors and travelers.

Divine Domains

Clerics of Melora are usually of the Nature, Tempest, and Life domains.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Melora's symbol is a clockwise spiral. This symbol is usually shown carved into a seashell or stone.


Melora's holy day is Katalam, celebrated on the fourth Melath of Eldair. It is a celebration of nature, usually to do with water or the ocean.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Year of Birth
130000 TE 131365 Years old