
Kord, also known as Rellavar, Dol, Tempus, Kozah, and Kaminari, and known by the title of the Stormlord, is the god of weather, storms, sky, athletics, and martial arts. He is the son of Corellon and Melora, and the youngest brother of Ehlonna and Obad-hai. He is the husband of Eadro. He is one of two patron deities of the Orc race, and is their creator. He is also the creator of the mythical Grugach.


Kord is depicted as a muscular, tanned, human man, with a long white beard and long wavy white hair. He has blue eyes, and is depicted either wearing only trousers or no clothes at all.


Kord is a straightforward and courageous deity. While not stupid, he preferred using might over wits at all times. He is described as being "as emotional and temperate as the weather", being seen as both short-tempered and quick to forgive.


Kord was born the youngest child of Corellon and Melora. He was born sometime during the Firstborn Era. According to some myths, Kord was the one responsible for bringing weather into the world. One myth even said that he created the first rainstorms for Eadro. While Kord was walking along a coastline, Eadro and his eyes met, and they both fell in love. Kord wished for Eadro to join him on the surface, but Eadro was unable to, being a creature of the water. Eadro also wished for Kord to join him in the water, but Kord was unable to, being a creature of the land. They were both immensely saddened by this, until Eadro had an idea. Eadro asked for Kord to make a cloud, and when he did so, Eadro surfaced and splashed some seawater into the cloud. The cloud grew heavy, and the water fell from the cloud, creating the first rainstorm. As the rain fell, both Kord and Eadro were overcome with joy, and met on the beach together for the first time.   Kord was also the creator of the first Orcs. After seeing many of the gods create their own races, Kord wished to create his own. He wished for his race to be the strongest and most athletic out of all the races. To accomplish this, Kord traveled the world, and gathered five aspects that he believed he would need - the craftiness of a dwarf, the tenacity of a human, the strength of a Giant, the bulk of a boar, and the senses of a wolf. Gathering these, he coalesced all of them into a cloud, and turned that cloud into a great storm. The storm thundered for 30 days straight, and every time a lightning bolt struck the earth, a new Orc rose from the ashes.   Kord played a role in the story of Gruumsh. When Gruumsh prepared to attack the Maalgar-Vartai tribe, Kord struck him directly with a bolt of lightning, which severely wounded him, and would have killed him if not for the intervention of Luthic and Yurtrus


As a chaotic good god of athletics, Kord is worshiped under the name Dol, and as Tempus is worshiped as a god of war. To elves, he is known as Rellavar. To the orcs, he had two names. To Obolinn orcs, he was known as Kozah, and to Fujin and Raijin orcs, he is known as Kaminari.

Divine Domains

Clerics of Kord are usually of the Tempest and War domains. Some chose to exemplify his Nature and Light aspects.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Kord's symbol is a lightning bolt. Some faithful choose to use shields with four lightning bolts on them as a holy symbol.


Kord's holiday is Kartam, on Aramair 25th. During Kartam, many towns and cities held martial tournaments.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Chaotic Neutral

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