2023/03/14: Fungicide aftermath Report

General Summary

Knight, Ril, Ba'alzamon, Eldrin, Union, Zaran, Sith   The party set about using various kinds of divination to inspect the recovered artifacts. The Libram of Identification, legend lore, Arcanum's Lore, a 3D scan with voice analysis, improved identify, and even a visit to Ythomb and Memnon by Ril and Union. The latter two are, respectively, a titan and a primordial dragon playing chess just inside the adventuring bar at Castle Fallingstar.   Apparently the ancient valheru crown of radiance can work for everyone with at least a drop of valheru blood. Since the valheru "were sluts", this extends to most standard races, including pretty much all of humanity. If you don't have that blood, though, the crown might take your head off rather than protecting it.   Knight went into the moat to find what happened to the missing enemy adventuring party. He found a little hut he didn't recognize, with chanting coming from inside. He dashed back up to the city to grab anyone interested in quickly dealing with this. Zaran, Ril, and Union were on hand.   Zaran recognized that the ritual was a very mathematically precise sermon. Souls were streaming in towards the hut. Knight went up to knock, but the door ground open before him. Inside were several individuals with tall standards/polearms and one apparent priest chanting at an altar. "So-To-Ka". Investigation revealed that these were a priest and guards devoted to Osiris, and they were putting wandering spirits to rest. With no responses to conversation beyond stamping their standards when people mentioned the realm of the dead, the group left them alone.   Zaran took the Stone of Ur and planted it in his hoard, back in his lair in another dimension. It's doing its thing, whatever that is. Union took the bronze sword with all the fractals. It's slowly and continuously attuning to him. After a day, its engravings took on a slight purple glow. Eldrin took the Icon of Zahoul and Husk of Galesh and stuck them in a lead-lined, temporally stasised box borrowed from Ba'alzamon. Durrian tried on the crown, and discovered that an awe aura gets old really fast.   Union opened the scroll case, looked at the scroll, and suddenly he had the knowledge of how to create the super material mythium. He also had a compulsion to go and make some, and started wandering into a nearby house and gathering random items, not responding to anyone around him. Knight restrained him and carried him over to the storehouse, where he gathered more items and started wandering off again. At this point Knight decided enough was enough and gathered everyone around for a dream nail strike to see about driving off the possession. The strike broke the compulsion, and Union didn't remember anything after opening the scroll.   Ril activated the small runed stone, and a portal opened, out of which came a long-necked, graceful looking grey and blue horse. It's a temporal destrier. Essentially a horse-shaped time elemental.   Union tried on the slippers. They automatically resize to fit and stay on, but they can come off again with a thought.  
Assorted notes from Knight
  • Inspect and split loot
  • Reward allies for aid
  • Ba'alzamon would like some mithril and mithril crystals. "However much you think is fair." Need numbers on how much we have, check what purposes he might want them for.
  • Knight didn't participate in the first round of loot distribution, letting the others have first choice and foregoing one of his selections.
  • Repair city (in progress thanks to Ba'alzamon)
  • Heal and reincarnate/rez dead spiders (results already determined)
  • Try to figure out what those things a bunch of the reincarnates turned into are.
  • Interrogate corpses Ba'alzamon took home.
  • He took them to have Blythe reanimate them as improved undead and have them answer questions.
  • Thank General Jarkeld for his work and debrief him on strategic analysis of battle. Find out how dangerous these adventuring parties were and whether the usual high-level defenders can take them.
  • The adventurers, including the formians, have access to healing, various elemental types, some pretty good fighters, and some devices that acted as demolition charges that could turn large sections of wall into acid. At least one was deflecting arrows while the others set the charges.
  • The drow had some better adventurers, particularly the ones going for our gargantuan spider.
  • Three parties of formians, three of drow. One party of drow was going for spider king, the others were to cause damage and loot. Two formian groups were going for the walls, the third was going for leaders.
  • The usual high-level adventurer defenders should be able to handle such attackers.
  • Check if Galesh had bounties on him from other Old Ones.
  • Probably Eldrin handling this.
  • Visit Mithangor to see if he was able to use the hydra skulls for anything.
  • Not yet.
  • Adventuring party disappeared under the city.
  • Osiris worshiper and his guards drawing wandering spirits to the afterlife.
  • First mithril payout is in.
  • 5.9 million gold. This isn't including cut going to Avalon, so it comes out as less for me. This is a bit under estimates, thanks to battles and initial infrastructure setup.
  • 885,000 gold going to Avalon
  • 590,000 gold going to Druin Kraz
  • 4,425,000 gold to New Hallownest
  • Ba'alzamon bought 100k worth of mithril and 100k worth of mithril crystals. (I.e. 20 lbs. of mithril and one crystal.)
  • Ba'alzamon offered the services of the Horde as mercenaries. He'd like them to be fighting something useful rather than fighting each other and/or his neighbors.
  • "Led" by General Darghest.
  • Darghest has plans, so it would have to be relatively short-term. Apparently they're planning to go invade someplace called Teresia.
  • There's a guy named Ben who's the real leader of the Horde. He tends to take violent offense to things. (Benregal?), the Demon of Wrath.
  • Sahib's little sister is named Tahitha. She sometimes handles divination in Sahib's place. Getting involved with the family business. They're both shadow djinn.
  • "Sahib" isn't actually Sahib's name, it's his title. He refuses to give his real name.
  • Was Xivrix, the spider champion's short sword candidate, one of the spiders who died to the adventurers?
  • No. He was wounded, but he lived.
  • Six of the soldiers summoned by Ba'alzamon to defend New Hallownest were accidentally made permanent, pulling them (or copying them?) from Dominaria. The ritual's overcharge had these few side effects. Ba'alzamon gave them a few +5 magic weapons and some gold and sent them to Alvidar as the heroes they are.
  • If you go far enough west from Thesk, you'll get to Brugardess. It's like a standard D&D setting, but with Norse gods. Thor isn't so popular anymore there, now it's more Heimdall and Tyr.
  • A small secret society, into some life magic cult, were the ones to try to bind Ben and who made him angry. They apparently each have a "secret" name that they use for cult stuff. Sounds like they're political dissidents. "Fight against the man, overthrow the power" vibe. Black Zeta and Blue Two seem to be some of their leaders.
  • The country they come from is pretty standard humanoid government. More elemental magic than anything else. There's an emperor chosen every few years. The dissidents aren't particularly popular.
  • Ba'alzamon took Knight to visit his city so that if Knight needs to teleport there in the future, he knows how. Introduced to guards so they don't eat him.
  • Former general of the Horde runs the guard.
  • Ba'alzamon will be setting up a permanent doorway between New Hallownest and Ba'alzamon's city, which can only be opened by Ba'alzamon and Knight. He and Allen (possibly) will be setting up a long-term teleport ward over New Hallownest.
  • If New Hallownest ever needs to evacuate, they can go to Ba'alzamon's city, Guardia. There are plenty of unoccupied buildings, as it's got a population of about 1000. Knight offered the same in return.
  • The houses have foot thick stone walls, 30 feet tall, 20x20. Livable space about a mile across. Hexagonal city. Walls are 100 feet thick and 50 feet tall. And they regenerate, thanks to the city being built on a major leyline.
  • Knight will have his own house in the city.
  • Knight will be introduced to Barib, an old wizard who got pulled into the Horde and trapped there. Essentially Ba'alzamon's charity project.
  • He absolutely hates adventuring. Loves researching. Ba'alzamon's goal is to set him up to just research whatever he likes for the rest of his life.
  • Knight will be introduced to Ba'al's apprentices.
  • Need to talk to Zess and get more mercenaries.
  • Character(s) interacted with

    Blythe Derguil, Memnon, Ythomb, Osiris priest

    Created Content


  • Memnon is the primordial dragon of fire and earth from Zenogovia.
  • Abjurer named Ripley was old friend of Ba'alzamon, Ril, and Sith. Bad things (the Order of Oblivion) kept kicking his door in, and he suffered from actual paranoia. Eventually he snapped and faked his death, blaming the Order of Oblivion convincingly enough to trick his best friends. An extremely skilled abjurer, specialized in wards. Unfolding his trickery took time reversal, among other things. He's now living with the dragon riders of Kaelund.
  • Torenon used to be a big archvillain type in scary armor. 20/20/20 fighter wizard cleric. But he chronically underperformed, mostly due to terrible luck. Part of the Order of Oblivion.
  • Ba'alzamon's whole city is a giant summoning circle.
  • Ba'alzamon had kept Ripley's tower as a shrine for a long time, but now that he knows Ripley isn't dead, he's planning to turn it into a summoning center.
  • Ba'alzamon was a child soldier, taught to fight as soon as he could throw a spell, and is an expert in warfare. He came from Dominaria in MtG. Whenever he tries to go home, he ends up in the future or the past, as MtG spins weirdly in relation to Renedge.
  • In the past, Buzz was lonely, so he built himself a family. His "son" is Junior. 5 years old. 40 Str, 30? Con, can run at 200 mph, and has a bunch of other odd abilities. To get over the fact that technomantic creations usually make animals hostile, Buzz made animals really like Junior, to the point that observers thought he was a ranger.
  • Life lesson from Ba'alzamon: DO NOT PHOTOCOPY RUNIC. It can explode, and the explosion does weird things.
  • It turns out runic and power words are closely related.
  • Tholl (sp?) was a half troll, half stone giant who became one of Ba'alzamon's familiars. By accident. And is now Ba'alzamon's tree.
  • Campaign
    Renedge Campaign
    Knight of Darkhome
    Eldrin Stormseeker
    Ba'alzamon Dreamender
    Report Date
    15 Mar 2023
    Primary Location
    Secondary Location


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