Investigate the void beast attack on Sith's Tower

Just as Adrienne was trying to act to save Sith and his allies from a Corruption bomb in the lair of the vampire lord Ragross, unknown individuals released some sort of void wolf beast into Sith's Tower. It appeared and attempted to stop Adrienne from coming to her husband's rescue. Chaz-Achk-Thuum, who was standing in for Sith at the time, barely managed to destroy the beast before it could kill him, and he was severely wounded in the process. Our heroes must find out what happened and track down those responsible.




Asafaela, Treantra, various dangers in Sith's Tower.



The adventure will take place in the chaotic dungeon that is the depths of Sith's Tower. What can be found there, no one living knows.
Completion Date
August 27th, 23 ARL


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